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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 66
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Mind. Meanwhile in the woods something stirred......
(We needed some punctuation there folks !)
It's a bit old this but you can find your own porn name by putting together your mothers maiden name with that of your first pet, try it, some are just plain daft but some are real crackers !
PS Mine would be Rusty Slaine !
OK, how about the twin leads on Derek & the Dominoes "Layla" then - Eric Clapton & Duane Alman, Fender vs Gibson - what a sound !
And talking of duals, Steve Vai & Ry Cooder didn't do a bad job in Crossroads did they !
S8 cool
Rowan & Martin used to do a show called "laugh in" - does that help ?
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hi burose ! :welcome:
Not been long here myself and I find each time I login this is my first (and usually now, my only) port of call.
I've been made very welcome and I'm sure you will be too !
Have fun ! wink
Hi folks,
Here's my simple rule - ask yourself this question; "Is this ad too good to be true" ?
If it is then likely it's a wind up.
Genuine people include genuine things, little details etc., they're human after all and nice people too. Check the backgrounds in the pics, check the clothes (not just the lack of them) and back to an old chestnut of mine - the standard of the writing - bad in any of these areas suggests (to me at least) a non-genuine ad.
Spend a bit more time studying the ad and all its contents and a bit less time contemplating dipping your wick ! lol
Love & peace !
Sorry to hear of your problematic ulcers, I have 2 suggestions both of which will cost you nothing and make you very biggrin !
1. Salt water gargle twice a day, use tepid water and the solution does not need to be strong - don't swallow as you'll be sick ! :spit:
2. Warm sperm gargle and since no-one appears to have suggested this "home grown" remedy I conclude they have none for you ! Well I do and, to bring it right up to date, it comes in a handy pink pump action dispenser which is designed to store it at the correct temperature, just a few tugs and there you go, gargle gently then do swallow - take care not to gag ! blast
There, that's my good deed done for the day, I'm off for a wank ! boink
PS Hope you start to feel better soon !
Have to sympathise with you, I got a touch of sunstroke once and it was certainly painful for a day or so, felt sick like a really bad hangover and all I did was to burn my shoulders !
I now avoid the sun and have a marvelous bar tan !
Seriously use lavender and/or alloe vera, wear light (cotton) clothes, drink plenty of water and keep out of the sun, if you feel you should go see the doc !
Keep cool cool
Apostrophe's eh, mad ! ! !
Yes, I too hate 'em but as yo' can see, they useful when used correctly, trouble is they're the most ill-used form of punctuation BUT my favourite is the "n", as in "fish n chips", "his n hers" etc, there has to be a word out there for that annoying little sod !
Hi Manc_Lass ! :welcome:
Well as you can see I'm a newbie too, I placed a similar post to yours and, like you are now finding, made to feel very welcome !
This is a nice, if slightly mad, place to be so pull up a chair, get a large short (or maybe a short large), read the posts and ENJOY ! :thumbup:
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: @miss chief !
S8 lol
"just my thoughts on the aubject"
What pray is an aubject ?
I reckon this is could be a new adjective for aural sex - I placed my head between her legs for ages but couldn't hear a thing !
S8 wink
I can only think that the lady in question didn't mind, after all she didn't object at the time did she eh ?
I'm pretty certain that if she did not appreciate your drunken fumblings she would have made it clear to you and despite drinking you would have remembered that so go get her tiger !
S8 wink
Hi onlyme1981 !
Your predicament touched a nerve when I read it so I thought I would give you the benefit of my experience and how I resolved it.
I was head over heels in love with her, we were together for nearly 5 years when out of the blue she left, gone,vanished ! I was totally shell shocked by this and started a campaign to win here back - this took up a year of my life, I was completely obsessed with this woman who within a month of leaving me had taken up with another man.
We remade contact and for a short while I really did believe there was a chance. There was over a hundred miles between us at this point but I was driving there in the week and again at the weekend just to catch a glimpse of her.
Well what a fool I was, I had plenty of admirers but couldn't see them, my closest friends had become transparent, my work was suffering until one day I reached bursting point.
A fellow worker passed by me one day and asked if I was OK, I replied yes and then thought to myself, no, I'm not alright, I'm hurting bad so I followed him to the area he works in and we started to talk. This guy effectively became my therapist for the next 2 months or so and all he did was to listen. I suppose unusually for a man he didn't try to offer solutions to my problems, he just listened, and every morning we (I) would talk about it. Gradually my "problem" melted away and our sessions got shorter, at the end laughter was part of it, something I could never have envisaged a month prior.
You know how it is, as soon as someone makes suggestions of what to do you immediately counter with additional problems simply because that's not what you want at the time. I actually snapped out of my "coma" 11 months after she left and it wasn't until that time that Itook charge of my life once more and then all the really good things that you like about yourself come out, it's a bit like springtime I suppose.
I think you have to go through that experience to heal yourself, it's not about turning your feelings for the other person around 180 degrees, it's not about them at all, it's only about you and the best thing is you become a much better person at the end of it, that's a promise !
Take care and enjoy life my dear !
XXX smile
'ello peeps,
Thought I'd join in here, this is an interesting topic !
I wholeheartedly agree with James' sentiments regarding treating other people in the way in which you yourself would like to be treated, they will get their just rewards !
I sympathise with and understand bluexxx's bewilderment at the responses to a polite "no thanks", may I suggest a little more firmness though. I think a polite yet firm reply is ALL that is needed, we do not have to explain ourselves and therefore there is no need to elaborate so shut the door if you need to, just do it positively !
My own experiences have drawn mixed results from nothing to "well if you want to get to know me email at this (pay to join) website, my ad is xxxxxx" so no positives (yet). If someone does bother to reply then I always respond out of courtesy, I treat others as I wish to be treated and will never lower myself to the standards shown by these people.
I think I'm quite a good judge of character and in these ads you really only have 1 thing to go on (ignoring pictures) - the standard of their writing so judge the person on that. Compare the standard of writing in some of the ads with that in these posts - I reckon if a person cannot writ or spill proplee or as bad gramma then there a crap shag - avoid them because the power to communicate is sex and therefore writing is sexy, now ya'll go away and have good sex now !
PS That last bits a joke by the way, I'm a great shag ! wink
Hey, more welcomes from you nice folk and am very envious of Lovebug - got pole position there m8 ! wink
See, I knew you folks were cooooool !
Many thanks for your responses, am a bit surprised by the number of people who say they prefer the forum to the chatroom but it's true, you get more time to compose your message here which helps !
Right I'm off chatting myself, see some of you there, see the others back here anon !
For the past month or so I've amused myself in the chatroom, occasionaly butting into other people and as time has gone on I've even communicated directly with some of you peeps - I shan't name the parties biggrin
For those that I haven't "spoken" to I'm a bloke in my mid 40's living in the Manchester area. I've even got a ad here - #damn, can't remember now, have to go find it, rats brb................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 hour later...............................meanwhile in
a dark room somewhere something stirs......"my tea ready yet" ?
.........................................................................................................................................................................................4 hours later, rustling of papers, shuffling of feet,,,,,,,,,,,,aha, no thats my national insurance number....................................................................... here we go, oh no these are the instructions for my bike. You still here then ? You've probably gathered I take a rather less than serious attitude to life I suppose the point of this is just to say HI to the folks I've exchanged something with (phnarrr phnarrr) and HI to those that have yet to have the pleasure ! See you in the chatroom folks !
Straighteight (Simon) x
My ad ? oh yes, 105428 wink