Quote by Missy
Firelizard - exactly! We've been on the site that long and yes it's got in and out of priority, but it's always something we talk about.
It's a good point about the munches - but I understand that does mean socialising ;) and we're miserable gits! We'd just rather find our own fun without getting too much into the social scene of swinging. (not that this has got us far!)
From the sounds of it - you're looking for a purely physical experience, preferably with an adonis, as opposed to someone who is into the swinging 'lifestyle' but may look slightly more average?
If that's the case, if it is just looks and physical contact you're after - then I would say go for an escort. That way you can browse the ads or whatever they have, choose your ideal bed buddy, book him and go for it

What I don't like about that concept tho, is that it's a job to him, not necesarily pleasure. Personally I find it essential that anyone I play with is doing so because they 'want' to, because hopefully they're gonna have, not only as much pleasure as me, but thoroughy enjoy giving it too.
With the escort thing, you get the body and that's it. Perfect if that's exactly what you're after, no small talk etc, just receiving pure physical pleasure from someone you've picked out :D
As it happens, them being Adonis's (? or is it Adonisi) isn't important. S just wants someone she feels that instant sexual spark with. They'll have to be quite young and fit to keep up with her though :twisted: We've met one guy who was no oil painting, but was dirty as fuck and we were all set, but sadly things didn't work out on the feeling safe front.. and we decided to exit stage left.
TBH, the escort type fuck em and chuck em experience is kind of what we're after, but the sparky, flirty conversation must be there. Whatever, vacuous aren't we

Thanks, and anyone else who wants to stick their oar in anyway they want, please go ahead, we're out of ideas :D