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Over 90 days ago


I've had a few and enjoyed them... not as good as two guy and one girl though. cool
I've had quite a high success rate by the sounds of it and I don't reply to many ads.
I couldn't say what I did was any different to anyone else.
You need a bike mate wink
The drivers who really cause congestion are the ones who sit in the middle lane.
Quote by Libra-Love
Is it just me or are there far too many married men on this site looking for sex?

Quite a few women too.
Quote by smoggie
hi thanks for reading my posti would appreciate any adviceon howtoget some trouser activity lol (wife wont play) its ages since i delved into the moist tufted regions and my nuts are about to burst .hope u peep can helpme out im early 40,s fit gsoh etc hope you peeps can steer me in the wright direction thanks smogs redface

Maybe it's a literacy thing confused
A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed. She puts on her robe and goes downstairs to look for him.
She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup Coffee in front of him. He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall.
She watches as he wiped a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee.
"What's the matter, dear?" she whispers as she steps into the room, "Why are you down here at this time of night?"
The husband looks up from his coffee, "Do you remember 20 Years ago when We were dating, and you were only 16?" he asks solemnly.
The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so Caring and sensitive. "Yes I do! " she replies.
The husband paused.
The words were not coming easily. "Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car?"
"Yes, I remember" said the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him.
The husband continued......."Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said, 'Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years?'"
"I remember that too" she replied softly.
He wiped another tear from his cheek and said......"I would have gotten out today."
Quote by SunBunny
When I was a student I worked in a comedy club in North London, and met Lee Evans and Jenny Eclair, when they were starting out on the circuit. That woman is so underrated. Very funny, clever lady.

I've met Jenny and I agree. A very talented woman.
Quote by ockysweeties
Eddie Izzard and nothing else.

He's great but please open your mind and try some other new stand ups.
Quote by RochdaleGuy
ive seen Peter Kay he was brilliant

Hmmm. He's funny but not my sort of thing.
I prefer my comedy a little more edgy
Quote by Mr Writer
I went to see Dave Spikey at the Preston Guild Hall last night. He was fantastic.

I've not seen him. I wonder if he does the London circuit.
I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this post but...
Is it me or is there something wrong with this ad?
Quote by rachel-lane
i love stand up. we have a comedy festival through feb in leicester all the big names come to town. this year was extra special for me being as a transsexual won the award for best newbie . apparently she was hillarious, i will be deffo looking out for her on the jongerleurs line up. i love that place biggrin

What's her name?
Is anyone else here a fan of live stand up comedy?
I love going to the Comedy Store and also flying up to Edinburgh for the Fringe each summer. Last year my favourite act was an Irish guy called Andrew Maxwell, brilliant set. Lately I've been getting into Brendon Burns. An Auzzie nutcase who reminds me of Bill Hicks.
Quote by jezzay
Where's Essex?

Way south of you... where the fresh DNA lives wink
Quote by easy
I'd be more interested to know how she disovered she had a passion for this activity. confused

In a hurry round the back of the pub without a condom at a guess.
Quote by steveg_nw
feel way better
just wish our 1st meet with a single guy from this site hadn`t ended like that

I get mightily pissed off with people coming on here saying "you're a single guy, you must be a liar/cheat/thief/timewaster/asshole/saddo/low life" (delete as appropriate) when they've never even met me.

Yeah, right on... and anyway, they have to meet me before they can say that wink
Quote by Tania
What were your thoughts on the Royal Wedding? I don't have any particular feelings other than surprise to see Prince William losing his hair (obviously he inherited that bit from his dad) on the top of his head.

Just like Harry has inherited his thick red mane from hisdad wink
Quote by Scott_bolton
Hi all
It it me or does anybody else find a Georgie accent sexy
Even if I cant see the person I imagine them to be gorgeous Does anyone have any other dialects they find makes them cum lol
As a Lancashire lad Eee Bye Gum just doesnt cut it lol
Kindest Regards

Nope. There's only one, truelyunattractive accent.... but I'm not telling.
Quote by acker
Hello, as you have probably seen i am quite new and now i just want to say HELLO ! X X X :twisted:

Another one out of the shadows. I don't feel so alone now.
Quote by manofmuchfun
ello and welcome to the forums
have a read about and have fun

Thankyou very much. Seems like a nice little corner of the web.
nah.......there orrible ere ! whip

Nah.... seem quite fluffy to me :rose:
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
ello and welcome to the forums
have a read about and have fun

Thankyou very much. Seems like a nice little corner of the web.
I'm current building up the courage to have a sack, crack and back wax and a place in London I found especially for guys.
As a regular ball shaver need to regrow for a month or so in order to give them something to rip off! :shock:
Quote by bluexxx
The script writers were having a laugh weren't they rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Anyone remember Captain Pugwash..... didn't that get banned for being very rude?

I'm afraid that's a myth.