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1 day ago
Straight Male, 57
Bi-curious Female, 55
0 miles · Haverfordwest


mine soooooo well hidden I still looking for it ............... redface
Quote by neathpair

So come on all you party animals and get your names down for the best social in south wales!!!

errrr can we come too, even if mr adi aint a party animal???? redface surprisedops:
So so sorry to do this, but unfortunately, due to a family bereavement, we are now unable to attend. To say that we are gutted is an understatement, but hope you lot have a great time, and we will catch up with you lucky peeps soon.
A + T
have you seen this post? might help
I'm not bothered if anyone says any welcome to me as I'm used to being sat in the quiet corner staring at the floor redface :idea:
Quote by Devon4u
Ermmmmmmmm cough, Thanks michandmick for inviting us, can someone hold our hands please? biggrin
Just be gentle with us NOT lol
TheDevs xxxxxxx

You can share the quiet corner wiv us lol
Quote by mickandmich
Of course your name down guys.........but you got to promise to be good :P

I'm always good redface its mrs adi u gotta watch lol
lol and you had to ask ???????
put us down pleaseeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz
errrrrr can we come please, but only if the quiet corner is free redface surprisedops:
Quote by Elliot
..............Red and Blue
Are the two i'm liking so far smile

What if your'e colour blind?
Well done for organising such a great nite. I'm sure the cctv footage looked brill........
As for the waxing, it was a pleasure to be able to do something that helps those brave lads who daily put their necks on the line and might in that case never have the chance to swing lol
Mnay thanks to all the ladies for the after waxing massage, I'm still smiling :lol:
Look forward to the next social, but hope there's less pain next time lol
but as they say shag redface
Thank you.......................
seems such a little word, but when said with meaning makes you feel that you have done something special............
Soz, should have worded first posting better; what we meant was that these two vanilla friends are having such problems and we have to be sooooooo careful not to point them in this direction redface Its strange now that some things we take for granted are perhaps frowned upon by some of our friends surprisedops:
Anyways, we working hard to stay outta it, as they got to work it out for themselves. BUt is so sad to see such wonderful people unable to communicate when we ourselves dont even have to speak to understand each other lol
Just noticed that a close couple to us are having 'difficulties' and that it is very difficult to appreciate their outlook on life. Its very hard not to drop into conversation something that might 'implicate' our swinging life. They both been asking advice, and its very difficult not to tell them to try swinging lol as his wife is upset by him visiting an adult site rolleyes (and that after she been unfaithfu :lol: ly more times than be counted on one hand).
So just wondering how often you've dropped yourself in it by not thinking :lol:
Sadly, today we had the sad news that someone dear to us passed away today.(he was only in his thirties) He was an inspiration to all those that met him, and will be sadly missed. Sorry to put a damper on the Christmas spirit, but we think that we all know someone whose been affected by such events in he past. As far as we are concerned, its live life for today because you do not know what tommorow brings. Why is it that the good ones go so soon........................
We both agree that from now on we do what we want as tomorrow may never come.
life is never perfect, but lets give it a good go.....
Get well soon Mr C; so sorry we werent able to catch up with you lot last night, but we were thinking of you lot having a great time.
See you soon in the jacuzzi in chams again.
And Mrs C , if you need anything you know where we are.
Tigger and Mrs Adi x
Quote by combatbabe
:P :P :P :P :P
hi tony
you are the list anyway i didnt put yr name down as u dont need yr name down cus u r going to be helping me with a lickle task on the night redface surprisedops:
but i promise to be very gentle :twisted: :twisted:
and yopu cant bck out now cus u promised me biggrin :D
i will see you on the night xxxx
the combats xxx
if you cant be good be careful
just remember to wear an open front shirt easy access lol lol

:twisted: I remember how ' gentle ' the ladies of the s wales room were on me when 'removing surplus body hair'.......................and remember you can run but you cant hide rolleyes
Quote by combatbabe
:P :P :P :P :P
hi tony
you are the list anyway i didnt put yr name down as u dont need yr name down cus u r going to be helping me with a lickle task on the night redface surprisedops:
but i promise to be very gentle :twisted: :twisted:
and yopu cant bck out now cus u promised me biggrin :D
i will see you on the night xxxx
the combats xxx
if you cant be good be careful
just remember to wear an open front shirt easy access lol lol

:twisted: I remember how ' gentle ' the ladies of the s wales room were on me when 'removing surplus body hair'.......................and remember you can run but you cant hide rolleyes
Can I please have the quiet corner this time rolleyes
And there will be NO gorilla or scooby at this event redface surprisedops:
So if any peeps have not met Mr A, he's the one sitting quietly , peering into his squash all night.
You mean its all a hoax???????????
Telly wont be the same again............the next thing you;ll be telling me is that Coronation Street is make believe...................
quality telly........................not lol
Thankyou one and all redface
Well, I made it to this millstone rolleyes life begins now look out at any social from now on :twisted:
As they say, your only as old as the lady you feel; so luckily mrs a is younger than me, but any offers are gratefully received lol
:happy: :beer: :angel:
redface Well, failed to keep that quiet now didnt I surprisedops:
Thanks to all ; sorry I've been quiet in last week; just trying to do all the things I sadi I'd do before I was 40 :P lol
I'll save a bit of cake for u all
redface Well we had arranged to meet a couple one evening on the way back from a trip; However, me in my haste had taken wrong number down, and we were texting the cpl (or so we thought) every 10 mins ; we didnt get an answer so thought they'ed changed their minds. It transpired that I had transposed two numbers of the phone no' and some vanilla was receiving weird text messages surprisedops:
Mind you; we did sort it out( took weeks or grovelling) lol; but we would expect peeps to let us know if they not turning up.
if you break your leg ...................dont comne rrunning to me ............... rolleyes
Cool as a cucumber redface lol
Is anyone else having problems getting into server 2 at the moment? We can get into server 3, but when moving we just get the 'ghosted' screen. We did have problems last night, so suppose we'll have to wait for them to fix it..............again rolleyes
errr think we done a few of them.........
Use swing at chams..................done lol
Walk thro Motorway services dressed in a gorilla suit................................done redface
Keep Mrs Adi happy.................ongoing
Drive the road they filmed the original Italian Job on year for sure.
Get Mrs Bonedigger to give us lessons in cleaning..... :lol:
To sit in the quiet corner at s wales socials...... rolleyes
Quote by mdr2000

Today was talking to a friend of mine.. He is an undertaker/funeral director and to all intents he is a good looking well to do fella.. he says as soon as he mentions what he does girls run a mile lol?? Would that be the same for any of you out there?? Or any other jobs that would really put you off??

Surely he'd be a great catch..................well he should know how to bury a stiffy rolleyes lol
Think it says in the AUP or chatroom rules that directing is not allowed unless statedin the title