I'm definitely with teppic on this one,,there is a place for racing,it's the race track,be it driving round in circles looking for the finish line or heading straight to it like proper racers,the track is the place for it,,admitedly I ride like a tw@t me(says so on my t-shirt..but if some eejit in a pimped up corsa wants to play silly buggers the they can count me out,the roads are a dangerous enough place as it is,and if they want to come and cause trouble,wherever it is,be it dogging,down the pub even at mcdinglers,bring it on littl boys :twisted:
bikes aren't dangerous(unless you have no sense of balance)it's ignorant car drivers that are dangerous,,I gave up driving because it gave me a false sense of security,,and it's true,if you spend enough time on a bike you will delelope the bikers 6th sense,it also helps if you ride with the attitude that everyone else on the road is deliberately trying to kill you..and lastly,,mopeds,,agreed,,very scary things,,nothing with wheels that small should travel over 20mph,but the main problem with them is,,they can't get out of the way of traffic before it hits them :shock:
I'm not gay either,doesn't mean I've gotta make out that there's something wrong with being that way though :shock:
don't suppose I'd better post pics of my scars,,,lol,,good luck to you pal,I hope the bastards get a proper sentencing,,but sadly I've lost a lot of faith in the justice system,(doesn't help living in a cop no-go area)..and although I no longer do the outlaw biker thing,I still believe in that old hells angels motto,," there's no justice,just us"!! also please note,there's no point getting involved with big gangs etc,thinking you'll be safer,sometimesyou just become a bigger target for nutters out to prove themselves
this type of situation is becoming more and more common near me,a good few years ago I wasn't guite so lucky,I was walking home from the pub late one nightwhen I heard a noise behind me,as I turned I saw 2 blokes with baseball bats,one was already swinging,next thing I knew I was semi conscious on the ground and one of them was leaning down searching my pockets,I recognised him as one of the local thugs and tried to grab him the next thing I knew was excrutiating pain and I woke up 3 days later in hospital,drugged up to the eyeballs,my best mate came in and I askedwhat I was doing there,turned out I had a badly fractured skull, resulting in a very swollen brain,and I had been stabbed in the bollox so hard that the knife had snapped on my pelvis, I had died twice,had two ops,and 189 stitches,,the two thugs received 100 hours community service each,I wound up sterile,in a wheelchair for 6 months,with severely reduced long term memory,and an attitude that I'd never let anything similar happen again,I took all the combat training I could find( I was even teaching for a while)and it never ceases to amaze me how often I have to use it, in todays climate it's avery good idea to learn how to disarm people,but I still wouldn't mess with nutters with guns,,oh yeah and I met one of the thugs a couple of years back,he walked up to me,put his hand on my shoulder and said"alright xxxxx mate" next thing I remember I was walikng away and he was lying motionless on the town hall steps :twisted: