redpantherman coz I grew up with Marvel Comics! :happy:
I avoided it too...
maybe if it was a different subject I would not have even given it a second thought.
But as it was him the thought of it sickened me to the pit of my stomach... so yes I agree with Kaznkev
Quote: "using Gary Glitter just seemed like unnecessary publicity mongering"
I'm right handed & don't give a flying cow pat which way it hangs...
But I do try to stay away from them Railway traction line pylons as much as possible! :crazy:
what do I look 4in a high class lady?
Me cock wud be a damn fine start! :twisted:
...I've just sent a pm to the last one...
her status...
Last Seen: Over 2 Weeks Ago
...Hello meeeeeaty... where are yooooou???
Get something nasty then it's your responsibility to live with it sensibly & not expose others.
I like to think I play responsibly with others but I do have to accept the risks involved.
I know I am exposing myself to my partners sexual history, but it's a quantitative risk I choose to accept.
Any consequences will be unavoidable due to my choice.
Risks + Responsibility + Pleasure = Swinging! lol
Sod u lot... I'm off to Barbados for three weeks!
Pah... I spit in the face of a cold wind!
If you get those activity listings accepted I'm gonna push for...
{Can Provide Sugar Puffs}
Hmmmmmmm.... :wanker:
Its not rocket science...
If you intend to have multiple sexual partners make your self familiar with your local, in fact ANYG.U.M. (Genito-Urinary Medicine) Sexual Health clinic & get regular checkups! :thumbup: