...Of Vodka and Growth-Hormones...
If I was caught breaking into a sewage farm, would I be in deep sh.t?
Cheaper option than the over-priced sex shops.
Wrap a rolling pin in some tin foil and sit her on top of the washing machine on a spin cycle. AND you get a load of washing done at the same time.
Multi-tasking eh? Simple when you know how.
Another bone!
Soon we shall have the full skeleton!
Congrats folks!
But third man frequently enjoys the dubious pleasures of all aquatic mammals...
Or would a miners helmet be more appropriate?
Changed his name by deed poll to "Spletherwick Farquarson-Mildew" just to annoy his bank manager.
Once smothered his partner in gorgonzola and sneezed it off while being viewed by a group of men dressed as the Wombles.
...a smooth chocolatey base with...
...especially those in flasher macs...
Yes, given that I too am now officially jaffa'd, there are no echoes of the resonance to be had from my manly gooeyness.
...have to be paid for.
(Edit : Am absolutely loving "Fanny's that get squishy can feel soft on your face..." Sheer class! can I suggest the ending... "like my clean, hairy lips did"...)
Isn't the third man the umpire in the stands who checks whether a Batsman is out or not?
Many years ago now. It wasn't very fulfilling to be honest, my cock wouldn't fit down the holes and my balls got jammed in the dialler.
Have you ever thought about going away to a swinging resort on holiday?
Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!
(I'm not, but I can take pills)
Moralistic thought experiments! On a Tuesday morning! Tsk!
This is a logic v morality issue really. Do you kill one life to save nineteen, or kill none and know that while you did not bloody your own hands, because of your inaction nineteen others have died needlessly?
Mr Spock would obviously look at this and find the oldest, frailest Indian and shoot them and let the others go free. This of course makes him guilty of cold-blooded murder however you want to look at it.
However if Mr Spock's logic suddenly deserted him in a whiff of Vulcan smoke, and he refused to kill one person, then his in-actions have led directly to the needless death of another nineteen.
Could you cope that knowing you killed one person, but saved nineteen from death, or that you killed none by your actions, but by your inactions, twenty died. Nineteen needlessly?
I'd like to think I'd be brave enough to follow Duncans and Mr Spock's lead and kill one to save nineteen. I fear that I'd be too weak to follow this through and condemn nineteen to a needless death by an act of totally selfish and inaccurate form of moral cowardice and self-preservation. The only solace I can take from the thought of killing one person is that one persons death is the best possible scenario for everyone, regardless of whether I do the killing or not and regardless of my own personal distate.
The other alternative of course is the Rambo theory. Take the gun and shoot the person ordering you to kill the Indian. Now in your fantasy, you then free the Indians, see off the remaining baddies and ride off in the sunset to father gorgeous children with some young, nubile squaw. The reality is however, that if you did that, you and the Indians would all die under a hail of bullets from the other townsfolk and however illogical that may seem, it may well appeal to some.