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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 60
0 miles · Hertfordshire


Oh no, not the Heath, although that is one of my stamping grounds. The Heath can be a bit hit and miss and there is a very strong gay/trannie contingent which can make things a bit confusing!
As far as last night is concerned, you need to think a lot more centrally, in fact, about as centrally as it gets! Put it this way, if The Queen had a pair of binoculars, she'd have had a good show!
I'm not so much concerned about the lack of locations because they are there. The problem in recent times has been the lack of couples who are prepared to go out on the off chance of meeting some like-minded people. Nowadays, everyone seems to want pre-arranged shows down to the last detail. It used to be the case that people from both sides would turn up on spec and everybody respected the rules. Now, because of all the idiots it's all invites only and maximum security. Shame.
My first post in ages, but I had something last night that has restored my faith in the spontaniety of the scene. Totally unplanned, completely fulfilling and for once, not messed up by anyone.
I met a lovely couple against a tree in Central London at 0230 last night (this morning) and I had a great time! It was a pleasure to meet such nice people and I hope that you're reading this if you're subscribed. Maybe we'll come across each other again one night! Thank you, and take care.
Apart from this being very unlikely, the fact that it's completely innacurate should be a big clue;
A Hit & Run Party will be held this saturday in Barking, Essex.
Armada Way in Becton, near Gallions Reach DLR Stn.

Barking is nowhere near Beckton. The DLR doesn't run to Barking. Oh. and Beckton is spelt wrong!
Apart from that, it all sounds very plausible - not
Don't be taken in by these fools, there seem to be more and more of them about at the moment.
We'll be going to Rios tomorrow night (8/11) and would love to meet up with a bi fem, either as part of a couple or on her own.
Let me know if you are interested and can make it, and we can arrange to meet up.
Hi Steve
We'll be there tomorrow night after about 11. PM me if you want to meet up.
Hi Jonny
I assume you've read the reviews on Rios in the Clubs section.
We were there last Saturday night and had a great time. We met some nice couples and although it was quiet, there was plenty of action. I've only ever been on a Saturday night, but I think that regardless of the time, it's better to go as a couple as opposed to on your own. As a couple is the only way you'll gain access to upstairs.
As for downstairs, there are a lot of single men milling around hoping for a piece of action. There are also some very nice nude or semi-nude women, but they all seem to be partnered up. You should enjoy the facilities though. The jacuzzis, saunas and the pool are great and the staff are really friendly.
You really need a partner to go with though! Good Luck!
Just to clarify, most of the occasions on which I've had my time wasted are from guys who have been offered the chance of a show and have either not bothered to reply to a mail/PM or not bothered to turn up. I know that things do crop up and plans do get changed, but just a quick line to explain a no show/no reply is only courteous. Only very rarely (twice) have I ever responded to a couple's ad and I still think that if someone goes to the trouble of replying to an ad, the least that they deserve is a 'thanks, but no thanks' reply.
I get responses from people who are clearly unsuited to what we're looking for, but I still mail them back and thank them for their interest. The main reasons for me doing this are that you never know that even if that person isn't useful to you at the time, they might be in the future, but also, if people keep putting themselves forward and never get any kind of acknowledgement at all, they simply become disillusioned and lose faith in the system. Even if someone submits a terrible and unsuitable reply to a request, at least they're trying and can possibly be guided.
I've followed this thread with a fair bit of interest. For my own part, every person that I've (physically) met through this site has been great, we've all had a good time and got what we've wanted.
However, I've still had my fair share of people that haven't turned up or even bothered to reply messages. I'm quite philosophical about this because as we all know, there's just as much rough as there is smooth!
I'm more annoyed by the people who automatically assume that if they post a topic or a personal ad, they will automatically fulfil all of their desires. They don't seem to have any interest in devloping an ongoing realtionship with or through the site, just getting their rocks off. Some of the ads and topics are so overladen with either desperation or arrogance that it's no great surprise that they don't get any interest.
I too would like to see a system of 'vouching', but how do new starters get off the ground? I'm inclined to think that there are three levels of members on the site: Those that take an interest and make a constructive input, those that lurk until something that is of personal interest to them comes up and those that have registered just to be able to post once in the hope (or belief) that they'll get a result. I've got nothing to support these assumptions, but I would think they probably break down in percentage terms as 20, 30, 50. Think about it, most posting is done by the same core of people who have all earned their credentials.
If we could factor out the last group and encourage people in the lurkers group to actively participate, it would be a tighter, more focussed (sic?) arena.
I'm still in contact with many lovely people that I've met through this site and I've got an honest expectation of meeting more in the future. It's just a shame that there's so much chaff to wade through before you get to the wheat! I'd love to see newbies encouraged to really get going and I'd love it if we all played by the same rules of respect and etiquette. Meanwhile, back in the real world...............
Hope this makes sense. On the readback I'm not sure it does, but I just wanted to chip in with some thoughts!
Back and refreshed from my Greek Odyssey, I'm 'minding' for my lady friend again tonight. Some of you may remember that we did a similar exercise a few weeks ago. We all ended up on Hampstead Heath and everything went swingingly! The high point of the night was that we were all 'satisfied' least once, the funniest point was the look on this guys face when he walked on us. He really was just walking his dog! He probably could have joined in, but I think he was having trouble breathing at the time! :shock:
Anyway, she'd like to come out and meet a couple of chaps, and if at all possible, a bi girl. A bi couple would be ideal. I don't imagine that I'll be doing much myself, just ensuring good order! Or is that running order?
Problem is, it won't be until approx. midnight. We haven't firmed the location yet, but it will be either Central or North London.
It's important that we get people who will actually turn up, so if you can't make it at this time don't worry too much, there's always another day!
You might be right about some lads not being as clever as girls. After all, I was always told that the bumpy bits around a woman's nipple was braille for 'suck here'.....perhaps I was just gullible!
As for multi-tasking, I think you'll find that most of those guys only need the one hand to use a mouse...
I'll make no comment about the spanking though - that's one road you really don't want to take me down!
I've always liked Matcmakers- especially the mint ones.
Your efforts are much appreciated and certainly not wasted!
Sorry about last night - PM'd you
Just seen the pics yous posted - there's a certain deja vu about some of them!
Last night was good fun, and we're really hoping to stage a re-match in the near future!
How late your going to be staying there? There's an outside chance we may swing that way after we've been somewhere else!
Further to my post in the topic below, we're still looking for couple/bi girl AND one other guy to join us outdoors late tonight.
A lady friend of mine wants to come out and play and meet & greet!
7 Million people in London, it can't be that hard can it? I know it's a school night and all that, but we have to take opportunities where we find 'em!
I'll only be there as moderator, I'm a bit 'dogged out' after last weekend!
At the moment, all I can say is that it will be North London and it will be late.
I'm chaperoning a lady friend who fancies some fun outdoors tonight!
Ii would be nice if we could find her a couple of nice guys and ideally, a couple/bi girl.
I don't imagine I'll be taking part, just keeping a watchful eye!
It will be London, It will be tonight!
Suggestions please, we don't often get this opportunity and it would be nice to make it special.
Although not as busy as in recent years there is still a reasonable amount of activity in St James' Park.
HOWEVER, I'm informed that the Royal Parks Police are currently mounting a substantial surveillance operation at the moment.
Primarily, they are after bag snatchers who target copuples who are 'otherwise engaged' They are actually using an 'amorous couple' as bait. Whilst I have no doubt that the Parks Police do a brilliant job, most of their job involves people walking on the grass or trying to nick the Queen's swans. Therefore, this has made them quite excitable and prone to nick anything even remotely suspicious.
Therefore, if you're a couple, keep an eye on your property, and if you're a watcher and you see an interesting couple who just happen to be wearing big boots and hi-vis jackets, keep on walking!
If I here or see anything else, I'll update this post.
It's funny, you'd think Multimap would have a special Dogging Locations section. After all, they've already got the maps! Perhaps I'll write and suggest it to 'em.
I strongly agree about precise meet details being arranged privately, but sometimes the inexactness (real word?) of locations leads genuine doggers on both sides of the show to miss the action.
The things we do have associated risks, but these need to be weighed up against the benefits. It's a lot more frustrating to be invited and not be able to find it.
Also, from a personal viewpoint, the current list probably only scratches the surface. There is the chance that if we all share our own personal hotspots that they will be swamped with passers by, but I think that would only be a temporary thing. I know that people are often loathe to share to much detail on what they consider to be their best spots, but surely if we share more spots there's a concurrent benefit of possibly attracting more couples? I'd have no problem the Dogging Locations being members only.
As for warnings, I really think there is a valid case either for a seperate section or a related sticky
Sorry if this sounds boring, I save all my best humour for my day job!
I really agree about having an up-to date loactions list built upm by local people. Either a Streetmap link or a Multimap one would be useful. However, more useful would be the local input that gives theexact spot, i.e., which car park or which end of the road. Some locations are pretty big and you can easily miss the right spot.
I also think a warnings list detailing dodgy locations or suspect set-ups would be useful. None of us wants to invite the wrong kind of attention!
Sharron, I'm not sure that my PMs are leaving my Outbox. Have you received or just not replying?
Surely your last post should have been:
"Sorry, Daily Sport - if you're having someone read this to you slowly..."
What I can't figure out is that if no couple turned up, what kind of story were they going to get?
Half a dozen blokes lurking about on Hampstead Heath, London's biggest gay cruising spot? Imagine my surprise.......
As long as they spell my name right. Then again, I don't think their readers actually look at or understand the words.
Quite a few national and regional papers have done 'exposes' on dogging recently, and I suppose it was only a question of time before someone tried to create their own 'story'
I guess we need to be even more cautious.
I've only recently joined this forum. I normally post on uk-exhib. However, I've been doing this for (too) many years, and this one did sound a bit too good to be true. It sounded too good last night, and it sounds too good tonight. Didn't stop me turning up though! Thankfully, deliberate wind-ups are still the exception. I just think that it undermines people who are prepared to make a genuine effort. At least it wasn't raining!
This sounds just like last night's post promising a show. Same couple, same place. Instead, all we got was half a dozen doggers waiting around for a no-show. As a number of people made the effort to get out, an explanation would be nice. Call me a cynic but...............