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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58


Quote by seagull69
What do they say about not talking about politics and religion smile For what its worth all religions have been pretty represive on the sexual front.

sorry but as a practicioner of the old norse faith (odinism to some) I will have to disagree with that sweeping statement about all religions,as with a lot of 'pagan' beliefs sexuality is something that is respected enjoyed and rejoiced in,and before you start saying it's not a real religion/recognised belief you might want to check out pagans for progress,the pressure group(which I am proud to belong to)to find out just how close we are to being legally recognisedI am not a christian but I know some really nice christians and people of other faithsand after many discussions I have come to the same conclusion time and again,your beliefs are exactly that 'Yours' enjoy them for the joy and passion that they bring,,don't try and foist them onto others,don't treat others as lesser people just because their beliefs differ from yours,(you don't look down on people because they like different shoes,,do you) think to yourself 'if the percentages were the other way round would my beliefs be targeted as wrong,,and a message for all the radicals and fundamentalists(that is a big word for a sunday)remember he who shouts loudest doesn't necasserily win,sometimes he gets a bloody nose from his neighbour :)
rant over rolleyes
thanx bue and everyone else,,smashing people,,much appreciated smile :thumbup:
oh yes,,by the way,,just cos you wear a string vest doesn't make you gay,,am I the only one who saw rab c nesbitt as a role model?
thanx everyone that was there,I had a really nice time (apologies for turning up so late) nice to meet people and put names to faces,,thanx to slyde for looking after me,a nicer nutcase you could never meet,,(did you turn her mate,has she swung t'other way),rachel,(who is far too beautiful for my heterosexual mind),and my apologies to vix,,(I didn't say your harley sounded like a tractor with a broken exhaust I said all harleys sound that way to me),,and lastly thanks to the group of tranny's who wouldn't leave my bike alone outside the kebab house and kindly snapped my throttle cable for me (really must ride home at 17mph on tickover more often,it's such fun)taaa very glad biggrin
should be,if I don't spend all my funds on nitrous,,,made my first 200mph run yesterday,,,what a rush,,(on a private track of course)and on street tyres too :haha:
this week I have been mostly,,sticking a 50 shot of laughing gas on my turbo,,256 bhp at the rear wheel,,I now know what it is like to laugh like a maniac or a mad scientist,,I think I may have overstepped the mark a little :silly: lol :twisted:
I used to go to school with a guy called chris munster,,oh how we laughed at registration time,,and I once got a letter from the local council signed by a bloke called ranjeet spandit couldn't speak for half an hour after seeing the signature lol
dirty rotten thieving scummy Bastards,,may their ampits be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels and their next shit be a hedgehog mad ,,on the other hand :thrilled: :cheers: :beer: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: I am soooo excited lol
vast,,,oh yessss,seconded but personally would have gone for 'I'm dying smile
marilyn manson,(speed of pain),muse,(butterflies and hurricanes),jesus and mary chain,(some candy talking) the damned,(curtain call)killing joke,(love like blood) this mortal coil,(song to the siren)young gods, (skinflowers) the KLF, (build a fire) lost prophets,(cry me a river),ozzy and lita,(if I close my eyes forever) love and rockets,(haunted)pink floyd,(the great gig in the sky)warrior soul,(losers)and lastly,swervedriver,(son of mustang ford.. smile ,(creep),the cranberries,(linger or zombie).. rolleyes
I have an ugly gunshot scar on my top lip,and I look silly with just a moustache,,so I guess I'l be keeping my goatee,,and if a woman didn't fancy me for something as petty as a fuzzy face,,ho hum it's not the end of the world is it lol
most of the women who've experienced mine have said that they like the way it tickles their thighs,,so it can't be all bad biggrin
sept 2-4 ,£20 per ticket(til the 15th of august), and the damned headlining,,what a weekend ,c u there,,p,s, don't turn up in a car as it's 20 sovs for a car pass smile
me,,well most folks call me zed in real life,probably something to do with me owning over twenty kawasaki Z's in as many years smile
I lost my cherry whilst listening to the first jesus and mary chain album,and I cant think of anything I've heard since with such raw sensual energy,,also tried the william tell overture,(lone ranger theme) for a laugh and it was dead funny till I slipped a disc lol
would love to help you,but you are a little too far away from me,,I have a 200+mph bike and access to a one and a half mile private test road,,never mind eh!!good luck to you smile
sorry 'bout this but I just had to put my two penneth in,this week is the day that some of us who survived it ,remember the battle of the beanfield,,the day the authorities and middle england secided to clamp down and destroy that which they didn't understand,just because you have a different outlook on life doesn't make you a bad person,I've lived on the road and experienced the bigotry and hatred ,suffered unjust treatment simply because england is turning into white christian alabama,,there is a message to be read here,,'fit in or be destroyed''welcome to the worst side of man..and you're f*@kin welcome to it mad :shock:
bloke walks into a butchers shop and says 'a pound of kidleys please' the butcher says 'what?' the man says 'a pound of kidleys please' the butcher says 'you mean kidneys?,the man exclaims'I said kidleys didle I ??? rolleyes
you haven't said wether they're stinky or not,,if they're all bark and no bite I fail to see the problem,,but then I too am an immature bloke,,and find the sound of trumps and belches deeply amusing smile
what's the smelliest thing in the world?
a kippers c*nt :shock:
what has'twelve legs,one eye,four tails and scales
three blind mic and half a kipper rolleyes
two blondes walking down the street,one says 'look at that dog with one eye,,the other puts one hand over her face and says,,'what dog' rolleyes
a bloke walks into a pub,says to the barman 'I'll have a pint and a bag of helicopter crisps please' the barman says,' sorry mate we've only got plane lol
there's nowt wrong with madchester,,culture capital of the universe,,lol,,but if its so sunny,how come my bike jacket is dripping water on the carpet,, lol
sorry,,was desperately trying to avoid saying jessica rabbit,,,lol
sunny???? lmfao,,I can only assume you haven't opened the curtains yet,,,lol.....welcome,fellow manc!! lol
yeah I got quite pally with razzle,great bloke and sorely missed,,and cliff,well what can you say,,the guy was a star,it's such a shame that nobody in the rock music world can drive in a straight line :cry: and why did it have be cliff and not lars,,now that is one anti-social bloke (is it wrong to say that?),and anyways what's wrong with showing my age,I'm not dead yet,(unlike most of my mates),I'm bald by choice,ride a very silly motorcycle and I don't wear beige(or fawn) and I'm still just as randy as I was when I was a brat rolleyes anyway can anybody remember what I was saying,,is it tuesday,,I think I'd better go to the post office lol
I'm not in the midlands (manchester) but can meet in matlock anytime,,nice to know there's so many like minded people here biggrin