I have seen those references to goodwins (or godwins) law before and will no doubt see them again but have you ever looked deeper than the two links you have just posted the goodwin principle is promoted and was originally conceived by members of an organisation that promotes race hate,religious hate and bigotry against all things non-aryan and heterosexual, and currently these pleasant people are jumping on the resurgence of pagan beliefs to bolster their ranks...don't believe me? just try searching for odinism or stormfront on google,as a practicioner of the old norse faith,and an active member of the anti nazi league for 25 years, it opened my eyes,,the theory being if it doesn't get mentioned as much we'll all forget about it,,this is also one of the organisations that tried to say the holocaust never happened,,,so 'remember basil,,,don't mention the war' and also pray tell if we can't compare tyrants and despots etc to 'that chappy with the funny moustache' then who exactly can we compare them to,(in a worst case scenario styley)?
P.S. please don't search for the above items if you have any faith in this planet having a future,because if that lot ever get any power then we're all in trouble!!
the car was travelling at approx 45/47 mph in a 50 limit it didn't just slow,it braked heavily by the accident investigators report (as this 'accident' was used in one of the the coroners reports up here that actually cited a speed camera as a major cause of an accident)the car braked to approx 25 mph in about 30ft,this was a clear stretch of road,no corners,no nearby junctions,no pedestrian access,on a bright sunny day,the camera (as cited by the coroner) was clearly just a source of revenue as it was not placed in an accident blackspot (and has since been removed to comply with the new safety guidelines) and lastly,if the camera hadn't been there the two kids would still be alive,no two ways about it,,the point I am trying to make is this,nobody was speeding that day and yet the presence of a (safety) camera,cost two innocent lives,and that is two too many in anyones books,,the lords of gatso have simply created a whole new hazard for our roads which were lethal enough in the first place,,not that I don't agree with cameras near blackspots and schools etc and yes 30mph (or even 20mph)limits in built up areas are fair enough,,but what price human life,,sorry if I'm ranting,but I was in the other lane next to the truck when it happened,,and I re-live the experience most I personally will never forgive whoever put that camera there and hold them wholly responsible!!
think I'll go for elvington followed by santa pod (when it's not chock a block with shopping rockets) and finally woodbridge in suffolk,,I'm a real racer,I don't have time to spend ages looking for a finish line,so I'll use the one that's a quarter of a mile straight in front of me :grin:
let he who is without sin cast the first stone,,etc etc,,I suppose those who feel the need to be rude and cynical are also incapable of speeding,,all this emphasis has created a whole new hazard for road users the people who spout off about speeders and drive below the speed limit and still jump on the brakes at the sight of a camera...now that's dangerous...sound familiar?
also depends on where you got nicked,some areas are more tolerant than others,,a lot of areas are now ordering people who drive/ride at three figure speeds to re-take their tests,I know because it happened to me (147 on the m25) and even though I had mitigating circumstances,,( I was delivering urgent documents from the child protection agency to the old bailey)..I still wound up taking all three of my bike tests again!!