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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58


eeeeeuw,,,,deeply disturbing,,if I had the slightest inkling that I had stinky bits I wouldn't let anyone near me :shock:
hiya,I am glad to say that I am livivng in what it the epicentre of the classic punk revival,,have been to see some really great bands recently,and am looking forwards to seeing even more in the future and for anybody who can get this way you might want to check out -live, ,, the north west home of punk (also the favourite haunt of the dead pets),,and don't forget,,,punx not dead,,it just smells that way lol
wouldn't know,,I've never had a woman come on strong/make the first move with me sad and if I have I didn't notice redface
has anybody thought that it may not actually be al-qaueida (don't even care if that's spelt right)I was speaking with someone I know last night and he brought up a very relevant point,
Q: who has the most to gain from disrupting the g8 summit?
q:who's death squads have been caught working in britain time and again?
who is currently the worlds most brutal dictator? who has tried to foist the blame for his activities on other organisations/countries before?
who's name said backwards is trebor ebagum??
just a theory :shock:
having a small or average sized wilbur isn't the end of the world,it just means you have to pay a bit more attention to the skills you do have,,I haven't got the largest wang in the world by any means,but,I have been told I have a very talented tongue,there are plenty of ways to please your partner,the only limit to which is your imagination smile
I'm not really in to sport that doesn't involve wheels and engines,but after experiencing the traffic chaos that ensued with the commonwealth games in Mcr(cut my deliveries in half,thus cutting my earnings in half)was just wondering what's going to happen with the congestion charge, and is jonny foreigner going to be exempt,,the capitals roads are bad/mad enough without all this,,I am only saying this because I know a few self employed couriers and hauliers who are barely keeping afloat as it is and I can't help thinking how many are going to lose their livelyhoods/homes etc due to the increase in traffic,and then have to pay for the privilege in their council tax,wether they approve of the olympics or not,,this doesn't mean I'm against the olympics,I think on the whole it's a good thing,but it does have far reaching implications and I shall keep my reservations until proven otherwise!!
oh my,,what have I started,,, lol
anyways,,I know what pants did last summer
a man called pants
mighty morphin power pants
the pants that time forgot
invasion of the pant snatchers
purple pants
pants of thunder
return of the living pants
hannibal lecter :'a census taker once tried to test me,I ate his pants with some fava beans and a nice chianti lol
children of the pants,or ,pants of the damned
the lost pants
the long good pants
pants of the caribean
the pants that dripped blood redface
freaky pants
24 hour party pants
pants of rock
big pants
oh pants,where art thou
suicide pants
pants of new york
an american werewolf in pants
from hellraiser :'your pants will be legendary,even in hell
also from hellraiser :' we'll tear your pants apart lol
pants of the dragon
the man in the iron pants
the pants of monte cristo
the magnificent pants
those magnificent men in their flying pants lol rotflmao :lol:
the italian job :'you were only supposed to blow the bloody pants off'
darth vader:'I find your lack of pants disturbing' lol
obi wan konobe (using jedi mind trick):'these aren't the pants we're looking for'
the creeping pants
zombie pant eaters
the last pants on the left
I spit on your pants lol
has anybody ever got together with a few mates and played the pants game,(preferably after a few beverages)..I've played it several times before hearing the ultimat one on saturday,(well I think it is any way) and thought I'd see what response I could get on here...
the rules are,,you take a quote from a famous film or the name of a famous film etc,,and replace one word with the word pants to come up with something very silly,,,
eg: harry potter and the sorcerers pants smile
one flew over the cuckoos pants rolleyes
from star wars : 'use the pants,luke',,etc,etc
if nobody gueses the one I'm thinking of I will post it once I've stopped giggling to myself lol
every time I watch the jazz singer,(my favourite film) the niel diamond/laurence olivier version redface
saturday day is asda green :embarrased:
saturday night in stockport is black,white and grey,(urban combat camouflage) :sparring: duel :taz: :sparring: rolleyes
and sunday is black and purple tigerstripes,cos when I see that colour it always makes me feel sundays are special biggrin
I've been on 'blood of the vikings,meet the ancestors,time team,the advert for the rheged centre in cumbria,an advert for the royal armories in leeds,I'm in the marbles credit card advert (the viking at the top of the castle who's left the keys in his car)the detectives,(fur coat and no knickers)with jasper carrottt/robert powell,(I was the viking with no underwear on who's tackle was flashed by jasper carrott on bbc1 at prime time)and my greatest claim to fame,,(drum roll please) I was king of the tree people in the movie of prince valiant,,behind the scenes I also helped choreograph the combat scenes in gladiator biggrin
this week oi aaaav'e beeen mostly zodiac mindwarp and the love reaction rolleyes
I wish mine would go away for a bit,,,it drives me mad,,being of neapolitan descent I have testarossasterone instead of testosterone racing through my veins and it's been a constant struggle to keep it under control,,would be so nice to just switch it off and relax for a bit smile
in answer to your question,although I am male and not the most sexually experienced of people, I ,personally have found that the women I've made love to like being on top simply because they can control the depth of penetration and the angle of penetration,meaning that at any point they feel uncomfortable they can alter position to suit,whereas in other positions this option is not so viable,,in closing unless you have a gargantuan,or weird shaped/barbed knob this should be the most comfortable position for yourself and your partner,,,
sorry everyone couldn't think of anything witty redface
I went to bergen (norway) afew years back with a bunch of friends and one night got invited to a private rave by some locals, the norwegians don't have proper cider(they call apple juice cider)and everyone wanted to try some of the 6 litres I had brought and it promptly disappeared,just as I was wondering what I was going to drink,a norwegian lad says to me "do you like tequila"(silly question)and hands me a bottle of mexicos finest,so not knowing where my next drink was coming from,I took a massive swig(third of the bottle) and suddenly this norwegian was calling all his friends over,I thought I may have overstepped the mark,but he said "sven,olle,bjorn watch this,do it again,do it again"so I did it again,and again,as the crowd got bigger and the bottle emptied and things went all hazy,I woke up next morning feeling rougher than a bears arse but thinking that I probably had a good night,all my friends were strangely subdued quiet and a bit wary,and would not mention the previous night,skip forwards about 3 weeks,my girlfriend at the time was watching the hit man and her when I got back from a training session one night,and I remember thinking to myself that all looks strangely familiar,just as a naked hairy biker type person climbed onto a podium and started dancing with 2 very scantily clad young ladies,after falling off the podium several times the aforesaid naked dude retired to the side of the stage with one of the young ladies and wound up getting a blow-job in front of everyone,,it was not the hit man and her it was one of my mates who'd filmed the whole thing for posterity,and as my girlfriend picked up her bags and walked out of the door,what more could I say ,but,,ooops rolleyes
do you mean whitchurch near cardiff or whitchurch in shropshire?
Quote by marmalaid
you disgust me Z3D walking aroudn Canal Street with a string vest on and your helmet in your hand all night, I'm surprised you didn't get picked up!

funny thing is I changed into the string vest at the last minute, as I thought my 'I ride like a tw#t me' tee shirt may have been inappropriate dunno :doh:
things I am tempted by/can't resist,
a good chilled rose on a summers day,with a slice of toffee pecan cheesecake
things that make my bike go faster
things that make my bike look prettier
women with beautiful smiles and eyes that echo the smile
women in leather or biker women
gently suckling erect nipples or clitori'
sitting round a fire with good friends,strong ale and live music,eg guitars singalongs etc
and lastly,women with a positive outlook on life!!