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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 61


Quite a proportion of women seem to be similarly sensitive after an orgasm... no?
This true, my last F`~k Buddy had this problem, but we were both hygiene freaks, we would take a hot shower together. The combination of the soothing heat of the water, the gentle physical contact and shear nakedness soon had us both ready for another session wink lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Wishmaster
Twice a week for the next 6 weeks rub the head of your penis with sandpaper for 20 minutes.
For the following 6 weeks increase that to twice a day.
Your sensitivity will fade biggrin

Do I use a grade 1 fine sandpaper or the grade 6 industrial-strenght rust removing sandpaper? :shock:
Is it advisable to wear googles while I am?
I have an industrial band sander if you want to borrow it :silly: rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Why not go the whole hog and have your bell end removed completely and replaced with one half of a ping pong ball. This, of course, can be cleaned with any house hold detergent without fear of it hurting or becoming infected. You will lose all sensitivity and can even take a whack on the end of your penis without doubling over in agony.
As to the orignal question - it wouldn't be much fun shagging if it wasn't pleasurable at the end - although I suspect that yours/your partner's may be a tad too sensitive as I don't have the same problem as you/him and can repeat quite quickly.

Now where is the fun in that confused: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
The type of sandpapering device purely depends on how much cheese you need to knock off before you get to the skin.
Postie I would suggest you use the grade marked 'Bastard'
Which bring me to BrummyMatt and his industrial band sander. Matt I suggest you soak your dick in a strong solution of Savlon, bleach and hot water before sanding biggrin

And then apply the sea salt confused:
Quote by postie
Twice a week for the next 6 weeks rub the head of your penis with sandpaper for 20 minutes.
For the following 6 weeks increase that to twice a day.
Your sensitivity will fade biggrin

Do I use a grade 1 fine sandpaper or the grade 6 industrial-strenght rust removing sandpaper? :shock:
Is it advisable to wear googles while I am?
I have an industrial band sander if you want to borrow it :silly: rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Maybe trevista69 is looking for a forum to discuss this topic :undecided:
Quote by Mister_Discreet
Forgive my ignorance but what does w.h.y. stand for confused:

In this context it's "What have you"
Well feck me, you really do learn something new every day, however mundane it may be. Thanks Mister-Discreet for enlightening me wink
Quote by racer3
wife very fit and in good condition. I would be interested in a honda spi, classic car ,woodworking tools or w.h.y

I've got an old set of chisels if thats of any interest to you confused: lol
Forgive my ignorance but what does w.h.y. stand for :?:
Such a shame Dawn, i too am a complete dogging novice i have access to a secluded allotment site on the south side of the city, but i am sitting here with a stinker of a cold, coughing and spluttering all over the place, not very social me thinks :cry:
Never mind though, maybe at another wistful time wink
I guess that i'm in 3, oh well, i had nothing planned for today anyway rolleyes
Quote by angelnn66
is he back yet?

I think we will know when he's back bolt
Just threw another one at him.
How do they get the Teflon to stick to the pan ?
Quote by Goooner1

Are you into cricket also confused: lol :lol:
Sorry, i couldn't help me self

:lol: There's a test match starting Thursday too :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Exactly .... 5 day's of her all to meself ..... can she cook :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:
In passing Meaty asked me about a pub i knew where a small meet-up could be held in Birmingham some weeks ago, but i never got round to answering him. My PM named the pub and asked him why he was interested ?.
Quote by Goooner1
Looking for a guy(s) aged 25 or so up to around 40-45 to "entertain" the wife this afternoon, around 4ish, while the footy is on wink
PM me if interested.

Are you into cricket also confused: lol :lol:
Sorry, i couldn't help me self
Fave porn star is Kay Parker
Going on the pet/mothers maiden name my name would be Tiddles Langley :shock: :shock: :shock:
You do not have to "catch" genital warts. I have had warts all my life and i developed genital warts some years ago .... after a very, very long bout of celibacy :cry: , so there's no chance that i caught them from a partner.
So off i trundled down to the doctor, who gave me some acid stuff which i had to apply to the warts on a daily basis until the little blighters were gone. He asked me if i was sleeping with anyone ?, i replied "no" sad and he warned me that i was not to do so until the warts were all gone. Apparently for men genital warts are harmless, but for women it is the complete opposite, we didn't go into it any more than that so i cannot enlighten you any further, but heed the warning, chaps if you've got'em get 'em treated and wear a condom until you have done so and ladies ... get down the doc's asap.
Just incase anyone is interested, i found mine whilst showering, they were around the base of me bell end redface so when you are giving it a wash take a minute to check yourself. If you are unfortunate to find some then don't panic, get down to the doc and get it sorted.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Awlright! from wolverhampton
Hi righty :welcome:
the site can be a bit overwhelming, would you like to step into my office for a quick de-briefing :rascal:

Phah, wolverhampton, and u dare take the piss out of me for living in Tipton with your shite football team lol
Anyway :welcome: to the site righty38 nice to see another local wink
your bi you say? :rascal:[/quote
Oi :!: watch what you say about Wolverhamton , i've just put an offer in on an'ouse out there :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Welcome to the the forum righty38 .... Walsall confused: that's a bit posh ain't it :?:
I used to work in the print industry producing media packaging. The boxes we used to pack the CD booklets into were standard size for all customers, this enabled us to easily re-use them time and time again until they were too trashed. Our friends at Sony in Austria used to put all sorts of things into the boxes before they returned them us. We found all manner of things including knickers, wine bottles, condoms and once we even found a shoe ! .... some poor sod must of had to hop home that night. lol
Wasting alcohol for whatever reason is disgraceful, you should feel very, very ashamed of yourself. mad :x :x :x :x :x wink
Quote by postie
If you keep asking , he might just sus it out ! (this wont make any sense if you delete 2 of the 3 entries that say the same!)

Too late ..... lol
How could i not welcome another Midlands poster ...
Enjoy your time here and be patient, whatever you are looking for, if it is here it will find you.
Good Luck
Brummy Matt
A man who stuck by his principles, a rarity in politics these days.
May he rest in peace.
Quote by meat2pleaseu

Go on, don't be afraid .... take a look wink

ah ha, brummiematt bats for the opposition lol
Ya' cheeky sod :kick: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: