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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54


Hello everyone.
When I first posted here I claimed some virtual snogs in celebration of my "newbie" status.
Well I have been away a very long time, do I qualify as a repeat newbie ? I know I am not strictly new anymore but where snogs are concerned I am just plain greedy. So can I still claim my newbie snog ? ( Will accept from any gender as they are virtual )
Either way pleased to meet you all.
Take care
Would anyone be interested in talking filth to my partner on the telephone tomorrow ? Male or Female she does not really mind as long as you are fairly imaginative and polite. We would of course pay for the call and you never know where it may lead wink
I realise it is quite a soft request but that is all we can offer at this time..
Please PM me or if you prefer reply here ..
Many thanks for your time.
Take care
I have 2 questions;
1, How can we be expected to judge what we cannot feel ?
How discriminatory, I may very well be blind smile So please ladies could you arrange a more tactile, brail friendly judging session ?
2, How an earth is any man ever supposed to choose between the women we have on SH ?
I really do not think it is a fair competition, how are the mortal supposed to judge the divine ? I was trying to to seriously judge each and every rounded, smoth, pert ... ( OMG there I go again !) bottoms on display. I was utterly mesmerised by Jackie's loosing the ability to focus after 4 hours of staring at her... Another 4 hours of drooling in a trance state was caused by Vicky_UK and her rear. I refuse to tortur myself any longer YOU ALL HAVE FANTASTIC BUMS !
So I will vote for
Corie, because as she says;
Quote by corrie
I am sure I could get at least one vote.

I have since goon temporarily blind due to the monitor radiation. Please see question 1
Other great behinds in no particular order ..
And for all those I have not seen I am absolutely sure you have wonderful shaped behinds ..
Hope you have a wonderful day biggrin

Sorry for stealing you Gif Misschief but it looked so nice smile
Ms Daffodil,
Why not just pop round to my house.. I am sure I can rustle up a whole host of porn and you could even have the remote smile
I have tired very hard but cannot resist any longer ... I just adore anything that can keep my mouth occupied smile
Here have all of these,
kiss :kiss: :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss: passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss:
:kiss::passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss:
:kiss::passionkiss: :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
they are gluten free and only calorie ( Also suitable for vegans)
Take care
I am definately not "everyone" but none the less .. Welcome smile Actually Bluexxx I find you very scarry indeed
Have fun
Is it against the rules to vote for everyone ?
There are some spectacular shaped rears on this site, I would hate to have to choose just 1 sad
This sounds fun.. Ok I have one also..
Dear Tkano,
I have recently checked my bank account and it has considerably less than £1,000,000. What can I do about it.? No sorry that was just a ploy my real problem is much more embarrassing;
I am a Single male from the South sad I have tried almost everything to be more northern, I regularly use 'Pet' as a term of endearment. I spent all last winter outside in the rain in just my T-Shirt. I have tried 'Mushy peas' and even joined a pigeon enthusiast club, all to no avail.
To make matters worse, I was recently adopted by Sappho ( as a part of the great Southerner adoption scheme ) but she has not yet collected me. I fear my lack of northern heritage has scared her off.
Please please Mr Tkano, what can I do to rid myself of this terrible stigma ?
Yours is easy .. I was once told all roads lead to NW Munch-land. How hard can it be ?
I have the cure.. I come in handy pill form. So when you next think of sex just pop me in your mouth until I dissolve. That way you can keep your hands free to do other things, like knitting or cricket
Quote by Sappho
Therefore I adopt Perfect Stranger. Actually, can I adopt more than one?
Sappho xxx

Words cannot describe how elated I was to hear such news. The prospect of being adopted by Sappho has incited a bout of enraptured euphoria, I have severed all ties with my family and placed my house on the market. I am not entirely sure if Shropshire counts as north of Birmingham or in fact the laws relating to adult adoption, but these concerns aside I am totally prepared to relocate to Shropshire with all haste smile
Thank you so much Sappho you have brightened my day .. an abundance of chocolate coated strawberries to you.
Hello Steve and or Clare,
Personally I think the real allure of your avatar is what it does not show. The look Clare is giving is not immediately apparent and can be viewed as many things, the whole picture hints and promises something different to each person who views it. Clare herself adds a sincerity and depth to the picture that enables the viewer to believe that look is designed just for them. For me it is the normally demure, respected professional type. Playfully experimenting with her emerging sexuality and the power that provides her. In short it captures the imagination and leaves the viewer to fill the blanks ..
Clare looks really hot and the picture is really sexy !! And I quote .. Definitely looks like she would smile ( Wow it is amazing how much text I could save and say the same thing )
Very good picture tactfully taken, you both deserve a gold star or a chocolate coated strawberry :)
Take care
Sorry Steve,
Although I really did want to vote for you my judgment was clouded by the picture of Clare and the totally unreasonable thought of; FFM, where would I fit in that combination ?
Once again sorry Steve for letting my own sordid fantasies about Clare affect my vote..
Hello Gav n Jess
I am so very sorry for the confusion that I seem to have caused you.
Quote by gav-n-jess
Well, if your will to let me watch you and jess and i only touch jess....then that would work???

Although I find this offer to be spectacular and no doubt the best offer I shall receive this year, I fear you have me marked as the wrong gender. I do in fact do an exceptional impression of a lesbian, but unfortunately I am male. It was my attempt at being humorous as I had no real advice to give you.
Once again I am sorry for the confusion caused by the above, my intention was to make you smile not mislead you in any way.
All my best wishes to you and sincerely hope you find what you are searching for here ..
Take care
Ok.. Seems like I have to volunteer again ..
PSD is a terrible affliction that affects all too many women, ironically this particular disorder has a very simple cure and without regard for my self I hereby volunteer to administer it.
I would be willing to offer myself to couples or single females to help them gently rehabilitate themselves back into "Normality". Leaving you with that fresh just "Swung" feeling to help you through the week.
This purely selfless act I gladly offer to cease the suffering of PSD. No sacrifice is too great to ease their condition.
Have the best of days
Hello and Welcome smile
Sorry I cannot help you with the BI female thing, but I can do a very convincing impression of a Lesbian if that helps ?
Have a great time here ...
All the best
Quote by well_busty_babe
it could work heather... but what about poor SINGLE fems who dont have a male partner to benifit from the exchange? we would need rewarding in a different way... may i suggest TESCO reward point? i have had my eye on a trifle in there for weeks now!!!!!!

Ok ok .. In an act of pure selflessness I would be willing to step in for all the single fems as a surrogate partner wink It pains me greatly, but I have always been the altruistic type where females are concerned. After all it's virtually a crime to leave a woman in need. :lol:
Take care
I think you are a great boss Warwick smile btw did I tell you I am an IT professional too ? So if you need more employees to make up for the ones you send home wink
I would feign an illness and go home, but as I look around my deserted office I have come to realise that idea has already been overused.
Have fun wherever you are.
Is there no law against thread hijacking ?
This topic is all about ME !!! ohh and of course kissing, again though the kissing was for ME ! wink
So I hereby officially reclaim this topic as mine
Thank you verily WBB for the extra "2nd instalment of kissing" There can never be too much kissing !!
Take care and thanks for the warm reception smile
Hello everyone,
Wow I was really not expecting such a response. Many many thanks for making me feel so welcome and a HUGE thank you for all the kisses. Such a warm welcome by so many people whom I do not know is very touching.
Thank you all so very much for making my day a much better place to be smile
Please take a passionkiss from me ( None compulsary )
Complimentary chocolate covered strawberries for all who took part in the "Snogging"
Free Hugs for any who need.
Take care and have a great day lol
Well I can see absolutely nothing wrong with watching while twiddling your thumbs. Personally I would be too busy being smug to do any type of twiddling, In fact I wish my sex life had such quandaries wink
Aside from that I am no help very sorry.
Take care
Hello Mancman,
Welcome and hope you enjoy your stay.. I am new here also so you are not alone smile
Take care and congratulations on the snogs :)
Hello Everyone,
I am very new to this type of thing and until now have not had the courage to announce my "newness" aloud. But after reading the post by mancman, I was spurred on by his bravery and of course the snogs he got from WBB and Vicky_Uk. Now I am not usually the jealous type, but I want snogs too lol. I know I am not strictly new anymore with a massive post count of 4, but can I still claim my newbie snog ? ( Will accept from any gender as they are virtual )
Either way I am pleased to meet you all and hope we can become friends.
Have a great day
Hello Everyone,
I am very new here so I am not sure if I qualify for an opinion yet smile But I have never been one for rules anyway so here goes :P
Most adds from females do not "speak" to you, but in all honesty they do not have to. The female in question will receive in excess of 100 replies regardless of her eloquence or writing ability. Realistically I do not think most males even read the adds anyway, so why waste time writing something nice ?
Quote by warwick
I dont know how anyone else feels but I really dont think the photo ads just showing a close up of the ladies private parts are atall erotic
maybee im just strange confused:

I completely understand your point, but I absolutely adore "ladies private parts" so I cannot agree with you on principle :P
My genitals are also highly intelligent, I am just exceptionally weak willed sad
Have fun