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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 50
0 miles · Hertfordshire


Warming the Bed
What about "mad as a bucket of frogs?"
or "sandwich short of a picnic?"
or "away an boil yer heid?"

I think some sayings have direct meanings and don't have any sort of history. I am pretty sure these come under that category.
Here's another.
It comes from the French meaning grip of death. (Mort-gage.)
Ever get the feeling you're being had?
Warming the Bed
From :
I think the presumption is that your grandmother has no teeth and therefore prefers raw eggs to the hard wholemeal-mixed-with-barley bread that was the staple diet of British peasants in the 18th/19th centuries. (The dental health of the 18th-19th-early 20th century British was truly terrible; it was taken for granted that old people were toothless.
Warming the Bed
How's your father?
"The origin of the expression 'how's your father' can be traced back to Victorian times. In those days any man with a daughter was so protective of her virtue that he would take extraordinary measures to safeguard it. Unmarried girls would be kept within the bosom of their family as much as possible, chaperoned on excursions, and on those occasions when they were let out of bounds for social events, their fathers would often accompany them discreetly by hiding underneath their voluminous skirts ready to pounce on any man who transgressed the bounds of propriety.
However, a father with more than one daughter couldn't be everywhere at once. Thus, a suitor having a discreet vis-a-vis with his beloved would cautiously ascertain her father's whereabouts by asking, 'And how is your father?' If her father was currently under her skirts, she would glance downwards and reply, 'My father is very well, thankyou, and as alert and vigorous as ever, and maintains his interest in rusty castrating implements.' Her beau would then say, 'I have always had the greatest respect for your father, and of course for you. Let us hold hands and think about the Queen for a while.' If, on the other hand, her father was elsewhere, she would reply, 'The mad old bastard is currently stationed between my sister Constance's thighs. Let us go into the garden and rut like stoats.'
Hence, 'How's your father' became a euphemism for you-know-what. I imagine it never caught on in France because Frenchmen didn't care who shagged their daughters as long as they could watch."
Warming the Bed
Ooo! I remember one more! It's a good 'n'.
On long sea voyages you would almost definitely do something wrong and end up flooged. So when it was your turn to do the flogging you would not want to be too vigorous as soon enough you'd be at the other end. So the guy being flogged would say 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.'
One more:
The barrels that held the food would be washed out and the slush which had some nutritional value sold to the locals. The money raised would be put together and used for whatever it might be needed for. It was a 'slush fund'.
Okay, that really is it. I must give some sort of impression of having a life.
Warming the Bed
I've been told many, many cases where phrases come from a nautical background- but can hardly remember any (too much rum!)

Here are some nautical sayings from the top of my head:
When it was cold the iron cannonballs would contract more than the brass triangles they were kept in and would fall out. These triangles were called 'monkeys' after the little boys who carried them around. So when it is cold we say it is cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.
When a ship passed another it would often unfurl all its flags and would 'pass with flying colours'.
Admiral Nelson's body was preserved for the voyage home in a barrel of brandy (or gin) and crewmen would walk by and take a sneaky swig from it. To this day, some say when they are taking a quick drink that they are 'tapping the admiral'.
The Horse Latitudes are near the equator and there is no wind so all you can do is wait for weeks until you drift through on the currents. Once the men had workd off their advanced it was tough to get any more work out of them. Trying to get them to work was like 'flogging a dead horse'.
The word posh is an acronym. It comes from the way rich people would have port-side cabins on the way out and starboard-side cabins on the way back. Port Out Starboard Home became the word posh.
Someone mentioned 'not enough room to swing a cat'. The book I read said it had nothing to do with the cat o' nine tails but everything to do with a fairground game where cats really were thrown in the air for the paying public to hit with an arrow. (That's what I read anyway.)
I can't remember anymore for now.
PS Possibly should not have said 'mental homes'. I thought that was what they were once called. They probably never were, though.
Warming the Bed
I don't know about 'Bob's your uncle'. I'll see what I can find.
Another common saying I like is 'Round the bend'. Big houses were built at the end of straight drives so they could be seen from the road; mental homes were built at the end of curved drives so they could be hidden away. So when you went mad it was said that you 'went round the bend'.
Warming the Bed
sn't that inducing what you are seeking to avoid?

I was more hoping to shine a light on it and avoid it happening at all. A little high risk, I admit.
Warming the Bed
I love to find out the origins of words and phrases that we use all the time and never really consider strange. Books on the subject fly of the shelves these days and the BBC series Balderdash and Piffle where the public were invited to research on behalf of the OED was very popular.
One of my favourite sayings in this respect is 'Kick the bucket'. It gets used every single day but if you think about it it is a very odd saying.
It turns out that when animals were slaughtered they were hung from wooden frames called buckets (perhaps they still are). When their throats were cut, at the point of death they would kick out against the frame. They would 'kick the bucket'.
Most sayings come from the navy. For instance, if you were on board a ship and had nothing to do and the captain saw you he'd give you the job of tying up the loose bits of rope that were hanging dangerously about. You would, therefore, find yourself quite literally at a loose end.
I was just wondering if anyone else has any such words and sayings they would like to share or just ask about. I am also wondering how anyone could possibly twist this post into something offensive I said but I am sure it could be done. Come on people, try! (You know who you are.) ;)
Warming the Bed
Nothing comes from nothing,
nothing ever could,
But somewhere in my youth, or childhood,
I must have done something good.

All creation was preceded by Nothing.
"Nothing", therefore, is the substance
From which all things come,
And to which they shall return.
That infinite Nothing gave rise to nature.
Nature's perfect symmetry is instinctive.
Whatever upsets that balance can be said to be wrong.
We are all part of nature.
As such, that instinct is part of us.
To contribute to the balance of all things,
Is to live in harmony with one's self.
To move against the effortless flow,
Is to cause disruption to our surroundings,
And so to us.
Warming the Bed
'Whilst' is older and 'while' is newer and used mostly instead of the former in America. Otherwise there is no difference.
PS Eats, Shoots and Leaves was a very witty and informative book, I thought. It is very revealing that dumbing down barely rates a mention but its opposite (whatever that is) gets howls of disapproval.
Warming the Bed
Screwtape, not only have you (albeit unintentionally) initiated imho one of the most interesting threads this year, you have also shown yourself to be a gentleman.

Wait till you see me in bed! ;)
Warming the Bed
De Sade,
While you said what you said at absolutely the wrong moment (having been surrounded for days) I admit readily that you didn't deserve to be spoken to so harshly by me. (Some of the others got off lightly.) I respect the fact you sent me a PM and I see you never meant any harm. I apologise and I have no problem doing so in a manner as public as my previous words.
Warming the Bed
Whatever it was, this thread has become so ridiculous that I am kicking myself for still being here eight pages on. On the advice of my counsel, I shall leave the sheep to graze at their leisure.

Just so you don't lose sight of it Richard, you received much harsher treatment from people other than myself, so why single me out for your misguided bile?.

Because I reckon you're intelligent enough to know better. If you want to talk to me about it, PM me.
Warming the Bed
On the rule thing...There probably isn't a rule like that (yet) but if non-sexual or non-swinging threads keep getting locked maybe soon that is all we will be allowed to discuss here. And then wouldn't that be a sad day...

If this thread is locked and others like it banned altogether it will be because what I originally said was twisted and added to. Then whole bits were just made up entirely and argued over as if they had any basis at all in reality. Assumptions were made (by you amongst others) with no effort made to actually ask what the truth was, and then a whole herd of sheep came along and bleated so loudly that reasonable discussion was rendered impossible.
But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by your above quote. It is the logical next step for the very people who caused the truly laughable nonsense we've just seen to then nod sagely and agree that it would be a shame if non-sexual threads were to be banned.
Warming the Bed
De Sade,
What I don't understand is why someones virtually first post on a swinging site is not about swinging at all but about the incorrect use of grammar. Seems to me that perhaps Richard should have chosen his forum more carefully.

The Cafe is, and I quote, for: "General discussion and chit-chat."
It is almost as is Richard was courting the very responses his post elicited.

Yet another uninformed assumption. Why speculate and not make a single effort to actually ASK me? The very fact that you're willing to assume the worst instead of finding out the truth is very revealing.
Warming the Bed
It will stop when they are sure that he is dead.... I can see the vultures hovering now

I'll play dead if it keeps the peace. (Face down, for you.)
Warming the Bed
You know, it has occurred to me that this has bugger all to do with grammar or what I did/didn't say. I am not even going to get into what I think it really is about. But the idea that it is I who is doing the judging here is laughable.
Warming the Bed
You may find it interesting! I prefer to be disagreed with for something I actually said or thought. ;)
Warming the Bed
don't really know why I can get away with it and others get tugged

No one got 'tugged'. No one. Well, except the guy who called other people morons. I still think he deserved it.
Warming the Bed
I am also willing to give the writer respect by not drawing attention to their mistakes.

This really is getting beyond a joke. I criticised ONLY the guy who referred to others as morons while not spelling it correctly. I criticised NO ONE else for their writing ability. NO ONE! It seems many took what I said personally but I cannot help that and it was certainly not intended.
I made it clear in my initial posts that we all make mistakes and commit typos. Why, oh why is everyone persisting in this idea that I am criticising people for their mistakes when I said in first place I was doing no such thing?
I criticised only the laziness that expects others to sift through their writing on their behalf for some semblance of meaning.
I have no idea why this is so difficult to understand. I would not mind quite so much but in misrepresenting my initial post Felixx ends up upset over something that was never actually said in the first place and that I regret.
I wish people would just read what I said. Instead we get false assumptions and then other members picking them up and following them like sheep. Corrections get totally disregarded and when I point that out I get sworn at. Slanging matches I was never involved in get invented and best of all is the claim that tolerance is the big thing here but then someone expressing an honest opinion and explaining it while not mentioning any individual is shown anything but tolerance for doing so.
This is too ridiculous for any more words on the subject. I have said everything, more than once, and I cannot possibly make it any clearer. Read into what I said whatever you want. Make it up! Put words into my mouth. Have a ball.
Warming the Bed
Couldn't fucking care less Richard.
Pot. Kettle. Black. Stones. Greenhouses. Throw.

You couldn't? You're doing a good job of pretending that you do. If the last sentence refers to me, what precisely are you talking about? I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on this, especially if they are as well-considered and expressed as the ones above.
Warming the Bed
In that case, quite clearly, the opening post of mine was not directed at you. You should not have seen yourself in anything I said.
Warming the Bed
If I have misread your intentions then please accept my apologies, I would though go back and read some of your posts before issuing too strongly worded denials

I don't need to reread my earlier posts; I remember them well enough. There was no attempt to belittle anyone. I mentioned only one member directly. The rest of the post was regarding the issue in general and no one person in particular. I was careful about that.
Warming the Bed
It's hardly getting the last word in if I start a whole new thread and invite discussion, is it. Nor could it be a 'continuation of a slanging match' if I was never involved in one, or anything else, in the first place.
Warming the Bed
As I said before, this thread was supposed to be only a bit of fun. Usually, bring up this subject and everyone airs their little pet peeves and gives hilarious examples of signs they've seen that end up with double meanings because of a misplaced apostrophe or something but, clearly, that didn't happen this time.
Warming the Bed
Not everyone has a natural grasp of the English language and I don't think it should be seen as a personal slight if somebody contacts you and has trouble stringing a sentence together, it's their problem not yours.

I don't disagree with ANY of that. I never have.
Warming the Bed
Quote by de_sade

I am sure I was not alone to be amused when I saw members beings described as "morron's".

I am not so "mildly irritated" by the misuse of apostrophes as much as I am "mildly irritated" by the fact that morons has been mispelt in the first place and you who are so quick to judge others on their misuse of grammar, fail to notice the incorrect spelling !!!
lol :lol: :lol:
Cock on Her. :thumbup: What a morron. :lol:
I answered this. If you're interested in what that answer was, scroll up. If you're not, don't.
Warming the Bed
I have made the point, more than once now, that I only objected to the dreadful grammar in a post that referred to others as 'morons' without even being able to spell the word correctly.
The rest of my post was not directed at anyone else here but was a more general point which I thought might make for an interesting discussion.
I thought all the talk about the benefits of an education were over the top. Information is free and, with the Web, readily available to anyone who can be bothered. As Polo pointed out, there is a huge difference between a lack of education and basic laziness. If people want to be lazy then that is fine with me. If they expect me to be the one to pick through their meaning when it is unclear then they might be disappointed.
And, once more in case it was missed yet again, I was objecting only to he who called others 'morons' when he couldn't even spell the word. Had he not done that I'd have said absolutely nothing.