Hello everyone.
When I first posted here I claimed some virtual snogs in celebration of my "newbie" status.
Well I have been away a very long time, do I qualify as a repeat newbie ? I know I am not strictly new anymore but where snogs are concerned I am just plain greedy. So can I still claim my newbie snog ? ( Will accept from any gender as they are virtual )
Either way pleased to meet you all.
Take care
Hello and :welcome:
Hope you have a lot of fun here
Welcome Back Vicky,
Sorry to hear you were unwell, hope you are 100 % now..
All my best wishes
What else is there to say,
Molly is v sexy with all the optional extras
Sorry Steve,
Although I really did want to vote for you my judgment was clouded by the picture of Clare and the totally unreasonable thought of; FFM, where would I fit in that combination ?
Once again sorry Steve for letting my own sordid fantasies about Clare affect my vote..
Ok.. Seems like I have to volunteer again ..
PSD is a terrible affliction that affects all too many women, ironically this particular disorder has a very simple cure and without regard for my self I hereby volunteer to administer it.
I would be willing to offer myself to couples or single females to help them gently rehabilitate themselves back into "Normality". Leaving you with that fresh just "Swung" feeling to help you through the week.
This purely selfless act I gladly offer to cease the suffering of PSD. No sacrifice is too great to ease their condition.
Have the best of days
Do not be sad have a HUG !!
Have fun
Hello Everyone,
I am very new to this type of thing and until now have not had the courage to announce my "newness" aloud. But after reading the post by mancman, I was spurred on by his bravery and of course the snogs he got from WBB and Vicky_Uk. Now I am not usually the jealous type, but I want snogs too lol. I know I am not strictly new anymore with a massive post count of 4, but can I still claim my newbie snog ? ( Will accept from any gender as they are virtual )
Either way I am pleased to meet you all and hope we can become friends.
Have a great day