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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54


Hello Blue,
Looks like I will not be able to attend after all sad I am now going to have to go to Windsor on the 28th, so without a helicopter it is very doubtful I could get to Manchester the same day. I was really looking forward to it :( Sorry to for any inconvenience that may have been caused.
Happy Birthday again and I hope you and all your guests have a great evening.
Take care
Hello Blue,
I would like to attend another social if I may, I have a whole heap more questions for Judy et al and it would be nic to see you all again.
Could I be put on the list in pencil please ? I am not sure if I will be in Manchester on that day but it seems more than likely right now. I will of course inform you if the situation changes.
So much text just to say " Can I come along too please Blue "
Have fun
Have you tried to make him jealous ? I recommend sleeping with a perfect stranger wink If that does not work, try it again just to make sure ....
Thank you very much Steph for all your hard work..
Was fantastic to meet you all ( I dare not even start to name people ) I had a great time trying to put faces to names , learning how to be a "rodie" and chatting to everyone.
Thank you all for putting up with my drunken ramblings and more thanks to Steph for going that extra mile in inviting me..
Take care
Hello smile
I would really like to write something witty original and thought provoking but I have only just got in from work and I am fit to drop. Let me tell you that there were parts of me that were seriously complaining at 7 am this morning :shock: ..
Thank you all for a tremendously fun time, I really have not had such a laugh in weeks. Was a pleasure meeting you all and I really do feel enriched by the whole experience. I hope that it will not be too long before I meet you again.
Thank you all once again for a night filled with first time experiences some of which I will actually try again wink
Take care
Quote by DreamerHelen
Blue hun, I can vouch for Perfect Stranger, he was at the Social in South Woodford...he is lovely smile

Sorry for the partial Hijack but;
Thank you so much Helen very nice of you to vouch for me :) I have come over all touched..
Thank you for adding me to the list Blue .. Look forward to meeting you all :)
Hello Bluexxx
Would it be possible to put me on your list also please ? I am hoping I am not too late.
Hope to see you all there .
Take care
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Shagging someone called Frank on a wednesday wink

My newest fantasy is to be called Frank and have Wednesday free.
Asside from that I really do not want my fantasies to become reality, what else would I think about all day ?
Hello and welcome smile
I know it sounds a little cliche but I think you should just take it slowly and see what happens. Nothing worse than failed expectations and thoughts of what should happen.
I am sure you will know exactly how do you throw off those "learned behaviours" when the situation deserves it. As for approaching people, I just do what every I feel is right at the time.. yes yes I know I have been no help .. Sorry.
I wish you all the luck in finding your "new" selves ..
Take care
Quote by towntart
firstly i'm amazed at all the replies "brilliant"
secondly outa 245 mails only 12 turned up,

I do hope you didn't cook ?
But personally I would be more than happy with a mere 12 .. In fact I would settle for 2 . Actually 1 would be ok ..... .... confused
Thank you helen for organising the event..
Had a great time and was made to feel comfortable by everyone. Was really nice to meet everyone at last and I hope to see you all again soon.
Once again my thanks go to Helen
Take care
Ooohh I love tests..............
Quote by bluexxx
*** People who live in the North West, and who can drive (as I don't)
I live in the NW of Cambridgeshire and can drive
*** People I know already.... can't be doing with newbies, sorry
I do not know you at all, but I am prepared to lie and fabricate a plausible reason why you don't remember me
*** People who enjoy and have experience with group fun - much of my swinging is done in clubs - not really into straight 121s all that much really tbh so you must be comfortable with clubs and / or group sex
I am equally happy with groups or alone, in fact yesterday I was in a room with at least 40 other people. I even talked to a few of them
*** Bi guys - but nothing against straight guys really, provided they come equipped with their own female (that is, be bi if you're a single guy, but I don't care about your sexuality if you are a couple.... unless you are female, then I guess it would help if you're bi lol ). TV / TS - always a pleasure :lol:
I am very BI, I would even say TRI and at a push Quad although I am not completely fluent with my 4th. I only ever come when equipped with a female ( Does not have to be my own ). I am unfortunately not Female, but would be BI if I was. You are right TV is always a pleasure, but I thought you wanted to shag ? Can of course bring my own TV but is rather heavy.
*** People who have flexible working hours... I have limited time in the evenings, but can do some daytimes - it always helps if you have the same availability as me confused
I have a very flexible approach to work, always looking for reasons not to do any

Well by my calculations I score 433.8 or 0 I was never very good at maths :?
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Hello Debbie,
As a gesture of goodwill I will selflessly offer some assistance if you need it Debbie. I mean some of these women may just be lesbians, how are you going to tell if they are truly Bi without me? wink

Move Along PS, nothing to see. me and the miserable cat will do the lesbian checks thank you very much! but we might need a valet if your interested
Hmm let me see what does the valet get to do exactly ? Helping the ladies in mini skirts out of low cars perhaps ? Will I get "tips" ?
Sorry for thread jacking Debbie. But I can act very much like a woman, and as a woman I consider myself lesbian possible striaght curious :wink:
So what do you think, can I attend for some friendly all girl bonding ? As a party trick I can show you all how good my "Male impersonation" is, a drag king if you will.
Hello Debbie,
As a gesture of goodwill I will selflessly offer some assistance if you need it Debbie. I mean some of these women may just be lesbians, how are you going to tell if they are truly Bi without me? wink
Hello HateitorLoveit,
That isn't it naughty. I cam here because I want to anonymously discuss a serious and sensitive topic. I'm not putting it up for the public vote - should i dump 'er yes no. I'm asking advice of a group of experienced, sexually confident people so that I can find ways to resolve a delicate personal problem without hurting anyone.

I cannot offer you any advice as only you really know how important it is to you. I personally think you are not talking to the right people, surely this is a matter you should discuss with your partner ? Tell her how important it is to you and see what she says, I do not mean "Listen love either suck me off or your out " but a sensible adult conversation about the needs and wants of you BOTH. You never know she may be harbouring a secret passion to dress up as pirates and call each other "Me Lad".
Most importantly before you talk to her make sure you know 100% what you want and 100% what you are prepared to do.
Can you be with this person indefinitely without her giving you oral ?
Is oral sex more important to you than this person ?
Are you really looking for her to give you what you want or are you looking for a person who really WANTS to give you oral sex ?
It is highly possible you will not find EVERYTHING you desire in 1 person, you just have to decide if the person in question is more important than things you do not get.
I am sorry I am not able to help, I personally feel the whole situation is quite sad for everyone concerned.
Hello Wibbers,
Your delivery was a little off mark, but I cannot knock your initial idea. I have to admit it is on my "Top 10 list of things that will never happen to me " just above "Become Billionaire"
If only I had thought about posting it here /sigh.. Oooh wait what do you think of this for a title ? " I WANT TO BE GIVEN 1 BILLION POUNDS "
Assorted keys and a vibrating hamster ( Complete with rip cord ) confused
I am certain I do not want to know what that says about me ...
Hello Gem,
As you may have noticed I am not from Manchester, but I am there or that area quite often. I would be more than happy to sit for you, but would have to give me a week or 2 notice so I can arrange things.
Would there be any chance of keeping a copy ?
Take care
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Topblue who are they meeting?
21/45/73 years old?

Gah just my luck, I am none of the above confused
Hello Helen,
Could I also be on that list please please please ?
Would also offer a lift to any who need in the Cambridge area ( That is of course if I get on the list )
Take care
Personally I am wishing for something to happen worthy of feeling guilty. I do not think being 5 mins late for work this morning is enough somehow. :cry:
Hello Jim,
Thank you for the warm welcome.
As you guessed I am indeed male, sorry for not mentioning that earlier.
Take care