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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 45
0 miles · Shropshire


It would be very rude ;) icon_mrgreen x yay x

Yes DJ, shouldn’t be too difficult for a man well travelled as yourself icon_lol

I’m thinking about organising a social in Shrewsbury. If enough people interested then I can look at booking somewhere soon but just sounding out if anyone would be up for one in this quiet shire. 

"One good turn gets most of the blankets."

Looking forward to seeing everyone there. I shall be the one dressed as a pirate (which could be interesting if there are other pirates) Yo ho ho ? (I’m not sharing my rum though ?) 

I will be travelling down to Banbury this Wednesday and Thursday the 25th and 26th. Obviously I want to say “if you want to ride a cockhorse in Banbury cross” ? however I’m much too refined for that ?? so will simply say anyone fairly near by who would like to meet/chat/ go for a drink then send me a message. 

Fantastic event. Really really nice people and great food. You should def do another one chatty :cheers:  x

On Saturday 19th August I will be staying in the [removed] in shrewsbury town centre and I'm looking for likeminded, people to enjoy a drink or two that's night. If anyone's free and fancies a good social in the baron lands of shropshire then add your your name and I will send you more details closer to the time. 


I did go again to enjoy another spa day but rather a quiet day... the only person I spoke to was a rather talented famous comedian in the steam room of all places. And before you! He def didn't mention anything about heaven icon_lol

This is going to be my last post in this thread. I feel it's a bit one sided. icon_rolleyes

I will leave with this thought...

"If any men saw the crazy positions women get into so they could shave their legs...they would demand kinkier sex" 

Ok. Haven't been to the bull yet n a while. Not good for after 12 drinks ? ok well officially if anyone sees me out at all in any pubs on any night then say hi xx I always wear my trademark hat xx  

I have a Saturday evening free and wanted to see if any people on here feel like having a drink and a chat. 
I will be in a pub in Shrewsbury (please contact me for which one) from 9pm sat 14th Jan. You will know who I am because I always wear a trilby hat with lots of badges on it. 
So anyone fancy a drink? If you try and work the word "heaven" into a conversation I will know your from here. 

Mod Edit:  Please do not post specific locations and times/dates in your posts

Statistically I am more likely to be a desperate middle aged man who still lives with his mum and likes to play trains upstairs. 

But I've never been one to follow the crowd.  

I am a typical Aries... A fearless and natural leader. Unafraid to explore the Unknown. Eager, enthusiastic, dynamic. Charismatic, energetic, loves challenges, marvellous sense of adventure, extremely playful. Passionate, impatient, stubborn, likes to have the last word, crusader for the rights of others  and defender of lost causes. 

I have been away for a while owing to a vanilla relationship but I'm now back and in typical spontaneous style I have decided to do a bit of relaxing. 

I shall therefore be at the [removed] later today (12th Jan 17) between 10am and 1pm getting steamy in the sauna, hoping to perfect my breast stroke in the pool and getting a good work out in the gym ? ?

If anyone is free and wants to be sociable then I shall be wearing a pair of black and white mottiffed swimming shorts. If you want to let on you have seen this ad then tell me "looks like the heavens are going to open"

I will reply "then we shall get wet" 

So if you get someone answer you about the snow that is due... its not me ? 

Now I want to make it clear that I will talk to anyone but I'm not bi and no desire to either. 

Also remember it's no chameleons ? 

So what am I looking for... 

awesome friends ?

Oh and I get bored easily so you will have to be good, really good at keeping me interested 

I like being silly so being able to laugh at yourself is a must. If you get embarrassed too easily then your not for me. 

I also love taking risks so what are you waiting for.... I double dare you........

Update..... I had a very relaxing time.... I talked to lots and lots of people and enjoyed the facilities. I also embarrassed myself by hitting my head on the sauna ceiling! For any on here that did see me but for one reason or another didn't want to say hi, thankyou for checking me out... maybe next time ? 

I'm will be going again next Thursday 19th- 11am till 2 pm if anyone's interested. Xx 

Quote by splendid_
can I help you to rub in the suncream ?

biggrin Rub me, honey...Rub big dollops of cream all over.. so that it can penetrate more deeply into my skin wink
Quote by mazandden
Ok, just been on the phone to my mate, who is a cinema manager.
Yes, they play the film even if no one is there.

Cheers for that. Explains a lot. I can see why most places want the digital projectors. biggrin unfortunately as soon as one random thought gets settled another one pops up. This one is buzzing round my head from this morning when eventually I was rudely awakened by my alarm. blink
“Why is it said that an alarm clock is going off when really its coming on?”
Quote by fabio
Hi, am a newbie on this site but not to the lifestyle and thought I would introduce myself to everyone on here. The subject has been playing on my mind today along with other random questions like "Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?" or "Why is it that no matter what colour bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?" If anyone knows any of the answers, my mind will be most grateful confused
Heres wishing you all a very merry christmas and a saucy new year. Hope to get to know some of you in the near future.

Okay... I am offically sad... I can answer that question........ this is where you need a nerd emoticon!!!!
Glues or adhesives tend to work in one of three basic ways:
* Some work by “drying” out (in fact the solvent evaporates, concentrating the chemicals).
* Some work by reacting chemically with the air (oxidation) to change the chemicals into adhesives.
* Then there are other types you may have used which need mixing in two parts (each part alone won’t set).
When they’re inside the tube the solvent can’t evaporate, nor can the air get to the chemicals, so until they come out, they won’t stick!
there........ did you really want to know.......
sean xxxxxxx
cheers fabio. My mind salutes you. :D :thumbup:
Quote by Marya_Northeast
Welcome to the site Freaky and fab profile!
Btw, which nasty bastard put an S in lisp??

Thankyou. It's prob the same person who came up with this...
"Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - the fear of long words"
wink lol
Quote by X_fanny_x

i want pic proof lol :twisted:

good news I'm wearing them tonight wink will post tom x cool fankoo

Heres another thought.... Why when people ask you "what three things would you bring with you on a desert island?" no one ever replies, "A Boat"
Quote by X_fanny_x
i want pic proof lol :twisted:

good news I'm wearing them tonight wink will post tom x
you havent scared me off, far from it lol I just did not expect this many replies biggrin
Thanks you guys. You have made me feel all warm inside. :D My randomness usually reaches its height when i'm hungover. It just so happens to coincide with today :lol:
I feel like I am going to be very happy in this asylum esp when "Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." (Emo Philips)
poshkate- thanks for peeking and glad you loved it. Must admit I did have help from a female friend to edit it slightly.
fanny- I have a pair of risque red jeans too x
naughty couple- If ever I get the answer you will be the first to know wink
To anyone else if I dont post again today its not because my head has exploded with the numerous unanswered questions flaoting about. Am going out with a few friends for christmas drinks. So do expect more random stuff again tom when I finally get out of bed :lol:
Hi, am a newbie on this site but not to the lifestyle and thought I would introduce myself to everyone on here. The subject has been playing on my mind today along with other random questions like "Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?" or "Why is it that no matter what colour bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?" If anyone knows any of the answers, my mind will be most grateful confused
Heres wishing you all a very merry christmas and a saucy new year. Hope to get to know some of you in the near future.
Quote by X_fanny_x

Oh no you just bought painful memoirs back from last night :shock: i was out with vanilla friend she was dancing i was stood on outskirts watching the totty lol when a man comes up to me and says "your tan aint ya" yes i replied who are you "i have seen you on cam and seen your pics" :shock: he said his username so i stood chatting for couple mins to be pleasant then started dancing with my friend only that wasnt the end he started dancing with me rather closely to (close enuf to feel he had a hard on) he then starts asking me if he can come home with me i then explained i was simply having a night out with friend and not looking for anything he didnt take the hint confused and kept asking me to take him home/down a back alley somewhere.
my usual reaction to pests is to go and snog someone else but i knew this wouldnt work after id said i wasnt looking for anything so i left. by all means say hello but it was as if he knew my secret so he expected a shag for it. anyone else every been in a similar situation??

:shock: what a twat, sorry to hear he ruined your night.....some people are just unbelievable sad
luckily my friend knows im in the scene or it would have took some explaining but he wasnt to know that. personally i would never speak to anyone i reconise from here if they was with anyone unless they spoke first
It makes me mad knowing there are some blokes out there who behave in such a way. Sorry to hear you were pestered. I take your point though about approaching people when they are with others. I have a few select friends who know but would be mortified if i had to explain to others. I personally find it hard to approach full stop let alone have the guts to say where I know them from :lol:
Perhaps we should compile an "approach or not approach" ettiquette. Rather than flashing lights and rolling down of windows it could be simple face and hand gestures :lol:
I have not seen any of my neighbours on here yet but last night was the first night I went out in town since joining. I was aware that some people were looking at me in a different light. Or my flys could have been undone. biggrin I think its great to meet local friends. Can meet up at short notice, have more to talk about. Thats why I maintain that if anyone sees me around then thay can approach. Before this site I used to have to sense if anyone was into this lifestyle but then how do you bring it up in conversation confused
Have to admit if my boss approached me then that could be awkward :shock:
Hope everyone has a very happy christmas and a saucy new year..