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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58


I used to love harleys too,,till I stuffed one and the darned thing wrapped around me,,now I'll never ride a feet first bike again,,I would far prefer to get lobbed over the bars than stuck under them sad
acetone (nail varnish remover)poured onto a cigarette filter(with the paper taken off)only a few drops mind,looks identical,,used to leave it on toilet seats at college for a laugh,,ooh sweet memories lol
I ride a 1985 zx750 turbo(GPz)with an 810 wiseco kit ,t25 turbo,green injectors,collins dump valve and race mode e.c.u,zxr 750 front end and zx6r back end,does ten second quarter miles on street tyres,goes round corners like a modern bike does over 200 mph,and even stops when I want it to,,not bad for a 20 year old bike,as you have probably observed I'm a little bit proud of my handiwork,it's the most fun I can have with my clothes on,,oh yeah and matlock sounds groovy,I promose not to ride to fast for the rest of you lol also,anybody going to storming the castle??the damned are headlining on the saturday night cool biggrin
yesterday,afternoon for some reason(can't think why,,lol)I had the urge to go racing,a phone call later I was on my way to the private track that I use for shakedown runs etc,spent 3 and a half hours racing against everything from hedgeabusers(hayabusa's)to a testarossa and a porsch gt2,the only thing that could catch me was a turbo'd busa,and a good time was had by all,heading home I stopped for a red light and a pimped up mgzr pulled up alongside me in the turn right lane revving his engine,the lights changed and the spotty little herbert tried to race me from the lightsas there was only one forward lane only one of us was going to fit in the gap at one time,so I backed off the throttle let him through then came round the outside of him on one wheel,at the next set of lights,who should pull alongside but spotty herbert,revving away,so this time I revved my engine dumped the clutch and lit the back tyre up as if I was heading forwards,spotty herbert not wanting to be beaten shot off through a red light without even looking,right in front of a deeply unamused bike cop,and as for me,turboman(a new breed of anti-hero),,my work here is done,,,rofpmsl :twisted: lol
switchable 2 stage boost,and I may go for water injection with a intercooler,but I don't fancy nos these motors have a habit of grenading with nos,also I don't need more sudden power it's hard enough getting the power down as it is,206bhp and 115 ft,lbs torque on a bike that ways just over 450lbs is silly enough considering it's also my road bike biggrin
I used to be in a band called 'free beer all night' put posters up everywhere,packed house every night,but some of them failed to see the funny side lol
sxboy,no the t3 lags too much,I've got a hybrid t25 with the 360 degree thrust mod,spins up real fast and with the collins filter type dump valve to stop it surging/stalling, it can light the back tyre up at 120 off the throttle lol
have to agree,thats why I fitted the cosworth turbo and actuator to my bike,,tried and tested,bulletproof biggrin
well if you like evo's and scooby imprezas you'll like ghostrider 2 biggrin
I suppose I'm lucky really,when I was younger it used to cost me more than the purchase cost of the bike to insure them,,20 years of riding experience certainly helps keep the premiums down smile
was with ghostrider last year when he did ghostrider 3(the european tour)that bloke is a proper nutter,did a 22 mile wheelie on the m60 lol
if they loved their motors enough they would find a way to insure them,I ride a turbocharged fuel injected bike with over 200bhp at the wheel,my insurance is well over a grand a year,third party only,,if I stuff it I've lost it,but I do it cos I love it,you obviously understand this concept,,but a lot of these shopping rocket drivers don't smile
yes bailiffs it is really a bike that you are looking for...(old jedi mind trick) lol
I'm definitely with teppic on this one,,there is a place for racing,it's the race track,be it driving round in circles looking for the finish line or heading straight to it like proper racers,the track is the place for it,,admitedly I ride like a tw@t me(says so on my t-shirt..but if some eejit in a pimped up corsa wants to play silly buggers the they can count me out,the roads are a dangerous enough place as it is,and if they want to come and cause trouble,wherever it is,be it dogging,down the pub even at mcdinglers,bring it on littl boys :twisted:
bikes aren't dangerous(unless you have no sense of balance)it's ignorant car drivers that are dangerous,,I gave up driving because it gave me a false sense of security,,and it's true,if you spend enough time on a bike you will delelope the bikers 6th sense,it also helps if you ride with the attitude that everyone else on the road is deliberately trying to kill you..and lastly,,mopeds,,agreed,,very scary things,,nothing with wheels that small should travel over 20mph,but the main problem with them is,,they can't get out of the way of traffic before it hits them :shock:
go on you know it makes sense,remember,a bike is the most fun you can have with your clothes on,,and although ducatis sound nice there ain't nothing,nowhere sounds nicer than a turbocharged superbike,,but then I'm biased lol
I'd like to suggest 'temple of love' by the sisters of mercy for all the members of this wonderful site,especially the lovely ladies biggrin
I'm not gay either,doesn't mean I've gotta make out that there's something wrong with being that way though :shock:
I may not be stripey,but the sight of a 6 foot heavily built biker riding something that looks like it was swiped from the set of mad max does seem to instill a flight reaction in a lot of people,,I guess that with all the hollywood imagery that's been flung at bikers,some of it had to stick,,doesn't mean we're all bad people though,I'm a 3rd generation biker so I guess it's probably genetic,and I'm very proud to be just who I am smile
sorry if this sounds a bit whingey,but I am male and a genuine racer(motorcycle drag racer),and have noticed when I turn up at car parks etc on my bike,a lot of people tend to leave quite hastily,,I have no intentions of causing trouble,I'm as human as the rest of you(allegedly)and am just seeking a good time however it manifests itself,I've spent a great deal of time and money on my bike having built it up from nothing but a secondhand engine,and until I find something that puts a bigger smile on my face it will remain the most important thing in my life,so if you see me on my purple and black tiger-striped turbo beastie,don't leg it,give me a wave or say hello,as I have as much distaste for todays ghetto clones as the rest of you,,in short,pleeaaase don't judge the book by it's cover,,looking forwards to meeting folks that aren't freaked out by me a the mcr munch and with a bit of luck people will get to know me before they judge me biggrin
dnt nw wot yr all on abt lks lyk t qwns nglsh 2 me m8 lol
don't suppose I'd better post pics of my scars,,,lol,,good luck to you pal,I hope the bastards get a proper sentencing,,but sadly I've lost a lot of faith in the justice system,(doesn't help living in a cop no-go area)..and although I no longer do the outlaw biker thing,I still believe in that old hells angels motto,," there's no justice,just us"!! also please note,there's no point getting involved with big gangs etc,thinking you'll be safer,sometimesyou just become a bigger target for nutters out to prove themselves
this type of situation is becoming more and more common near me,a good few years ago I wasn't guite so lucky,I was walking home from the pub late one nightwhen I heard a noise behind me,as I turned I saw 2 blokes with baseball bats,one was already swinging,next thing I knew I was semi conscious on the ground and one of them was leaning down searching my pockets,I recognised him as one of the local thugs and tried to grab him the next thing I knew was excrutiating pain and I woke up 3 days later in hospital,drugged up to the eyeballs,my best mate came in and I askedwhat I was doing there,turned out I had a badly fractured skull, resulting in a very swollen brain,and I had been stabbed in the bollox so hard that the knife had snapped on my pelvis, I had died twice,had two ops,and 189 stitches,,the two thugs received 100 hours community service each,I wound up sterile,in a wheelchair for 6 months,with severely reduced long term memory,and an attitude that I'd never let anything similar happen again,I took all the combat training I could find( I was even teaching for a while)and it never ceases to amaze me how often I have to use it, in todays climate it's avery good idea to learn how to disarm people,but I still wouldn't mess with nutters with guns,,oh yeah and I met one of the thugs a couple of years back,he walked up to me,put his hand on my shoulder and said"alright xxxxx mate" next thing I remember I was walikng away and he was lying motionless on the town hall steps :twisted:
as I used to do a lot of camping with a large amount of like minded friends I can say I've had some truly weird stage 6's,passed out next to a camp fire one night,woke up with club feet(the soles on my boots had melted),another time woke up naked in a field 2 miles away from the campsite,(and my clothes),,but the worst one without a doubt,had to be waking up in my caravan,to realise I didn't know the people glaring at me,and then looking out of the window to think,that caravan over there looks just like mine,,many apologies later I decided it was time to cut down on my drinking rolleyes
radar detectors are overrated,you can't put your trust in one, as the law stands you can use one if it only receives a signal and doesn't modify it, the law has now taken into account the use of diffusers,which take the signal,scramble it and send it back out thus giving false readings to any device attempting to register its speed,these devices are now illegal,on the plus side,the police so far have no way of actually detecting a diffuser apart from searching your vehicle to find it,(and these devices on average are no larger than a matchbox).from hypothetical experience,if you were to pass a speed registering device with a diffuser switched on,like passing a jambutty on the motorway, you may get pulled over,simply because although they know the vehicle was travelling quickly their device says you were doing 7mph,no evidence,no penalty,but, if they find your device you can be liable to a very substantial fine,,on a slightly differentnote,a good friend of min,(who shall remain nameless) has found the perfect antidote for speed cameras,every time he sees one he passes it on one wheel,thus the only camera that could read his registration would have to be built into the road,facing upwards evil lol
darn,,and I was trying soooo hard to stop people finding that picture of me,,ladies,forman orderly queue lol
myshampoo says"oi,baldy,,what u lookin' at me for" lol
If you haven't already seen the remake of the punisher,don't bother,it's utter crap,,relevant,probably not redface
damn,now you started summat,I've only gone and cleaned up and oiled my tattoo gun,,I'd just put it out of my mind as well smile