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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 50
0 miles · Hertfordshire


Warming the Bed
Then stay face down... I don't care icon_ FB - can you please help me out here? icon_

I have never been so . . . actually I was going to say 'appalled' but I think I am going to say 'intrigued' instead.
Warming the Bed
OK, you have my interest and are now speaking my language - how can I be of service?

Bloke, really now, this man is not for turning. ;)
Warming the Bed
Did someone mention the Baldwin Brothers

One of my more surreal experiences came about twelve years ago in America when I felt it impolite to refuse my aunt's invite to her Quaker church. At the end of the service, as we started to shuffle out, some guy started vaulting chairs and pushing people out the way. He was glaring at me with what I took to be a crazed expression and I started to get nervous. I wondered if, perhaps, he knew I didn't believe in God and was going to try to save me or something. He grabbed me by the shoulders and ejaculated (if that's the word I want): "You look just like Nicholas Cage!"
Nothing in my experience to that point equipped me for that moment. I smiled, thanked him and backed out slowly.
Warming the Bed
Now, Bloke, we've spoken about this . . . ;)
Richard (backing out now as his attempt at what was supposed to be a bit of fun has clearly backfired. He blames himself).
Warming the Bed
Take the following example for a fictitious person:
John Davies is concerned over tomorrow's forecast for snow in London because...
1) John Davies' car is not easy to drive on slippery roads
or should it be:
2) John Davies's car is not easy to drive on slippery roads.
According to my basic knowledge of English grammar, sentence 1 is correct, but I have received letters from authorities where they have used sentence 2.
My question is thus: does one leave the "s" after the apostrophe if the preceding word is a person's name that ends in "s"?

I am not 100% but I think it's line 2. The way I remember it, and you'll have to check it, is that names from the ancient world and saints' names have no 's' after the apostrophe. Everyone else does. If it isn't that it is something very similar.
Warming the Bed
I would just like to point out that this punctuation mark:- " - is NOT an apostrophe, it is a direct quotation mark. An apostrophe could be used in the following sentence (with direct quotation marks in the correct place):-

Two things:
1) For the sake of clarity I used the speech mark instead of the quotation mark as the speech mark and apostrophe look the same on screen and in this instance may cause confusion. Writers who write about punctuation often use speech marks for quotations for this very reason.
2) I wrote the post on Word first and I did not notice it corrected 'wilful' to the American spelling.
Warming the Bed
I am not so "mildly irritated" by the misuse of apostrophes as much as I am "mildly irritated" by the fact that morons has been mispelt in the first place and you who are so quick to judge others on their misuse of grammar, fail to notice the incorrect spelling !!!

I noticed the spelling. I didn't think it needed pointing out. Something about not insulting the intelligence of people here.
Warming the Bed
BUT, I have to agree and disagree slightly with you on the usage of apostrophes. Yes I agree with your comments on the correct and incorrect usage of them but we cannot sit and judge and jury to people who cannot really spell that well or use correct abbreviations. This site isn't about reading and writing skills or is it? (correct me if I'm wrong I don't mind icon_ )
By the way, does anyone tell you you have a look of one of the 'Baldwin' brothers?? mmmm"

I don't judge those on this site who cannot spell. I judge those who call others morons while spelling the word incorrectly.
And, yes to your question. smile
Warming the Bed
That's true... yes it can distract from a valid point on an issue said person is trying raise but as long as we all get the central idea or the essence of what's being said it will not or should not be a problem.

You make a good point; but when someone refers to others as 'morron's' I think the limit of my tolerance is reached and breached!
Warming the Bed
Being one of those people who frequently puts her apostrophes in the wrong place, can you explain to me the difference between 's and s' please ?

Well, the apostrophe before the 'S' is possessive and singular. After the 'S' it is possessive and plural.
If something belongs to one person you say, for instance: the plumber's tool. This means there is only one plumber and the tool is his.
If there is more than one plumber and the tool belongs to all of them you write it: the plumbers' tool. This is a possessive plural.
Why did I use 'plumber's tool' as an example? You decide. ;)
Warming the Bed
I think many people are afraid to be their selves because they're worried about what else might pop out when they lift the lid on it all. Years of repression can lead to some pretty dark desires; and while most of them turn out to be harmless, they are also things a lot of us were brought up to believe were shameful.
Also, don't forget that while it was only relatively recently that homosexuality was declared legal, lesbianism was never against the law. It's only really been forty years for men to get used the fact that their desires do not make them worthy only for a prison cell. That is not to say women have not had it tough too – of course they have – but I can't help wondering if that's where part of the difference lies. In fact, homosexuality was demonised in the run up to WWII because it was seen as the British male lacking the kind of backbone and necessary 'manliness' to repel the threat from Germany. Women didn't have to suffer that, at least. That's bound to have had an effect on the male psyche.
Anyway, I could go on . . . so I'll stop now.
Warming the Bed
I wanted to post this in the "Photo's" thread but it was understandably locked for going off-topic; so maybe I can start a new one.
I am sure I was not alone to be amused when I saw members beings described as "morron's". Previously, I had been mildly irritated by the use of the apostrophe where none belonged but I am aware I can be terribly pedantic over such things, and, well, annoying; so I said nothing.
But does that kind of thing bother you as much as it does me? I think it's the willful ignorance that irritates me so. There really is no excuse these days. We all write emails and posts and whatever else pretty much every day. We all make typos and genuine mistakes but to me peppering your correspondence with child-like errors is just laziness and lacking in respect for the person doing the reading.
And don't even get me started on the '8 Items or less' sign! I am sure they do it to on purpose!
Richard (being pedantic).
Warming the Bed
The rules are there to protect people. Maybe the third parties in your pictures really don't mind, but I applaud the moderators for erring on the side of caution. If you don't like the rule, as you clearly do not, you need not have joined in the first place. They didn't hide it in the small print, after all.
Warming the Bed
Perhaps you're asking the wrong question. Instead of asking how to stop loving, ask how to stop yourself from placing attachments to the way you feel. I am recently out of a relationship and when I first spoke to her it was difficult because I attached to the way I felt feelings of happiness, completeness, contentment. That meant that without her, I would be unhappy, incomplete and discontented.
I no longer make that mistake. Whether I am happy or not depends wholly on me and the way I feel about the things life throws at me. Now, when I feel as if my heart is filling up with warm water just at the sight of my ex I honestly relish it. It's a great feeling – love – and when it is free from what we want it to do for us it does us good.
How to get to the point where you no longer attach such things to love would probably be a good second question. smile
Warming the Bed
You may indeed ask why 'Screwtape'. It's from a book by CS Lewis called The Screwtape Letters, which is a collection of letters from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood. The letters contain advice on how to tempt the patient (an Englishman) into hell. It was given to me by a Christian who wanted me to embrace the religion but it just confirmed in me what i already felt about the dichotomy (at least) that exists inside us all. It's a very insightful book, witty and I just liked the name.
Wow, I got all serious for a moment there.
From your profile: "Good erotic kissers an advantage."
Now . . . I am going to stick my neck out and lay down a marker by saying that erotic kissing is something I do very, very well. I am more than willing to be judged on this. Oh and Hertfordshire is in between Middlesex and Bedfordshire . . . Kinda.
PS And thanks to all the new messages of welcome I have received during my absence this weekend.
Warming the Bed
Would I consider being bi? Well, in the spirit of open-mindedness all offers are considered but, well, maybe one day when I have exhausted the supply of willing women on this wonderful site. smile
You're not kidding!
Warming the Bed
I am not a gay single female, unfortunately. I can suspend the 'reasonable distance' requirement thing but this . . . you're asking too much.
Warming the Bed
What might be considered reasonable, distance wise?

Right, that's it, forget the 'reasonable distance' part. I wish I'd never said it! A distance is reasonable depending on how much you really want to get to what's waiting for you at the other end. So far, ladies, it all seems quite reasonable to me. smile
Warming the Bed
I just took a look at your profile. If I weren't straight, you'd definitely do it for me.
If you're going to fight over me could you at least do it in a bikini and a paddling pool full of mud? It would be unseemly otherwise.
Warming the Bed
Quote by PoloLady
Yes, I am going to have fun.

Fancy a shag?
Oh ... and welcome.
That was to the point! And in that spirit, yes, I do.
Warming the Bed
I use Mac OSX.2 and the Safari browser. Since the upgrade I cannot log in. There is the log in button but no fields to type my user name and password. Also, the centre of the screen is a white square with nothing in it and surrounding it text is overlapping.
I can use Firefox but as i reported to Sarah who is acting as my mentor, the I Accept button at the bottom of the terms and conditions for Tiered Membership isn't there. Maybe I just cannot see it but I really think it is not displaying. I have tried emptying the cache. This last thing is not so much a problem for now as I am happy with my membership as is but just thought you'd like to know.
Warming the Bed
Yes, Jaymar, I realised you were joking. I have a very acute sense of comedy, you know. smile
And, LadyFeeBee? That is me; and thanks. I was once told I have eyes like a cow's. Make of that what you will!
Warming the Bed
That was a lovely response, Marya, thanks. Having seen your pictures, suddenly the distance seems a lot more reasonable than it did. smile
Warming the Bed
I'm just here to say that I am keen to meet up with ladies or couples for some excitement and fun. I believe sex starts in the head and expresses itself best via healthy imagination and a connection on all levels. I believe in anticipation, tension and titillation. I live in Hertfordshire but am willing to travel a reasonable distance.
Warming the Bed
Making friends and enemies already! Yes, I am going to have fun.
Warming the Bed
Sadly though I think we are the only two!

It only takes two. ;)
And hello, Splendid.
Warming the Bed
I am a Spurs supporter! I knew I'd find like-minded people here.
Warming the Bed
Well . . . I wa born in Tottenham so . . . okay, you're right, you win. smile
Warming the Bed
I am going to be the sanctimonious Mac user now who always comes along at times like this and say that Mac OSX is fast, powerful, multi-featured, pretty, easy to use, secure and stable.
I have heard that Vista will be the last OS Microsoft ever bring out as it was so phenomenonly expensive to develop and it took so long. With excellent operating systems being developed all the time that take up so little space, are fast and stable and, what is more, absolutely free of charge, it may never be worth their while again.
My next move will be to buy a case, monitor and keyboard, add on the HD, sound card and so on myself and then run Linux on it. It's cheaper and when a compnent goes wrong you can have it replaced within the hour.
Warming the Bed
Thanks for the warm welcome. I hope I do get to have the fun I am looking for, too!
Oh, and I am not a Bedfordian; I am a Hertfordshirian. The two things are very different. I do believe they make good bedfellows, however. wink