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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 42


well guys sat is D-day lol
my new has finally said yes to the murky world of dogging lol but she wants a lil dutch courage and were lookin for is somewhere really quite where we wont be swamped she only wants 1 or 2 ppl there so any suggestion would be greatly appreciated thanks
they are pics of my gf but we cant find where to change it to a cpl account now i have no pics at all have they been removed ????? any help would be greatly appreciated thanx
im havin probs posting pics iv posted 2 but only one is in my photos cannot get the others on any ideas ????? thanx
hi we have found a new location which we use but lookin for more people to watch or join in its near ashton in makerfield pm if u want the location maybe we can sort somthin out :twisted: speak soon M&Kxx
i was at a location in warrington few people there got some looks but nothin more just wondering how to instigate and start the fun tried flashing brake lights but to no avail and maybe arrange a meet there if anyone wants ?
23 bi m looking to broaden my horizons 2mora so looking for any takers i will be workin near men arena so lookin for bi/gay/fem anyone reallyup for some horny day sex
hi i was wonderin if anyone has been to a certain spot in leigh in gr manchester im not gonna name it but you should know where i mean could you tell us if its worth goin and what its like ???for police boy racers ect ect thanx M&K
hey people
K has admitted she would like me to try bi which im pretty keen to do so but not that sure where to start so if any bi ppl near wigan wanna get in touch lookin for a meet get in touch thanx M
hey does anyone know of any male places to meet i know there was one on the A580 east lancsnear haydock but that was stopped or was it ?????? if you know or any near please get in touch lookin to try bi side
thanks M&K
hey ginger jo thats what i was hopingthe more the merrier :twisted: hopefully we are goin again v soon
well me & K was at three sisters last night hopin to get a few ppl to watch but it was a little wet and not in a good way !!! lol just wondering if any one goes there maybe we can meet for sum fun and if anyone knows where it is you should go its a crackin spot its got 3 car parks and a lil bit of woodland so anyone wanna meet get in touch !!
dont forget me and M where the first to think of this idea so i hope we are on the invite list ??? lol :lol: :P
wel this is amazing the wigan border just keeps on growing !!!!!but like we say the more the merrier lets hope it gets sorted
hi M& K here
well we never thought that our little idea of a get together could could grow to our first munch :shock: where we could start with a little :cheers: and maybe end up wi some 69position which will be fun !!!!!! :twisted:
hey all
Both me and K have noticed that there are a few people in here that arealso located in wigan like us ! so we where thinkin that maybe we all could arrange somethin along the lines of a get together just a thought !
the best advert ever !...... has to be the john west tuna ad where the bear fishes a big tuna out of the lake then the guy comes running into shot and starts fighting with the bear for the tuna but!.......the bear knows a little kung fu but falls for the "whats that up there ???" brilliant
Hmmmmmm confused .......toothing ................nope never heard of it ! :P
hey all
Its that time again folks the dreaded countdown to the monday back at work so whats everyone upto im just bored out of my skull one eye here and one on the telly
a woman with a southern belle accent texan or along them lines gets me goin and K likes the northen accent dont know why ???? confused
its a pity youi all live down there sad cause me and K would have a venue for target practice and i wouldnt mind a shot a heather wink if you know what i mean !!!
hi we are M&K a young cpl from wigan lookin intoo startin doggin can anyone tell us the best places to go K would like ppl to join us and would like to see that :twisted:
thanks M & K
as i said before we are goin down to devon soon and k says shes gonna go wild whihch is a turn on for me and ucky for all the lads and lasses so drop us a line k wants her first try at her bi side
M 23 str8 K 22 and looking to try her bi side
me and my g/f will be in north devon and looking for some fun were looking to try our first 3sum can anyone help ?pm us.
we gonna be :twisted: and looking forward to it !!!!!
hey every one ill be workin in blackpool a week on mon if any one has any idea of what i can do or who with evil while im up there please let me know im open to ideas
thanx. m
i saw the thread about poems just thought id show you mine see what you think.?
I spread my dreams before you
A carpet for your feet
Be careful where you tread my love
For they are not complete
The threads that remain unwoven
Creat a tangled mess
A mix of smoke and mirrors to cloud my consciousness
So many things devide us
So much to find out
But i know ill still love you
Though my sanity is in doubt
thats about it what does every one think ?
hi we are a couple he str 23 she 22 bi very sexy looking to meet people in the manchester area especially bi fems looking for a 3 sum but were looking to try most things so get in touch M&K
hi me and my gf will be in devon during august if any one wants to meet up especially bi fems
just a quick question is the chatroom free or do you have to download a dail up ?
just wanted to say a quick hi to everyone here had a look and this is my first post! :shock: