ive seen this problem too in the past, can not be sure if its the problem with flash or the cam drivers as it suddenly after a few days resolves itself.
If you are using Chrome you could try disabling Pepperflash (google it)
Quote by MidsCouple24
We see unable to accommodate in people as a reason to avoid .......
If they don't have a reason why in thier profilesIs that too much to ask, many people cannot accommodate for genuine reasons, so why not tell us the reason "live in Police/army/airforce shared accommodation", live with family, have young child at home as am part of 1 parent family, my home is a shithole and I cannot afford 50 quid to make a nice room available (but will pay for hotel room) wont accommodate on first meet in case your a crazy stalker (quite wise for singles), we accept that there can be valid reasons why people cannot accommodate what we cannot accept is why they cant write 2 lines explaining it, many couples profiles explain if they cannot accommodate.
Quote by Gee_Wizz
have you checked if anything is running in the background hogging the CPU? right click on the task bar and open the task manager. At the bottom it should say what percentage of CPU and memory are being used.
Quote by twos_company
hoover the fan n give it a quick spring clean..
Quote by g_and_f
Hey guys, has anyone used the iPad in the chat room. I thought because of adobe it wouldn't work. But I can view cam just can't get mine to work.
Quote by Dlep
We are also working on video in chat for ipad etc although due to the way it works there may be a bit more of a lag due to the way it needs converting.
Quote by Ben_Minx
I use an after shave balm creme (Gillette) on my doo dahs after shaving and it significantly reduces itch and in-growth. I also only trim rather than shave the V cos thats where I found I had the biggest issues, and frankly Id rather have a bit of fur than look like I have a raging STI.
Quote by MidsCouple24
Whoops your quite right, just checked and we did have single males blocked, sorry for that, must have done it years ago and as we were still getting those annoying and timewasting "friends requests" from guys (and couples) we didn't realise it was activated, it is off now.
Quote by hogg
Just to add, my headlights and two spots were on, I was wearing a dayglow jacket, a white helmet and the fairing had bright orange and blue stripe stickers down the side.
The rear of the dayglow jacket had a blue patch on it with white lettering....... Guess what I did for a living then?
Quote by teppic_99
RX8, expensive to run, well, you need to use rotary oils, and they are 3 times the price of normal oils, the servicing is astronomical, the fuel consumption is rediculous, the road tax (i know its registered as a 1.3, but the Co2 is massive)
if money is no object, then yes a real fun car, and great to drive, just watch out for early models, as enjine tips will need replacing, if not a full engine re-build will be required.