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2 months ago
Bisexual Male, 42
0 miles · Greater London


ive seen this problem too in the past, can not be sure if its the problem with flash or the cam drivers as it suddenly after a few days resolves itself.
If you are using Chrome you could try disabling Pepperflash (google it)
get a copy of Acronis Disk Director, its a bootable CD, you can then resize the partitions easly without having to move files around which is very slow.
UK based providers are not very good at giving large data allowances hence why i host my sites out of a US provider. Yes we pay more than the £5 you ask for but our requirements are far higher, for guide we pay abt £50 but run about 2 VB forums and about 10 other sites, email, databases and get up to 3000GB of data allowance.
Note that YouTube now uses HTML5 as well for video playback alongside flash. Advantages of using external providers is that you dont have to worry about the load or data usage much.
There are a few JWPlayer/JPlayer/Flowplayer, these are fairly good but analize the features as if you set it up wrong you will have sky high data usages, ie you only want to buffer video when the user playes the video not when the page loads.
Quote by MidsCouple24
We see unable to accommodate in people as a reason to avoid .......
If they don't have a reason why in thier profiles lol Is that too much to ask, many people cannot accommodate for genuine reasons, so why not tell us the reason "live in Police/army/airforce shared accommodation", live with family, have young child at home as am part of 1 parent family, my home is a shithole and I cannot afford 50 quid to make a nice room available (but will pay for hotel room) wont accommodate on first meet in case your a crazy stalker (quite wise for singles), we accept that there can be valid reasons why people cannot accommodate what we cannot accept is why they cant write 2 lines explaining it, many couples profiles explain if they cannot accommodate.

Dont accept then, just dont complain about it. People dont need to tell everyone their reasons. Oh, where are the other million lines to your reply, very unusual its short.
are you talking about guys that advertise they can accom but then wont/cant or are you just unappy that the ones you want to meet dont list that they can accom and wont, if its the second then all i can say is 'winge winge winge'
there are many reasons why people dont accom and in a british society where it was commonplace that when you became 18ish you would leave your parents abode there are reasons why people dont admit to this which is i would say a big chance with lots of people now but also if you meet up with people from diffrent backgrounds other than british it is fairly commonplace, but there are other reasons as mentioned by a previous poster that they live with or have to care for family and dont want to introduce their private life into the home where there will be too many questions.
Quote by Gee_Wizz
have you checked if anything is running in the background hogging the CPU? right click on the task bar and open the task manager. At the bottom it should say what percentage of CPU and memory are being used.

things like firefox are awfull hogs especialy with flash apps ie the SH webcams, the memory keeps going up and up till its painfully slow and the CPU gets spikes etc.. a pain
blimy you peeps are complicated, if you dont want to see cams dont watch them, dont complain if they are on/off, if you dont want wispers you can turn it to authorise then they wont popup automaticly, this is not rocket science
It would be good though that if they looked into an ability to create rooms that have parameters, ie 'fem/couples/male' age etc. This would then prevent people getting into that room etc.. So it would allow open rooms but with limits.
Quote by twos_company
hoover the fan n give it a quick spring clean..

i would not hover the fan myself as there is a good chance it will fail that way as crud gets into the core, you can remove the fan off the top of the CPU and pull the grub out and hover them seperatly.
usualy a blocked cooler will kick in the cpu failsafes which will slow them down or if it is realy bad it will turn the computer off
other comon problem for computers around 5ish year old is that the capacitors on the motherboard start to bulge and this ends up in a load of weird problems, there was a massive batch of fake components that made it in loads of devices, its not if its when they will fail.
Seems the chat site works quite well on my PlayBook, even my cam works properly. But laggy and not fully optimised for finger access but good when you are in a pickle.
Quote by g_and_f
Hey guys, has anyone used the iPad in the chat room. I thought because of adobe it wouldn't work. But I can view cam just can't get mine to work.

the chat could always work but there was issue with watching cams till a recent update that allowed fondlepads to work, but sharing yr cam i think is still a nono due to limits in the ipad
re-encoding mp3s, dont bother as they will sound rubish, always work from the original WAVs or CDs
problem with VBR/CBR MP3 are supported by any MP3 player, problem with VBR ones can be that the time elapsed/remaining many times does not work, in my car its useless but with CBR its fine.
CBR will mean that files will always be a fixed filesize for a given length based on encoding rate
VBR will produce variable sized files
There is a format called MP3 PRO but its not supported very well.
AAC is the other major format supported by many modern music players and generaly produces smaller files for a comparable quality in MP3 format.
one you talk with (debate) the other you talk at/to and ignore (argue)
FF 7.0.1
Win 7
Flash 2
Logitech Pro 9000
Since the chat site made me upgrade my flash player 24/10/2011 my cam seems permanatly zoomed in.
Note this does not happen with any other app or other flash chat system that i use.
So seems there has been a bug introduced since the upgrade.
Quote by Dlep
We are also working on video in chat for ipad etc although due to the way it works there may be a bit more of a lag due to the way it needs converting.

I take it that's because Apple stuff doesn't use Java(or similar)?
No Flash/Java on Apple iOS devices, only HTML5 which does support video so there would be a transcoding required to make it work hence the lag, but we already have a 10s lag on SH cams compared to other sites which are shorter
boooo no berry app
get it all done with phonegap so it can be cross platform on as many phones as possable
Quote by Ben_Minx
I use an after shave balm creme (Gillette) on my doo dahs after shaving and it significantly reduces itch and in-growth. I also only trim rather than shave the V cos thats where I found I had the biggest issues, and frankly Id rather have a bit of fur than look like I have a raging STI.

yum trim, ie light shave seems the way to go to stop the irritation
does it itch at much for gals shaving/trim as it does for guys?
extend this a bit...
just because a guy says hees straight and likes to take a strap on does not make him bi, but some peeps think it does imply he has tendancy towards that sexual path
i like to extend the bi orentation to include play-bi
does it depend if they have to wear glasses to check the size, what about size of hands to measure with
Quote by MidsCouple24
Whoops your quite right, just checked and we did have single males blocked, sorry for that, must have done it years ago and as we were still getting those annoying and timewasting "friends requests" from guys (and couples) we didn't realise it was activated, it is off now.

what have they done with the files?
is there a program they have supplied for unlocking the files?
what program have they supplied for viewing?
JPEG/TIFF etc files themselfs dont have encryption part of the spec, they would have to be wrapped up in a truecrypt/ZIP/RAR/7z archive that can have passwords, if they have used new versions of these programs (does not apply to truecrypt which is not worth trying to crack) then its near impossable to crack them as AES encryption has become the norm.
Quote by hogg
Just to add, my headlights and two spots were on, I was wearing a dayglow jacket, a white helmet and the fairing had bright orange and blue stripe stickers down the side.
The rear of the dayglow jacket had a blue patch on it with white lettering....... Guess what I did for a living then?

so it was not 800kg, more like 400kg ish
but yes it amazing the damage that is done by a bike into a door, peeps dont realise that most crash tests are done with cars against cars and the area seems to cover atleast one A/B pillar, a bike a nice pointy object into a door will cave it right in and smash the window while rider in most situations will fly over the car (not 4x4)
Quote by teppic_99
RX8, expensive to run, well, you need to use rotary oils, and they are 3 times the price of normal oils, the servicing is astronomical, the fuel consumption is rediculous, the road tax (i know its registered as a 1.3, but the Co2 is massive)
if money is no object, then yes a real fun car, and great to drive, just watch out for early models, as enjine tips will need replacing, if not a full engine re-build will be required.

yup normal issues with these wankle engines, but nice revy powerfull engine, better over the years and its nice that a manufacturer have stuck trying to get a non standard engine config out there
Quote by GnV
Is it an issue?
The watchers list is relevant to the room you have selected...

you can be in two rooms at the same time, when you leave one room all your watches list disapear even some of the people are in the room you did not leave
I noticed that when you start a pvt room and your cam is on it will ask if you want your cam to be public or not.
Will this function be rolled out across the board to any room you are in, ie you can be in two rooms but only show in one room if you so wish and change it mid way though if required.
Is there any fix comming for the cam watchers list issue where if you hapen to have two chatrooms open and you then move one to another room all your watchers disapear but they are still watching.