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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 65
Straight Female, 70


Well not quite.. interesting news article though - for those who haven't seen it, trot off to:

Thanks for the suggestions guys, and I'll be contacting you as appropriate. Thanks for the idea of the abbey bark, but I'm afraid that we've done castles and abbies until we're bored with them. Keen on trying for places with more people about in a more 'day to day' location as it were.
Please keep the ideas coming!
Something that both I and my wife like is to take photographs of her naked in public places. These include such things as parks and castles for example, though we've also done central London and pubs.
We're always on the lookout for venues that we can use, and I thought I'd ask the assembled group if any of them are in a position to offer a location. For example - are you a fireman, and could we take photographs of her in front of a fire engine? Do you drive a JCB, and could we photograph her in the cab? Do you work in a museum, and could get us in after hours for a photographic session? How about a restaurant - photographs of her eating a meal completely naked would be fun. How about a shop? Or a garage? Or working on a farm?
Please note that this is for photographs *only*; you'd obviously be there for the session, but that's the limit. It should also be somewhere where children will not be around (for obvious reasons) and while we'd want other people in the background for better effect, they'd need to be 'consenting adults' as it were, or able to take it as a joke. Ideally any locations should be in the south east but we'd consider travelling for a good venue.
We'd be happy to share a set of photographs with you, and who knows - some of them may appear here!
If you've got any good ideas, please let me know.
Many thanks in advance.
My first posting here, so 'hi' to everyone. My wife and I have been Dogging (or as we prefer to call it 'car-parking') for about 5 or 6 years, mainly around the Wisley area. Look forward to finding out about new locations and meeting up with new people.
Anyway, the point of my post wasn't particularly to introduce myself, but to bring to your attention the fact that the Radio Four programme 'Farming Today' had a 25 minute article on Dogging recently, or as they termed it:
"The growing problem of sex gatherings in rural areas arranged on the Internet and known as 'dogging'"
It's a very amusing article, mainly because the very prim and proper presenter thinks it's a huge problem, while just about everyone else says it's not an issue.
You can listen to it from:

Ignore the first minute or so, they're talking about Winnie the Pooh. Hope you find it interesting!