Typical - there is me all planned up to pop to Eurekas for the afternoon as its meant to be sunny - ho hum I am sure you will have lots of fun !!
I think we are all missing the point here.
Our tax legislation allows HMRC to look at a group of transactions and say – the figures here are designed to send profits outside the uk and so substitute the figures for real ones. So Starbucks may pay to Switzerland for every cup of coffee but HMRC say that’s fine but for tax purposes its 30p per cup.
The real question is why aren’t HMRC doing this – is it because it’s easier to hassle the small guy as he won’t be represented by a major legal team ?? – or perhaps agreement is reached somewhere else in the system which we know nothing about?? – ohh I feel a conspiracy theory coming on …
The grren vote still flagging huh !
Will you still be there until early evening. .??
Not until next week !! C'est la vie
Hi all
Planning to be popping up the M5 from Cheltenham to Chameleons on Wednesday next week 7th November - from 7 till around close. If there are any couples who want a lift up the M5 please get in touch. I would make the offer to ladies but as there is no way of telling if i am an Axe murderer i wouldnt expect a reply - ho hum.
Of course if your going under your own steam come and say high - I dont bite (well maybe a little nibble).
Well no takers so far - at least saves me having to Valet the car !! lol
Always looking on the bright side :-)
Hi all
Planning to be popping up the M5 from Cheltenham to Chameleons on both Wednesday and Thursday next week (17th and 18th) - from 7 till around close. If there are any couples who want a lift up the M5 please get in touch. I would make the offer to ladies but as there is no way of telling if i am an Axe murderer i wouldnt expect a reply - ho hum.
Of course if your going under your own steam come and say high - I dont bite (well maybe a little nibble).
Hi all
Happening to be in the Oviedo part of spain (travelling from Bilbao there ) theseday night - anything of any interest in the vicinity ?
I know its a tad late but hey !!
Hi Mr and Mrs P
One more potential for the list ?
Just about squeak through the qualifications I think – other than being a little late.
Full body pic available Via DM Just let me know if clothed or unclothed required.
Not applying for the filming bit as you may get 2 hours of the ceiling as I get carried away :-)
I await with baited breath…
Hi all
Just offering a lift up the M5 from around cheltenham way up to chameleons on wednesday and thursday evenings at around 7 ish.
If anyon is interested in being green (and saving a few quid) let me know
( i may even be considered trustworthy !!)
Friday afternoon sorted - bring on the Sun :-)
Well its such a nice day – finally…. I think it would be rude not to spend the afternoon at Eurekas
Anyone agree ??
Well Wednesday was fun !! so i think I shall repeat it on Friday !! whey hey
I am sure everyone else is welcome
I would definitely agree with the recommendation to try a club for the first time into this. If you arrange to have a private meeting with a couple there is instantly an expectation (unless it’s just drinks in the local ). Also you are spending time with people you have never met who may possibly have slightly misrepresented themselves on the site (surely not !!) At a club you can just have a look around and do nothing if you decide its not for you. I personally think there is one main distinction between clubs and that is the towels / clothed split. A dressed club can be much like a nightclub with things going on around – at a club which is towels only its very obvious that your not in a normal nightclub. Some people will find that a towel club gets you into the idea in a much hornier atmosphere and will help. Some may feel that a clothed club is a slower introduction and that may suit – its impossible to tell which works best.
Around you there is Vanilla alternative (never been so cant comment) Liberty Elite (which has a good mix actually of clothed/towels areas – and a little further there is Chameleons – (full on towel club).
The other big decision is what night ! – If you want to avoid an excess of single guys then you are usually stuck with a Saturday night – these are usually busy. The quietest way into the scene maybe either a Sunday afternoon – or a weekday evening (stuck with Chams for that one or liberty on a Thursday) . There will be much less going on but it may suit.
The other advantage of checking out a club first is that once you have been and got the layout sussed (not easy in Chams) if you wanted to arrange am meet directly with a couple on here you could then arrange to meet them there !
Anyway just my 2 pennies worth – have fun and enjoy
I can’t say that I do but I am intrigued !
With Warthog on this one - abfab should suit - Saturdays being couples only.
Another possibility is the old hellfire club on one of their big nights could suit
Hi Sporty and Curious
Needless to say it depends on what you are looking for !! Simplest for you would be to try Abfabs on a Wednesday night. This is about an hour away from you BUT will be a naturist night so towels only not usual club attire – may not be your thing – not overly busy so a good gentle start into the club scene.
If your not into wearing towels the I guess there is the F Club in Wandsworth (An hour and a half away ?) – Thursday night if the ‘OFFICE’ Party – so clothes worn (but I have never been so can’t comment)
Also there is the hellfire club – 1 hour and 10 away – Wednesdays are there brief encounter days – but so far very quiet when I have been – again clothes and beautifully done – just quiet and limited weekday opening.
For a Tuesday There is our place for fun – again about an hour and a half away – Tiny place but some love it !
Also about away (but north) is liberty elite – they do some Thursdays – but check which one – some are couples and ladies only (to explore your Bi side ) some are fetish – Nice place but I havent been on a Thursday
Slightly further north west is Chameleons – open every night ( bi on Monday and nude on Tuesday ) Probably away form you but the best place in the country ! Towels again – may not be your thing.
Basically there are a few around – but you need to decide what your after – dressed / towels – lots of blokes or couple only - maximum distance – what nights etc.
Feel free to DM for specific info.
Just testing the water really – trying to establish whether anyone ever went to the Paradise Spa (the one in Dagenham) on a Thursday. Just a thought as i was going to give it a go 15th March.
All advice gratefully received
No i am not referring to a nasty colour of appendage as a recult of the social lergie. I am offering a lift - so attempting to reduce my cabon emission.
I will be popping up the M5 from Cheltenham way to Chams on the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday this week -29/2 and 1/3. Offering a lift to couple and single ladies (yeah right i could be an axe murderer i know) - would include single blokes but a) there not my type and b) arriving mob handed there never seems a good idea.
So if you fancy a lift let me know - fairly flexible on times expescially wednesday. No expectations of play - merely a lift...
Such a shame your so far away as i am seldom in your part of the world (not that i would get chosen anyway but one can dream !) does the avatar face pic count ?
Did you have a date in mind or are you pantiently waiting for the right guy ???
I would say best bet is - Kestrals / Abfabs by heathrow (left of London) Eurekas near Brands hatch (right of London) or Bristol Gardens in Brighton (down from london)- I would say all these are all relaxed and Fun - not quite up to Chams standards but way better then Rios. Miles closer than Chams as well.
As I recall when we had one we could burn logs or coal - i think there were some extra bars for coal burning to raise up the base. Burns much hotter with coal - but i think logs look better.
as others have said you will need dry Logs (I hope you have somewhere to store them for about a year if your to use self felled ones. I used to to away with the ones from the petrol station as long as the kindling was really dry.
Dont worry about the smell it is a proper smell for winter (assuming you are not in a smokeless zone) and if people complain tell them to get a life !!
Have fun and enjoy but remeber to turn the heating down or you will boil !!
Last chance for a lift is contact by Mid Wednesday - not that thre appears to be a queue !