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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 72


Quote by Dirtygirly
You know some of you really need to eat a spoonful of cement and harden the fuck up!!! It's a forum. People agree and disagree all the time. You can choose to ignore things you don't like and post on stuff that interests you. Get a backbone! If someone has a dig then give as good as you get or rise above it. To whinge about not posting again because you didn't like what someone said is pathetic. It's the people here who add the flavour and it's most likely the politically correct moaners who have killed this forum. We all know how to behave like adults, sometimes we choose to behave like children. It's the way of the world. Thicken your skin and ignore the niggling digs or think of a wittier retort.
In the grand old scheme of things, most people come here to escape the hum drum of real life for fun, not to listen to people whinging about 'he said' / 'she said'. Time to grow up.

Dirtygirly I hear what you are saying but !!!!

Really? You really heard me? So why are you still wittering on about a thread that was closed down? You should be chewing cement right about now. No-one other than you gives a toss about your locked thread. We've all had threads locked cause they've turned into a bunfight. Get over it. Move on and start a new thread about something else. That's what makes forums go round.
Maybe before being insulting Dirtygirly you should have read what I said !!!!
I wasn't as you say wittering on about my post being withdrawn from the forum, I was on about what you remarked on later in another post of how insulting and personel some people were getting, and like you I couldn't give a frigging toss about my thread or anybody eles thread being locked infact it was the best thing to do, maybe they should do a few more lol .
Maybe instead of me chewing cement like you want you should goto specsavers so you can read what people actually write !!!
Quote by Dirtygirly
You know some of you really need to eat a spoonful of cement and harden the fuck up!!! It's a forum. People agree and disagree all the time. You can choose to ignore things you don't like and post on stuff that interests you. Get a backbone! If someone has a dig then give as good as you get or rise above it. To whinge about not posting again because you didn't like what someone said is pathetic. It's the people here who add the flavour and it's most likely the politically correct moaners who have killed this forum. We all know how to behave like adults, sometimes we choose to behave like children. It's the way of the world. Thicken your skin and ignore the niggling digs or think of a wittier retort.
In the grand old scheme of things, most people come here to escape the hum drum of real life for fun, not to listen to people whinging about 'he said' / 'she said'. Time to grow up.

Dirtygirly I hear what you are saying but !!!!
I don’t have a problem with forums I think they are great for discussions when they are used in the correct way, and as I said we are all entitled to our opinions again not a problem, but what gets my goat is when the minority come on here to cause a problem, which they do.
My original question was a very straight forward one regarding the gallery, but in the end it turned around from the gallery to personal insults to me, from the said two or three users and yes don’t worry I gave and can give as good as I get, but that is not the point it should have remained a discussion about the gallery, that is why the moderator on the day stopped further post.
Now when I look through other post I find the same said few are doing exactly the same to other users, why can’t they discuss things in the normal manor, they can put across there opinions but they don’t have to be insulting with it, I don’t class that as banter I class that as shear ignorance, the said few people should really grow up and get a life.
I wouldn’t post on the forum again sorry, I posted a few weeks ago and had two or three in particular that just commented on my subject just to cause problems that in the end the moderator had to stop postings, I appreciate we are all entitled to opinions but I feel there is a minority that come on here just to cause problems !!!!!
Then have the nerve to say it was me and it was only a bit of banter they know that was BOLLOX it was to wind people up and cause a row.
It’s not a problem as it made my mind up not to subscribe to SH when my renewal is due, I don’t need shit like that.
Quote by Lost
Woooahh there bazza m'lad. Don't get all huffy with people on here it doesn't wash down very well and you'll end up being one of those people who end up slating the place for being cliquey and exclusive, and yes it can be but in this case its you ostracising yourself, no one else is doing it.
It does state in your profile, of which I've no doubt your fully aware, having written it possibly, and I quote "I'm a very genuine and friendly person very polite and not pushy," - well f*ck me bazza, the words 'must try harder' come to mind lol
Mind you to be honest it does take someone in here, bazza, being a pillock, to liven the place up for a short time so thank you for putting yourself forward as you have, :thumbup:

Can I ask LOST What my profile has to do with this, or you ???
I am what I say I am, you believe what you want, Oh sorry you already have formed your own opinion of me I forgot, I think it was you who was slating me off if I remember rightly, so you can say what you want and I have to take your crap ?? I don't think so Lost.
I really don't give a toss what you or anybody else on here thinks of me, I know who I am and my profile is a true account, as I said before I'm very honest can you say the same ?? I expect you will have something to say regarding that but so beiet.
As I said you must think of me what you want but please don't judge me by your own standards, I also think if the only thing you have to do is to trail through these Forums looking to take a pop at people you should really get out more !!! :lol:
BTW I shall not reply to you again to be honest I find you rude and you have become very boring.
Quote by woohoo

WooHoo thank you for your very kind offer of the book, but I have all the friends I need , when I say friends I do mean friends lol
As for influencing them what you see is what you get take it or leave it, it works for me, I’m not a false person :lol:
Mind you I think you could well offer it to some more people who have made comments on this subject, friendship is not all one sided
Quote by Lost
bazza your approach in your opening statement is what was all to cock and made for the answers you got from it. I'm pretty sure the content regarding the old inactive accounts part is probably agreed with by most and st3v3's addressing that sounds like a top idea smile It can be a learning curve posting in forum and you did start with being contentious. Oh and most of us have been there too lol

Mad Frankie Fraser !!!! Oh yes I have also met the man I have also been in the company of the Reggie and Ronnie, my cousin lived in the East End and I use to visit him and drink in the same establishments, they were OK guys but never cross them, but I also know guys today who are the same, I’m not like that I enjoy life.

This bit of your post however is utter bullshit - these gtype of uys you talk about are murderous violent lawless scum with no 'ok guy' about them.
Do you know what I haven't got a clue what you are prattling on about, and to be honest I couldn't give a toss what you believe or what you don't believe about what I write, I don’t lie but you will form your own judgment about me, but hey does that matter NO as long as it keeps you happy, I’m really glad you enlightened me regarding the behaviour of those disgusting men, I really didn’t know they were villains and murders I’m so glad you told me !!!! get yourself a frigging life and just MOVE ON, is that clear enough or shall we have another pop of YOUR believes about me and what I write FFS.
Quote by st3v3
So if we put in a drop down in the gallery for 'active within' like we did in the search, would that make everyone happy?
There's many reasons why we don't delete old accounts, sure there's the having a lot of content on the site and the commercial considerations, but I still see people returning to the site after many years away, once in a while we get support tickets aking why they can't log in with their username which is actually an email address that they set up before we took the site over, we help them to set up a new username and off they go again.
Its a fair comment that you make, I can say that we won't be removing these old accounts, but we do understand that there was a need to give the members here the ability to limit searches to the more active users based upon when they were last online, so we put that in place, in the gallery there is the option to filter by recently added, not quite the same as last online I know, but of some use if you're looking for active members.

Thank you I think your suggestion along with Two-4-more sounds a really good idea, I'm sure I'm not on my own on this one, regardless of some of the comments made, and I appreciate most is only banter but it is very frustrating when you do a local search and all you keep seeing is either account deactivated under the user name or last log in over 90 days.
So thank you for your understanding.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
they don't call me Mr Mad for nothing.

Now if you had used Mr_Mad_bazza for your user name maybe you wouldnt be here posting, you would be taking pics of naughty bits!!
Im Mad Frank and not just because my name is fraser - I EARNED IT!!
You know I think he might be starting to open up!!
Down BIoke - i didnt mean for you!!! :twisted:
I met the real Mad Frankie Fraser once- ugly, short arsed little bugger lol
Big Frank !!!
I am fortunate enough to already be taking those sort of photos I don't really need this site for that, I class it as a bonus if I get some ladies to shoot from here :lol:
Don't get me wrong as I'm not a perv, I just like achieving really good photos for my subject and I have done so for years, whether it be a wedding or a model.
Mad Frankie Fraser !!!! Oh yes I have also met the man I have also been in the company of the Reggie and Ronnie, my cousin lived in the East End and I use to visit him and drink in the same establishments, they were OK guys but never cross them, but I also know guys today who are the same, I’m not like that I enjoy life.
Quote by two-4-more

I often view the Gallery but with much frustration I would think 9/10 are either suspended accounts or not viewed for over 90 days, why does SH allow these to stay on the gallery why not clear them out.

If they did that then half the single males wouldn't have anything to wank over!!! :giggle:
Totally agree gu, the single men, (and couples and fems) who purely use the site for browsing and saving the amature porn pics that member post on here are a great source of income for the site. So although removing the pics of inactive/banned/left members would help in finding meets/active members, it will greatly reduce the number of pics and therefore the voyuers of Said pics will pay their money elsewhere - unfortunately not good business sense really.
However bazza I do agree that they should be removing the defunct pictures, have even emailed admin suggesting so, but I'm not holding my breath lol
Thank you two-4-more the only member who I feel what I was talking about, but you know and I know people can download this style of photo any where now, with out paying a penny.
I belong to three proper photo sites as photography is what I love, and you can be a free member and see all sorts of photos, I agree not intercourse style, but you can get these free on the web, so I don't think that is the issue, I do believe SH should have a clean up.
Thank you for your input.
Quote by bIoke
Well you had better take care then and make sure you read the :small-print:

Thanks for your advice as I'm rather new here and just learning the rules :thumbup:
I have only got to the 'how to chat up a straight bloke at a Dogging site bit so far...' :rascal:
Well bloke I think you should work a little harder, you are a very slow learner as you joined in 2004, you do know you have to use the mouse to navigate the site ? lol
You keep away from that dogging thing it will do you no favours getting caught out in the cold :lol:
Quote by bIoke
Yes but whilst funny is good, are you bi? dunno

Bloke sorry to disapoint mate no I'm not bi !!!
I'm not disappointed. Thanks for clarifying though - there's far too many part-time faggoty homo-lulu's on this site already ;)
Well you had better take care then and make sure you read the :small-print:
Quote by bIoke
Yes but whilst funny is good, are you bi? dunno

Bloke sorry to disapoint mate no I'm not bi !!!
Quote by woohoo
Yeah thats fine Bazz enjoy your dinner for one lol
But if you ask for advice and ppl take the time to reply try at least to take it on board and if you moan, be prepared to take the criticism.
Oh! and I am a paid member too, in fact everyone that CAN post on the forum is.
Have fun on the site, I am sure youll do well and make hundreds of friends. :lol:

Why thank you for that WooHoo :lol: :lol:
I'm sure I will make loads of friends oh sorry I have loads of friends but not on here, but that's fine not a problem :lol: :lol:
Oh and BTW I had dinner for two I enjoyed it with my lovely wife, have a very nice evening wont you.
Quote by Big_Fraser
You appear to only focus on the negative Bazza, not one mention of taking on board any of the positive recommendations the forum members have given you.
You want someone to make a wise crack about you - if you did it yourself I would respect you more.
People need to be relaxed to enjoy themselves - you make an appoinment with you sound like as much fun as an hour at the dentist

Don't worry about me Big Fraser my sense of houmour is second to none I know how to enjoy life, if you were ever in my company you would find out, they don't call me Mr Mad for nothing.
I was just trying to make a serious point regarding the profiles no more.
Quote by woohoo
I have yet to meet anyone on this site for some action
I just find it frustrating when you look at local profiles and probably 95% are no longer used,

So! if as you say youre not looking for a meet why moan that you havent found one yet and if youre not looking for one why bother if even 99% of profiles were no longer used?
I think I am at confused .com here lol

Blimey WooHoo you love to dig don't you lol.
As I'm a fully paid up member I'm allowed to visit and look where I want, and like most members I look at local profiles is that OK with you ?
And yes that is correct I have never met any genuine people on this site yet, is that also OK with you ??
Action doesn't have to mean a FUCK does it, or does it in your eyes ??? Maybe that's all the people on here want, but I feel there is a lot more in life than that.
Please don't let me stop you from replying
Quote by bIoke

If I was that desparte for a fuck Bloke I would ask for one, but funny enough I'm not lol

Hmmmm... <scratches head>
Quote by Photobazza
If you are Female and live 20 miles from Watford and you want fun let me know lol.

Did I dream this? dunno Perhaps try here:
So Bloke to have fun it must include a FUCK ??? Why I can have fun with out a fuck can't you ??
I haven't come on here to have me or my profile judged I appreciate some of you want to, well if it gives you pleasure and you have nothing else to do that’s fine I don't mind, you can think what you want about me or judge all you want but you don’t know me, I am a very genuine and a very honest person as someone pointed out, it has in my profile I'm married, if I wasn't honest that would not appear, how many of you are as honest ?
The point I was actually trying to make was regards to SH about sorting out profiles that are no longer used, why do they leave them on the site is it to make out they have more members than they actually do, I just find it frustrating when you look at local profiles and probably 95% are no longer used, mind you the end of the year there will be another one that's not used, yes mine !!!
Now I will sit back and wait for all the wise cracks, but that’s fine.
Quote by bIoke
Hi all,
Does any body else feel the same as me ?
I have yet to meet anyone on this site for some action, so I often view the Gallery but with much frustration I would think 9/10 are either suspended accounts or not viewed for over 90 days, why does SH allow these to stay on the gallery why not clear them out.
I see a very nice lady and think she would be nice to meet and hopefully have some fun or take some nice photos of, as that is what I do.
THEN you get that !!!!!!! Who knows maybe one day someone will answer and I will get lucky, but I'm not holding my breath.
If you are Female and live 20 miles from Watford and you want fun let me know lol.

Dear Photobazza
Your profile seems to suggest you want to take pictures of people.
If you're so desperate for a fuck, just ask for one. I've found that usually works best.
Lots of love,
BIoke x
If I was that desparte for a fuck Bloke I would ask for one, but funny enough I'm not lol
I actually get as much as I want thank you which is more than can be said for a lot.
Quote by Gufuncouple

I often view the Gallery but with much frustration I would think 9/10 are either suspended accounts or not viewed for over 90 days, why does SH allow these to stay on the gallery why not clear them out.

If they did that then half the single males wouldn't have anything to wank over!!! :giggle:
I suppose this sort of comment says it all really about some people who use this site.
If you cant answer sensibly why even bother ?
Just invite me along lol
I always use my Nikon D70s or my D90 and you would never be disapoited with your photos.
Hi all,
Does any body else feel the same as me ?
I have yet to meet anyone on this site for some action, so I often view the Gallery but with much frustration I would think 9/10 are either suspended accounts or not viewed for over 90 days, why does SH allow these to stay on the gallery why not clear them out.
I see a very nice lady and think she would be nice to meet and hopefully have some fun or take some nice photos of, as that is what I do.
THEN you get that !!!!!!! Who knows maybe one day someone will answer and I will get lucky, but I'm not holding my breath.
If you are Female and live 20 miles from Watford and you want fun let me know lol.
I’m a little disappointed in the lack of model shoots I’m doing of late and the camera is now very dusty lol
So come on you lovely ladies help me out a little here don’t be shy, I’m easy to get on with and I’m not after anything in exchange, and you will have some really nice photos trust me.
100% Discrete and confidential !!!!
Quote by MidsCouple24
Do you need any single males to practice on ?

Jed Sorry only females.
Quote by Dawnie
Hi Baz, can you confirm if there will be any fees charged for this?

No I never charge I love shooting !!
That made me giggle :giggle:
Behave I love shooting !!!!!!! Photos lol
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Hi Baz, can you confirm if there will be any fees charged for this?

No I never charge I love shooting !!
Hi all
I'm a semi-pro photographer and although I get the chance to shoot some very nice ladies I'm in need of more practice, if you fancy being my model indoors or out just let me know.
I'm always discrete and always confidential.
Hi all I'm a mature male looking for my first dogging experience, I see all these sites on here but every time I visit I have never found any action.
I'm from Herts / Bucks border Amersham area, so any ladies who are wiling and would like to show me how its done let me know, we can arrange to meet somewhere you can take my dogging virginity.
So please get in touch !!!!