I want to come back as something worthwhile. Something that enhances the human existance. Something loved and adored in every household throughout the land.
And here was me, thinking it'd be a Rampant Rabbit
RVM, there are 250 odd earlier posts!
I'm in no doubt that JB has some ability, but let's face it, he's never going to win a championship unless the powers that be make all the other drivers drive blind-folded (now there's a thought )
Who are you kidding, JB wouldn't win a GP even if they gave him bloody concord to drive .
I do hope you're not talking about Lord Michael??? I will be very upset if you are . If you are talking about Lord Michael I will wait until you are having so much fun in the back of your red van that you don't notice me, then I will sneak up and let all your tyres down
but it seems that Schumy has more fans than I thought) .
RVM - where in the NW are you? Where are you watching the REAL England team on Sunday?
OK, Profiteroles?