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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58


will you be confirming that you've received the confirmations,,because I've sent confirmations to your e mail address and not heard a sausage?? (yeah I know,,"what noise does a sausage make" very drole) lol
sunnyaura..the bike is something I cooked up a couple of years ago,gpz750 turbo,wiseco 810 big bore,cosworth turbo, green injectors,collins dump valve and race mode ecu,,it also has a 50 shot of giggle gas,,the rolling chassis is stock except for zxr750 front end (complete),and zx6r rear(complete) I have no doubt it's the most fun you can have with your clothes on biggrin
grreetz all,,been waiting fer a meet up/ride out since last year managed to stuff my turbo'd beasty twice in the meantime including on new years day sad please lets get this sorted b4 I wreck it completely lol
I'm great taaa,,the bike is still sweet(my one true love) the emotional train wreck/roller coaster ride is over for now and life is back in perspective,,being a lifetime biker I'm used to losing friends,just never so many so fast,kinda threw me a swerveball for a while,,,and no I didn't fill in a leave form,thus I plead temporary insanity redface
hiya people,,I'm back,,did ya miss me,,sorry I've been away so long,,(too many deaths this year) I've been sorting my head out,,but it's good to be back among (live) friends again,,p's' thx 4 all your messages of support,,you're all stars lol
sorry I am not gonna be able to make it after all,my best mate was killed yesterday,,and I'm not feeling very sociable at the mo,,maybe next time eh sad
I really dig sexy women of all flavours,as long as they're pleasant people smile
a pint of pure fresh pineapple a day works wonders,(not cordial or pineappleade),it doesn't make your cum actually taste of pinapple,but does add a fruity element(not elephant lol) and sweetens the taste considerably,,you might also want to try searching for sweet release or seminex herbal supplements,both claimed to change the taste,,when tested on richard and judy they both improved the taste significantly,(apparently) smile
my ex used to have 'penelope pissflaps' and she used to call mine the' hooded plum' redface
I guess you wouldn't like my pets the,I have precious (7"chile rose tarantula) smaug (5" chile beautiful tarantula) apu (6" indian beauty) or otto (6" baboon spider) or any of precious and smaugs 128 beautiful rose babies then (there used to be a lot more but they ate each other instead of their food) my best mate doesn't like them,and I don't like his snakes,what better excuse could you get for always meeting in the pub smile
I have seen those references to goodwins (or godwins) law before and will no doubt see them again but have you ever looked deeper than the two links you have just posted the goodwin principle is promoted and was originally conceived by members of an organisation that promotes race hate,religious hate and bigotry against all things non-aryan and heterosexual, and currently these pleasant people are jumping on the resurgence of pagan beliefs to bolster their ranks...don't believe me? just try searching for odinism or stormfront on google,as a practicioner of the old norse faith,and an active member of the anti nazi league for 25 years, it opened my eyes,,the theory being if it doesn't get mentioned as much we'll all forget about it,,this is also one of the organisations that tried to say the holocaust never happened,,,so 'remember basil,,,don't mention the war' and also pray tell if we can't compare tyrants and despots etc to 'that chappy with the funny moustache' then who exactly can we compare them to,(in a worst case scenario styley)?
P.S. please don't search for the above items if you have any faith in this planet having a future,because if that lot ever get any power then we're all in trouble!!
sorry mods(esp jags) please accept this amendment to my post, replacing a certain austrian painter, who (allegedly)caused the deaths of millions in an act of aggression that (allegedly) took place in the earlier part of the last century,(remembering a certain episode of fawlty towers),with somebody like,,hmmm papa doc duvalier,stalin perhaps,ferdind marcos or maybe a certain mr saddam summatorother,,was only trying to express a point where it seemed valid to the subject (iesillyeople who want to take your freedom away) the choice of oppressor is optional!!
P.S. ever wondered where the idea for goodwins law came from and who's purpose it serves?
think on!!
currently,I refuse to register my mobile phone,,my internet account is not in my name,I do not hold any store cards or credit cards,I do not use internet banking or any internet pay-service,my phone is ex-directory,I try to keep within the law and live an honorable life,,I have fought for queen and country, and still would if it came down to it,,(but I wouldn't lift a finger for a politician,(well maybe one particular finger)!) and it just seems to me that the british people in general seem to have a short memory and a certain amount of disrespect for the freedoms our forefathers fought for over the last century,,is all that irrelevant? does no-one remember adolf whassisname? it makes me sick that so many are prepared to roll over and and take whatever the man in the suit thrusts at them..well not me chummy if they come to try and make me have an id card they had better come armed!!!,,oh and by the way,if you are a british subject loyal to the monarch,,and the government wants to get rid of the royal family,,doesn't that make the government your enemy????..and the day they try to gat rid of the monarchy will come,so pick your sides ladies and gentlemen because there will be a (un)civil war and I know who I'll be fighting for!!
father fought for the other side in ww2 ,(italy), he lost 2 of his brothers and his father,but I am proud of him because he stood by his convictions and was an honourable man who fought for his beliefs,,those of you who's parents,grandparents etc fought for your freedom,sometimes giving up their lives to ensure your freedom,dishonour their memories by agreeing to give it away so easily,and don't deserve to carry their names mad
this may be a bit weird,but I've always wanted some lederhosen!! redface
I'll get me coat lol
not so far this season,,been too skint,,but am now in gainful employment (as of today)so give it a few weeks and I'll be down the strip irritating the busa boyz again lol
kwaka 750 turbo (bored out to 810) cossy turbo green injectors,collins dump valve,race mode ecu,and nitrous(50 shot)zxr750 front end,zx6r back end etc etc,,206rwhp without the gas,,,,tee hee lol
the car was travelling at approx 45/47 mph in a 50 limit it didn't just slow,it braked heavily by the accident investigators report (as this 'accident' was used in one of the the coroners reports up here that actually cited a speed camera as a major cause of an accident)the car braked to approx 25 mph in about 30ft,this was a clear stretch of road,no corners,no nearby junctions,no pedestrian access,on a bright sunny day,the camera (as cited by the coroner) was clearly just a source of revenue as it was not placed in an accident blackspot (and has since been removed to comply with the new safety guidelines) and lastly,if the camera hadn't been there the two kids would still be alive,no two ways about it,,the point I am trying to make is this,nobody was speeding that day and yet the presence of a (safety) camera,cost two innocent lives,and that is two too many in anyones books,,the lords of gatso have simply created a whole new hazard for our roads which were lethal enough in the first place,,not that I don't agree with cameras near blackspots and schools etc and yes 30mph (or even 20mph)limits in built up areas are fair enough,,but what price human life,,sorry if I'm ranting,but I was in the other lane next to the truck when it happened,,and I re-live the experience most I personally will never forgive whoever put that camera there and hold them wholly responsible!!
as to the point of people braking for speed cameras, I have seen an accident caused by unnecassery braking,,the car which was travelling below the speed limit braked heavily at the very last second,the 2 sixteen year old kids on scooters managed to brake without hitting it,unfortunately the truck travelling behind them didn't or couldn't stop in time,,,the result being two dead kids,,I wonder how their parents felt when they were told they couldn't be buried in open caskets,,,
safety cameras my arse mad
think I'll go for elvington followed by santa pod (when it's not chock a block with shopping rockets) and finally woodbridge in suffolk,,I'm a real racer,I don't have time to spend ages looking for a finish line,so I'll use the one that's a quarter of a mile straight in front of me :grin:
I was the guy you thought was a copper in stockport jo,,I may be a crap dogger that gets mistaken for gay coppers,,,but I'm trying my bestest lol
another streetfighter is born,,,seriously though could've been worse glad you're ok,,,,try west coast motorcycles (not near you but they do mail order) redface
let he who is without sin cast the first stone,,etc etc,,I suppose those who feel the need to be rude and cynical are also incapable of speeding,,all this emphasis has created a whole new hazard for road users the people who spout off about speeders and drive below the speed limit and still jump on the brakes at the sight of a that's dangerous...sound familiar?
I sypathise very muchly with this situation,and can only say if it happened to my bike,(after spending 10 years looking for a decent example and several thousand pounds modifying it into what it has become,only to find out it's only insurable third party only),,I would not be so reserved in the same situation,in fact I'd probably spend an eternity hunting the offender down and if found would rip off their legs and beat them to death with the soggy end,,the world has gone all soft on the scummier side of humankind and if someone were to put them all on a big island and blow it up then the world could only be a better place mad and if these views offend anyone,,,,ho hum :twisted:
what a groovy idea smile I'd really like to come to this,sounds like great fun,I'm starting a new job tomorrow though which requires occasional weekends,so fingers crossed,,also is there any camping allowed at or near this venue as I only have my bike and don't want to drink and ride,,for those that don't remember me, I (apparently) was the gayest looking str8 bloke in the village at the mcr munch lol
the vest has been filed under'do not wear in the village'
also depends on where you got nicked,some areas are more tolerant than others,,a lot of areas are now ordering people who drive/ride at three figure speeds to re-take their tests,I know because it happened to me (147 on the m25) and even though I had mitigating circumstances,,( I was delivering urgent documents from the child protection agency to the old bailey)..I still wound up taking all three of my bike tests again!!
so,finally,what I personally think is the ultimate in pants,,,drum roll please,cue music,,,
'I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack ships on fire off the shoulder of orion,, watched sea beams glitter near the tannhauser gate,, all these moments will be lost in time, like pants in rain,,,,time to die!!! smile
I'll get me coat lol
one of my favourite party tricks involves a burn,,when I was younger and had my harley,I was riding down an unlit road at night quite happy and content,,the next thing I remember was waking up in a daze 35 minutes later,hurting all over and thinking,'mmmm,that sunday dinner smells nice',after a few minutes trying to wrestle my head from between the swingarm and the back wheel,(Which was gradually wearing it's way through my helmet,as the bloody thing was still running)I then attempted to wrestle my leg from between what was left of the front wheel and the engine,,weirdly enough when I got my leg free it had attached to it what looked like a giant pork scratching,and smelled delicious but at least it didn't hurt,(I had cooked the back of my leg not just burnt it)as the nerves had been destroyed,,it turned out the local brats thought it was funny to throw all the warning sign/lights etc into the hole where the water main had been dug up that day,,thanx kids rolleyes any ways,the whole thig gave me a new sideline in stomach churning party tricks,now, if I want to I can clench and unclench what's left of my calf muscle as there is onle one layer of skin between it and the outside world,and everyone watching can see it in action,,just like them nasty hospital shows on telly lol