Am I being thick here? Still don't get it! lol.
c######h ???
Do they do anything or just sit there?
On Tuesday night, was there a car in M****n W***s about 9ish with two folk in who were wearing yellow high-viz vests / coats?
What you into DoncasterStu? I'll be out on my own tonight if you're into that kind of fun. PM me where you'll be - or anyone else out in Doncaster for that matter,
We went a couple of weeks ago - not much to be seen.
Were we not looking in the right places or did the steam room shagfest take place after we had gone?
Everything seems ok now. Not sure if site has been fiddled with or if downloading the latest version did it, but it works now!
I use Opera and am too having problems
I like the look of the new skin (and whatever is behind it) but I've spotted a couple of probs
1) It's v slow atm
2) The menu at the top (Photos Ads, Voice Ads etc) doesn't display right in the Opera browser.
Looks ace though otherwise!
Anyone at Erotica on Thursday?
How about somewhere like the Bronx Sauna in Sheffield?
Hope this is in the right area...
Occasionally there are posts on SH about flashing in public places. Has anyone ever done it in Doncaster town centre? I'd be interested to hear about it (male or female!!!)
Sorry - it had meant to be a pvt msg. Can mods delete?
I'll be passingXXXXXXXX on my way home at about 6. You going to be anywhere about then?
English, French, German.
Also know basic phrases (a beer please etc) in Czech, Polish, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Danish, Italian
Anything brass - cornet and a bit of brass trombone at the mo
Mmm - I like real ale too. Dunno about favourites though - had too many (several hundred different ones) this year to tell!
How about some swing / dogging type thing at a beer festival?
How you getting there? Car or train?
Heh - I see at least one couple has posted pics! Nice body painting ...
I also go commando most of the time ( m part of couple here!).
The only thing is, I am quite well endowed so *always* shows!
I do own a few items of underwear - mainly tight lycra-type boxers - mmm- very smooth and sexy!
A really good site that allows loads of pics (but not penetration) is
Mine's just over 7" round ;)
Didn't end up going out! Sorry to those who replied with offers!
Novice couple wanting to know if anyone's going to be out in Doncaster tonight
Anyone going to be newhere around Doncaster tomorrow evening (Say) or next week?
If there's going to be action, I (or we) might be there too
Mines only 8" long, bu about 7" round - any good?