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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 72
0 miles · West Midlands


Another great social Bambi babe and Bear buddy, big thanks! x x x
Unc & Strawbs
Glad Deano has pulled at last! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by fun4m
Can you please add me to the list, I confirm I will attending with Dean Cannock.
Quote by gingerjo-lee
Cya Thursday thensmile And I'll lend you the sex toy but the cook stays with me! Lol x x

were swingers arnt we surpose to share :)
So what are you offering? :-P
Cya Thursday thensmile And I'll lend you the sex toy but the cook stays with me! Lol x x
Quote by gingerjo-lee
thats not fair Unc i wanna sex toy and a cook :)
cya on the thurs when we get there x
Hi Deano,
Can you add CatWoman and CycleDude to the list please? They are bunking in with me, CatWoman as cook and CycleDude as sex toy smile
Cheers m8y!
He said there was a family room free with an extra bed so he took it. I'll introduce you and maybe you can have the extra bed? lol
Quote by Double_d07
Hi Bambi babe, can you add my m8 Jamie as coming and confirmed, he just booked the last room apparently lol x x x x

Bugger weve been trying for the last 2 weeks to get a room and still carnt get one it just keeps saying fully booked Grrrrrr lol
Hi Bambi babe, can you add my m8 Jamie as coming and confirmed, he just booked the last room apparently lol x x x x
Cheers Deano! smile Booked and money on it's way to wonderful Wendy:) Going down Thursday and leaving on the Monday, can't wait! :) :bounce::bounce::bounce:
Quote by Dawnie
Itelligent compaired to what? Financaially sound, so what?

Have you been on the wine gums again Dawnie? :P:P:P
Other than that I think 'up yourself' would be a better description than 'harsh':-)
Just so I don't forget (it's my age silly) I'm confirming myself and the Strawberrytartsmile
Bugger! I knew I forgot something! Stick me on the reserve list please Deano, or if anyone already on the list needs a bed in my camper then let me know. Unfortunately Strawbs can't make it this year but hopefully I'll sneak in somehowsmile
Please add me and the Strawberrytart Bambi babe x x
Bambi you rock babe! xxx (And Bear too of course!) Thanks again for a great night, and seeing your face when I walked in will be a memory I treasure lol Usual great crowd and some sexy new faces and bodies too, can't wait for the next one!
Hugs and snogs
Unc xxxxx
Sorry Bambi but I won't be coming this timesad Hope you all have an amazing time, and wish everyone a swinging Christmas:-)
Hugs and cuddles x x x
Quote by Ian
Who is going to be brave enough to take their local swinging club to court?
That'll guarantee you get your five minutes of fame on the front page of the Bugle lol
I just might! A certain club owner owes me, I have little chance of collecting, so may as well cost him money and cause him problems :lol:
Quote by Unc
You cause offense by expressing your disdain for those who have faith in such an immoderate and unintelligent way.

Quote by Lost
Why are they unintelligent and immoderate? though for a number of them that's undeniably the truth.

They aren't, you are.
Quote by Lost

As for disdain, my deep and long experiences, with being involved with both Baptists and Methodists. Of the Christian faith. And one more minor, though nonetheless, not pleasant experience with some members of the Islamic faith. For me is justifies my thought on their organisations practices. Of course there are many fine people involved in these organisations which is a shame as the organisations don't deserve them.

So you believe your limited personal experience and opinion gives you the right to be abusive to all those who have faith? If I was to call you a wanker and a tosser for being so small minded, Admin would have reason to warn or possibly ban me for personal abuse. Apparently being abusive to all members who both read your post and have faith is perfectly acceptable; wrongly in my opinion.
Quote by Lost

I'd love to wake up tomorrow and find religion eradicated from the collective minds of this worlds population. Unfortunately, I also realise, that within five minutes some git will bring about another fictitious and undeserving deity to sadly take their place and ruin yet another load of people.
I go with Stephen Fry's opinion of religion which is, to say, not very high.

You have every right not to have faith. You have every right to give your opinions on religion. You even have the right to be unintelligent. You do not however have the right to be abusive, disrespectful of others beliefs and downright unpleasant.
Quote by Lost

Christians? bunch of of wanker*s say I. Oh, and not to seem to appear to differentiate between the other religions just in case of causing offense, they're a bunch of tossers too. There ya go, very even handed of me say I. biggrin

You cause offense by expressing your disdain for those who have faith in such an immoderate and unintelligent way.
Happy Birthday Cedric m8y, have a blast big man! lol
Unc and Strawbs xxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Bluefish2009
I feel you and he have valid reasons for your assessment, I would imagine a large swath of the country feels the same, I am just surprised that it has come from the business secretary himself!

Honesty from a politician is always surprising! lol
Quote by GnV
Unless someone can find a reference I have missed, or I have misunderstood the situation, I would venture to suggest that the OP's concerns are unfounded - particularly in relation to SH and clubs where generally you don't have to be a member to gain admission.
It can't be any clearer, surely dunno Read it for yourself!

What you have missed entirely is that swingers clubs will more often fall under the Service Provider, rather than Clubs and Associations category. The same restrictions will affect them however, and I believe Mr Powers is spot on with his post.
Quote by Freckledbird
I think clubs do it, to limit the number of single males and increase the number of single females. If they have to adjust their pricing structure, they'll just place limits on the numbers of single men they allow in and get around it that way.

Limiting entry on grounds of gender would be just as illegal as charging differently, as a service provider cannot provide a different level of service based on a protected characteristic.
Quote by Freckledbird
I think they'll have to do more in terms of making their facilities accessible to disabled people too.

I think you are right here.
Happy Anniversary Bambi and Bear!!! Luv you both loads!
Put me and Strawbs down as very interested Bambi babe xxxxxxx
Quote by Maverick37pg
completely agree with risky! mr mav and i have very often been in the fantasy escort rooms, and yes i have been offered cash, but there is a clue in the title of the room... FANTASY!!! lol i think it is great that people can escape on sh and share fantasy, deepest thoughts and escape for a while with people who share the same ideas. this is not a reality room, simply a fantasy sharing room!next time maybe read the title of the room correctly before entering, its a fact that someone in a room of this nature will offer you cash although the reality is that its the idea that turns them on not physically doing the deed... simple really!!!

While I do see your point I can't agree that it should be allowed. The AUP is clear; 'Commercial posts, spamming, offering of a service, or the mention of financial involvement' is non-acceptable behaviour. If site rules were able to be ignored in 'fantasy' rooms, how long do you think it would be before those rooms were used by people for whom it isn't a fantasy? How are the chat ops supposed to tell the difference?
I also think most swingers feel that swinging is about sexual activity between informed, consenting adults for fun, not payment. Being paid for sex, either in fantasy or reality, is prostitution not swinging and this is after all a swinging site.
Happy Anniversary you sexy pair lol xxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Lizaleanrob
quite an entertaining thought
when your kids get on a bus for school where the driver took an informed decision to smoke his super skunk before he came to work
or the train driver who wanted to find his inner self last night and popped a lsd tab
or the copper that,s to lethargic to go and arrest the manic with a gun as he had a joint before he came to work
then there is the mechanic who just did your brakes on your car who was rushing out of his nut on amphetamines and forgot to put the pins back
yes legalising drugs does sort of make sense.................if your on em loon

All of which would make sense if the current way of doing things made your examples impossible or even unlikely. Unfortunately that isn't the case.
In Opera bold, italic and underline don't show in chat to the Opera user, though bold and italic to show in the message box as you type.
I was on the list but have had a name change lol I was Unc_Mids, now just plain Unc.