Hello all and espeacially those in the know. Having been absent from the site for a wee while I come back to find a fortress built around tyhe chatroom. Not being a technophobe the instructions are like double dutch.
Having followed the instructions several times and having failed to get any response other than 'my nickname is not registered', which of course it isn't because I haven't been given the opportunity to register it.
Could anybody let me me know by PMing me. And please don't be referring me to previous threads several pages down the line. The very fact that there are other threads (I am assuming) means this is a ligitimate request / complaint.
Thanks to all of you who will be helping us before this thread is locked.
I know you're right Ice Pie. Just winds me up that a man even before his death is being written off. Suppose the real fear is it could happen to anyone of us!!!!
Just wondering whatever happened to respect?
Not often, if ever I start a thread but tonight (this week) I have been whole heartedly saddened by the reaction of the press and politicians to Yasser Arafat first becoming ill and then passing away. I am not in any doubt the man would have wanted most of us hanged for daring to think differently, but in so many ways we are kindred spirirts, daring to rise above the expected and the usual.
Before he even died and without so much as a thank you to this Noble Peace prize winner the politicians and the press were writing him off as no more than a failed terrorist. It seems every comment in the media has been disrespectful.
I would simply like to state that any individual who stands up against the odds, who fights oppression and who favours the underdogs of this world has my respect. I know he wasn't a saint (but then who of us is), I just feel a loss has happened.
Simple. Cause I'm single and from Portmadog, in North Wales. :eeek:
Used to get called badger at uni, apparently cause any hole hole would do.
Love it. Love it. Love it.
:lickface: :lickface: :lickface:
Yum yum yum
Aw. I think you are all being so unfair to Bush and Blair. Just think of the fun the world is going to have for the next few years. Some of the stuff Bush comes away with is hysterical. You couldn't pay to watch a better stand up. And Blair is like that lil snivelling gremlin creature out of Lord of The Rings when he's in the company of bush.
The jokes will be endless. Here's one I just made up.
Q. Why are the Americans looking so happy
A. Cause they just planted that Dope Bush :smoke: in the white hoouse for another four years
I've stole this one from an earlier thread but it had me lmao.
Scotsman is wondering about a park,
butt naked except for a doc martin on his cock
Park warden asks'
'oi, wit you dain?'
'Nothing' says the scotsman,
'just fuckin aboot'
Robinhood. Prince of thieves.
When Robin first goes to maid Marians castle, it's all dark, only a candle burning. I'm expecting the worst, she's been beaten to a pulp by the Sherriff. It's all getting very tense.
And then a bloody cat jumps onto the table and out of the door. I threw my drink in the air. It's been the only film for years that has made me jump.
"Honey, what time does the footbal start?"
I just want to say I agree with most of the sentiments here. War is santised for our viewing 'pleasure' on TV. Maybe if the worst barbaric behaviour that happens during war was shown on the television less people in this country and others, would be willing to tolerate it(war) as a solution when the politicians fail to develop more imaginative strategies.
As for anyone watching the video (which I have yet to do) and then complainging about it? WTF???? Don't do it. Keep those itchy fingers away from the download button and let those who wish to be exposed to the full horror of war, for whatever reason, do so without restriction.
Am now listening to the Dixie Chicks for anybody that is interested.
Particularily like the song 'Travelin Soldier' It always bring a tear to my eyes.
totally respect the responses so far. Can I ask, if you are against the idea why is it not possible for u to post responses saying 'go for it but not for me!'.
If you're not into it then you don't have to visit the thread. I'm not quite sure why you would object to other people having their say?
Just wondering if it would be allowed to post a thread on here that was totally out of limits for the OPs.
For example we have a GFZ and occasionaly a BFZ, what about an OPFZ for folks. It would only be for those that were not easily offended or for those that were prepared to be offended. Things could get personal, so long as they were not illegal, i.e. no racists, sexists, etc. (although even I can see a problem arising here)
Maybe as a concession we could agree the OPS could lock it now and then (without comment) and then it could start up again. Probabaly a silly idea, but god sometimes I would love this site to have a thread that just let us all loose on each other. If you didn't like it then just don't get involved. It's a bit like those folk that write into TV moaning about sex and violence. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN DONT WATCH. same principle would apply here.
I'm amazed anyone on this sight could possibly consider any American President as a good prosepect.
If you are gay...............You have no rights.
If you swing...................Texans would hang you.
If you are bisexual........The bible belt would cure you.
If you are not white........All the best, but don't expect much.
If you are white and straight..........Welcome to America
Forget what the hell they say about foreign affairs. What is most important is how they treat their own people. Thank allah/God I aint a black, hispanic, gay, lesbian, swinger, muslim, free thinker or anyone else who would choose to reject the American idea of what is a dream.
And please don't be thinking I'm anti American. All my friends in america have been expressing the same opinion for years........if you want an American president who cares then stop consuming.
Life shouldn't revolve around rules and regulations. If as I'm sure is the case some folk stumble upon this site while surfing the net. Think to themselves I'll pop in there for a wee chin wag, have a bit of a gas with someone, then whats the problem with that. Sure in an ideal world they would have the rules downloaded to their brain the minute they hit the site, but life ain't perfect and people don't always understand the etiquette of sites they are visiting.
I'm desperately hoping I don't get into trouble for this, or shat on from the hights of a soap box, but in a year of visiting this site I have never read the rules.
And I have joined clubs without reading the rules in the past, both on line and for example my local golf club. On the whole I have found members more than willing to take the time to explain the rules when I ask about them. When I don't ask and get things wrong they have all been kind enough to politely and with respect tell me about the rules.
What they don't do is go running to the nearest OP or equivalent and say they have PM'd me without asking. And before the usual suspects bemoan the fact they are PM'd without permission, could I suggest it would be a lot more fuss to press the ignore button rather than letting everyone in the chatroom know how popular you are with the newcomers. Some folks fingers must be red raw, just click ignore, its a lot less bover.
Can't say i have tried it but have now saved the site as a favourite on my partners file. Hopefully she will get the message and introduce me to the delights of Fleshlight for Christmas. :wanker: :wanker:
We've been coming on here for almost a year now off and on. And while we have never personally been chastised by the chat room ops I understand peoples frustration at being jumped upon by the OPs the minute they misunderstand a thread of conversation in the chatroom. Sometime its simply a newcomers way of getting into a conversation.
It's unrealistic to expect everyone to read the rules before entering the chatroom. And I (m) really cannot be done with all the back slapping that goes along with being an OP. If they find it is a hard job then stop doing it. No one is forcing anyone to be an op. Get off the soap box and give some of the new comers a break.
And yes I understand that without the OPs chaos may reign. But some of the best times I have had in the chatroom are when OPs are not present.
I'm right into mixed interacial porn but when it comes to real life I prefer my women and men to white. However I would love to watch any interacial sex and would love to see my partner at some point with a black/asian man or woman.