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Over 90 days ago


Quote by bluexxx

And my advice to any women is, don't go somewhere, where there is a greater risk of it happening to you, for example, walking home alone late at night! THAT IS THE ONLY THING I WAS SUGGESTING IN THE FIRST PLACE, NOTHING MORE! Anyone who thinks that is anything other than good, logical, advice, is an idiot!
Furthermore bluexxx, no, I am not sexist. My question regarding your gender was out of mere interest in whether I was reading the opinions of a man or a woman! What is very clear though, demonstrated by your persistence in attacking an issue that is non-existent in my opinions, that of the "clothing issue", I quote, "In saying that people SHOULD be more careful where they go and what they wear in order not to be , you ARE blaming the victim and sending the message across to anyone reading this who has EVER been sexually assaulted that they played a part in the their assault..." (The clothing part and the blame part being things I never said!), is that you are an idiot!
If people are offended by me suggesting that a woman should do her best to avoid being in a place where there is more risk of her being , with nothing more than her safety in mind, which is all I am saying, then let them be offended, because they too are idiots!

And therein lies your victim blaming attitude. Nuff said on that matter.
Quote by bluexxx
[Are you completely and utterly stupid, or are you here just to troll the board? If the latter, I am going to make you an ex-member. If the former, please shut your mouth about an issue you clearly haven't got the first clue about rolleyes .
I cited findings from published academic research. You posted shite.
End of.

I'm neither stupid, or here to troll the board as you put it! I made a perfectly legitimate and sensible point, which you chose to take offence to and persist in trying to twist the relevance of some things in my postings. And now, for someone who claims to have a PhD, you're demonstrating an incredibly childish attitude, acting like a spoilt brat who takes his ball home because he's losing! It wouldn't bother me in the least if you did make me an ex-member... it would just serve to prove what I have just said about you!
What a moron!
Quote by naughtynymphos1
you ARE blaming the victim

Sorry i can't see it dunno
I have read bluexxx posts over and over and i really can't see where you have got that from, unless i'm miss reading what you mean confused: :?
hey but then i am a self confessed idiot, oh with a warped mind too by all accounts lol

I didn't write "you ARE blaming the victim", bluexxx did, I was quoting bluexxx who was acusing me of blaming the victim, which I was not doing... that line of text was c&p'd from bluexxx's post... look back, it was bettween quotation marks (and in the quote box)!
This post should really be in this but it's been locked...
I think I'm going to make markz go green with envy with this lol
I was at Silverstone yesterday with a racing team owner, having meetings with several people about racing next year... my eldest son (16) was with us...
He was walking back to the pitlane garage where we were stood talking at the pitlane side when, not looking where he was going, he bumped shoulders with a guy... he then turned to say, "sorry mate!", and to his shock surprised discovered that the lad he bumped into was Jenson Button! :lol:
Jense was there supporting another driver who's a mate of his, and whose garage we were in! So Jenson came and chatted with everybody and had a few photos taken before leaving.
My son was made up! biggrin
Quote by bluexxx
Yes I agree the condom thing won't work, but if you think I agree with you on the clothing issue I suggest that you go back and read my post again. I don't give a toss whether or not you qualify for MENSA (IQ tests are shite anyway rolleyes ), your opinions on are misguided and serve to perpetuate the myth that victims are to blame for their . This takes blame off the perpetrator -- simple as.... these attitudes prevent justice --- simple as... they cause suffering, often for years --- simple as. They are BAD, with a big fat capital B.
In saying that people SHOULD be more careful where they go and what they wear in order not to be , you ARE blaming the victim and sending the message across to anyone reading this who has EVER been sexually assaulted that they played a part in the their assault.....they start to doubt themselves.... "was it something I did that made him do it to me", blah blah, blah....they start to question everything they do and the places they go. They are not free any more to be themselves and to live a free life. They suffer for something that someone else did.... THEY are NOT to blame mad :x :x Think about it, eh..... you say you are a logical chap..... work this one out.... You say that women should remove themselves from anywhere they may well be .... as most rapes are committed by someone the victim knows, you're actually saying that women cannot go anywhere with anyone.... just in case, like..... Now, that's not REALLY what you're saying is it.....????
No-one is a victim until they become one..... there is only one person responsible for , and that is the perpetrator..... if there were no perpetrators there would be no ....... so, what's the answer...? Your logic would say remove men from any situation where they MIGHT ...... but that does sound rather silly doesn't it...? But it IS what you're actually saying....... :roll:
Logical.....? No, mate..... you're not, you have an attitude that is a problem, a BIG one.... I suggest you deal with it before people get REALLY offended.
Whether I am male or female is irrelevant.... or are you sexist as well....? Actually, negative attitudes towards correlate very highly with sexist attitudes, so I have just answered my own question there.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I also don't have any particular opinions on , misisguided or otherwise, except that it is despicable crime.
I also do not have an issue with clothing for you to disagree with!! I have not apportioned any blame on a victim because of the way she was dressed! My own preference would be for women to walk around naked, and I am a regular visitor to places where the do... nudist beaches! I also love to see women dressed sexily, and I do not believe it is an excuse for a to them! Is that now clear??
The sad fact is, there are rapists! And my advice to any women is, don't go somewhere, where there is a greater risk of it happening to you, for example, walking home alone late at night! THAT IS THE ONLY THING I WAS SUGGESTING IN THE FIRST PLACE, NOTHING MORE! Anyone who thinks that is anything other than good, logical, advice, is an idiot!
Furthermore bluexxx, no, I am not sexist. My question regarding your gender was out of mere interest in whether I was reading the opinions of a man or a woman! What is very clear though, demonstrated by your persistence in attacking an issue that is non-existent in my opinions, that of the "clothing issue", I quote, "In saying that people SHOULD be more careful where they go and what they wear in order not to be , you ARE blaming the victim and sending the message across to anyone reading this who has EVER been sexually assaulted that they played a part in the their assault..." (The clothing part and the blame part being things I never said!), is that you are an idiot!
If people are offended by me suggesting that a woman should do her best to avoid being in a place where there is more risk of her being , with nothing more than her safety in mind, which is all I am saying, then let them be offended, because they too are idiots!
Quote by Jas-Tim
I'll refer you to NN posts above

You mean the one where she omits to highlight this particular sentence: "And while I don't think a girl's dress or lack of it is an excuse for someone to take advantage"???
You can all go on about it as much as you like, I'm making no excuses for mentioning the girls outfits. They are still not relevant! My only pint is and I repeat, women could be more sensible and not walk alone at night!
I'm not wasting any more time on this, I've given my answers to why I mentioned clothing and I've clarified my reasons for it. If non of you can accept that it's your problem not mine!
I'm now leaving for one of the race tracks and I'm away for the next three days with more important things to do than take part in petty arguments over what a few words I posted did or didn't mean. As I said, if you can't accept my explanation of how I the writer interpret what I meant by them, it's your problem!
Quote by da69ve
Wouldn't it be better where possible for women to be sensible and not put themselves at risk of in the first place?
I'm not trying to say that women are to blame for being , but surely some could be a bit more careful?

And that is the only part that was relevant! rolleyes
Quote by Jas-Tim
Or a demonstration of your inability to acknowledge that your posts did indeed infer that how women dress in some situations was relevant to your scenarios, and thus the point you were making.

I don't believe my posts did infer that, and I certainly didn't intend them to infer that. That's why I refuse to acknowledge that they did.
Quote by Jas-Tim
As above, you felt the need to raise the clothing issue in order to illustrate your scenarios.
If they aren't relevant then why raise it originally . dunno
I am still dwelling on it becasue you won't give an answer to that.

I have answered that question, twice now!
First of all I didn't raise the clothing issue, someone else did after misinterpreting the purpose (a non-existent purpose) of me mentioning clothes!! I simply described a scenario or two and made passive comments about what girls were wearing. I didn't make a conscious decision to mention clothes for any particular reason! But why not mention them??? What is the problem?
Without suggesting that what a women wears will cause her to be , as you have brought the subject up, I think there is a slight relevance in that certain clothing will make a women stand out more, therefore drawing attention to her. I've seen people walking along roads late at night and sometimes you can't tell whether it's male or female. If from her mode of dress it is obviously a girl / woman, that may well contribute to a noticing her. But that isn't 'blaming' the clothes for the act! Oh and another thing, I don't subscribe to the myth that rapes are not sexually motivated... there must be sexual arousal (for obvious reasons)... so sexual motivation must be a factor!
Quote by sharon_2005
I would love to go to a nudest beach with my husband, never been to one yet but i think it would be fun but.......
It might get windy, have you ever heard of that sound you get when a bit of paper gets stuck down an hoverpipe lol :lol:
On the serious not, its something me and my hubby have been having a thing about for next years holidays smile

I can thoroughly reccomend it, it's a fantasic feeling. But be warned, you'll probably get hooked on it, and then you'll not not to wear anything on the beach ever again! :lol:
As you are already interested and thinking about it, you'll almost definately like it a lot. I have introduced a number of women to outdoor / beach nudism, and every one of them at first said they would never go as far as going bottomless. Without exception, every one of them eventually tried it and every one of them got hooked on it! biggrin
There are hazards on Nudist beaches though... like the little boy found out when chasing around not watching where he was going, running straight between a young womans legs and ending up with a clit round the ear! :lol: :lol: :D cool
Quote by bluexxx
I hadn't read this thread since it was on page 1, but some interesting points made in the last 4 pages. Without giving my identity away to all and sundry, I will simply say that my PhD was on attitudes towards and I have published several papers on the subject. Thus what follows is based on published research, not conjecture.
The majority of rapes (actually, all sexual assaults) are committed by someone the victim knows, often very well. "Official" figures on victim-perpetrator relationship are flawed cos victims are less likely to report rapes committed by a known person.... this is cos of societal myths that "real" is committed by strangers. People are more likely to believe is real if it is committed by a stranger and victims (being members of society) know this too.
Vctims by someone they know are more likely to be blamed for their assault, cos people think that they should have been able to see it coming, prevent it, or that they may have led the perpetrator on in some way. However, victims by strangers are also blamed in some circumstances. As has been discussed here, if a woman is whilst wearing provacative clothing, walking alone at night, etc etc, she is likely to be seen as a causal agent of the event. This implicitly blames her for being at the scene. Whether that blame is explicit or not, it is still holding her partly responsible. This detracts blame from the perpetrator. There are many cases of such variables being used in court to defend the perpetrator. Police "safety" messages perpetuate the myth that the victim is responsible, as do the popular media. This increases fear of crime amongst women, it also means that many victims do not report at all. Blaming victims however implicitly, means that thousands of rapists every year are not brought to justice, and means that many victims do not receive the support and help that they urgently need. Blaming victims, however implicitly, hinders their recovery. When someone has been a victim of even the most subtle blaming can contribute to further secondary victimisation.
Roughly 10% of victims are male. Men are also blamed for their , usually for different reasons than the ways women are blamed. Men tend to be blamed for not being able to fight off their attacker. Not fighting back may be seen as implicitly encouraging the . In fact, however 'ard someone is, traumatic events usually make people freeze and unable to fight, even if under less stressful situations, they could. One study of male victims (may or may not be my own research wink ) found that over 80% of the men in the study simply could not fight back. Saying that a "big strong guy" cannot be is simply untrue, and such myths serves to prevent such men from reporting cos they figure (rightly) that people may not believe them.
Selling anti- protection such as this 'ere tampon thing, in my view, is blinkered and simply a gimmick, cashing in on women's fear of . OK, if a woman is attacked whilst wearing one of these things she may stop herself being vaginally. However, it does not prevent anal or oral or any other sexual or physical assault that usually accompanies a sexual assault. Even if it does make the perpetrator stop in his tracks by hurting him, he has already penetrated, hence he has already .... so it is not actually protection at all! is penetration, however slight. Even a "slight" , or an attempted means years of coming to terms with it for the victim.... suffering, in other words. The only way to prevent is to catch the people that committ these acts. That means changing people's attitudes to make it easier for victims to come forward. There is no other answer.
Yes this is something I feel strongly about. Thank you for reading cool

That seems to agree with the two points I have made in this entire thread:
1) The condom thing won't work.
2) Women could be more careful where they go alone.
Still however, focussing on the clothing issue! rolleyes
I don't agree that Police safety messages (or anyone's safety messages) perpetuate a myth that the victim is to blame. There is no doubt whatsoever that the victim is never to blame, but that doesn't mean women shouldn't be advised to take precuations to prevent themselves becoming a victim!
Out of interest, is bluexxx male or female?
Incidentally, I don't have a PhD, but to give you an insight into the way I think and why, I qualify for MENSA (but choose not to join) with a genius level IQ (independently tested) of the 'logical-mathematical' type (same type as Einstein). Perhaps this is why I look at the problem and come up with the simplistic solution of, remove the potential victim from the scene and there will be no victim! There's nothing more sinister to my thinking than that!
Quote by Jas-Tim
And most decided that you did indeed mean the clothes to have some relevance. You must have felt it had relevance to in order to portray the accurate picture you were putting across to the readers
I don't think it was blown out of proportion because obviously several people felt the need to comment on what you had put.

Most? There were only a handful if that, and interestingly, the majority of those who jumped on the clothing issue, were women! Missing the point I was making and picking up on a relatively insignificant comment. Perhaps a demonstration of Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus? lol
Quote by Jas-Tim
[I fully agree that there are things people can do to minimise becoming a victim of any crime.
However, I don't think it's realistic to think that women should change their style of clothes, or never go out alone in the dark and avoid every lonely place.
It's not possible, and frankly as an individual it annoys the hell out of me that people have to even think that way.
That's why I reacted to your post, it's horrible to think that the only way I can remain safe is to change who I am and what I do. It's restricting to me as an individual and I think a lot of women would agree.
Edit: I can't make this read how I want - it's not an attack at you but at the popular view of what we need to do in order to remain safe.

I have never suggested and would not consider suggesting that women change the way they dress or who they are in order to stay safe. It's not what I said. Why are you still dwelling on it?
As for changing where you go, well, yes I imagine it is annoying to have to think like that, but that's life. However it is your choice, it was a suggestion not an order. Just as people can make a choice to avoid getting on underground trains, or buses in London, or to travel on them and risk getting blown up. It's annoying that we have to make that choice, but it is a choice people have to make because some maniacs choose to go around blowing people up.
Tim xxx
The question was asked, what do guys think?....
Well speaking as a guy who sees a lot of them owing to the fact that I'm a naturist / nudist and spend a lot of time at nude beaches where both sexes genitals are on show... my own preference is neat and tidy.... I like to see a woman with no hair whatsoever down there and preferably a neat crease with perhaps a hint of labia just peeping out... that - to me - looks nice. I also like a subtle genital piercing, like a clitoral hood piercing with a small ring fitted (not half a scrap yard!)... that can look very cute!
I would like to add though, that although I still find them sexually stimularting to look at (depending on the rest of the woman! - I don't know how other guys work, but I am rarely aroused by the site of a womans genitals unless the rest of her appeals to me as well), I can also - perhaps due to being used to seeing them a lot, so it's no big deal - view a womans genitals as a simply beautiful part of the body, just as I can with their face, hair, and general body shape. So I can wtach a naked girl walk by on the beach and admire her pussy for it's simple beauty, without getting sexually aroused by it.
I would agree with others though, only do it for yourself, not to please other people.
Out of interest - perhaps this should have it's onw thread dunno - but out of interest, what do the women prefer in terms of mens bits?
1) Do you like them at all?
2) Prefer circumcised or not?
3) Hairy, neatly trimmed, or completely smooth?
4) Does flaccid size matter?
5) Do you like or dislike piercings?
Quote by naughtynymphos1
where did you get i was from newcastle from? lol

Oops! Wrong person! :lol: It's fluffer's one that says Newcastle! cool Sorry!
Quote by Jas-Tim
But even that implies that what women wear could put them into a potentially risky situation. Why describe the scenarios if they have no bearing on what you're saying?

I don't think it implies that at all. It certainly wasn't intended to. And when describing a scenario to someone the intention is to create an accurate picture of what I saw. The scenarios do have a bearing, and what the women were wearing is a minor point that may or may not have some relevance, which I would leave to the reader to decide.
I think that some people here have latched on to something that has little relevance, blown my comments about the way these various women were dressed, way out of proportion, and it's distracting from the point I was making!
Quote by naughtynymphos1
i do understand what you are saying, and u have made a lot of refferance to what women wear, in one post even saying 'her tits was out' and 'you could see her pants (what little of them there was)' (so u look close enogh to see how small her knicker was didn't you lol) i do understand what u mean by if there are no women in the village there are no women to , but why the hell should we hide away just cause its dark, life don't stop cause there are rapists out there, if its late at night and we have to get home and walkings the only way then we have to bloody well walk end of

That was the girl I picked up and gave a lift to somewhere safe because she looked vulnerable. I was simply describing the situation and the way she was dressed was quite relevant to the description of the scenario. Like it or not, her top was falling open exposing her tits and and her short skirt had ridden up exposing her pants. She was sitting right next to me in my car, she was drunk, and I made sure she put her seat belt on, so I couldn't really help noticing.
I'm not pointing the blame at women for what they wear, and believe me, I'm all for women wearing skimpy, sexy clothes. I certainly don't think it is any excuse for a to them or for anyone to touch them in any way without invitation. But surely you can see the logic in not going somewhere where you are vulnerable to a , and particularly if you are dressed in a way that might just draw attention to you more?
I notice that you are from Newcastle (I assume that's Newcastle in the , not Staffs?)... Well there was something on the news last week or the week before about a series of rapes of women going home from nights out there. A police spokesman on the programme pointed out that some girls were still taking the risk of walking home alone, despite these attacks going on. Mt point! But he also pointed out that these girls were usually wearing short skirts and reavealing tops etc, making them prime targets (his words not mine) and suggested that as more reason to get a lift or a taxi home rather than walk! I don't think there was any suggestion that they shouldn't be free to dress how they want to!
But that was absolutely not what my point was intended to suggest!
Quote by da69ve
You did bring it up and pointed it out as a reason for possibly getting !

No I didn't! Not in any interpretation of my statement could you think that I said the way a girl dressed could lead to getting her !
I merely described a few scenarios I had seen and mentioned what the women were wearing. I did not say that was the reason they might get .
I don't know how many times I have to say it, but, my clear point was that women could take preventative measures by not putting themselves in a potentially risky situation.
Quote by fluffer
If you dont understand why some of us are getting upset about your remarks in your original post by now then I cant see the point in wasting any more time talking about it. A few have tried to discuss the issue but I think its best if we just agree to disagree.

Well explain exactly what remarks upset you and why!
Quote by Alleyson
I just wondered .... was all. smile

No problem! :)
If you think I should take them down, or if anyone thinks I shouldn't post a pic of my ex, just say and I'll remove them at source so they don't show up! biggrin
Quote by Alleyson
I can't help thinking that if were your ex I'd be annoyed at you posting my pic on the net never mind a swinging site, does she know you've posted them?
Alleyson xxx

She gave me permission to use them on the internet ages ago... They're on my website... She was a professional model.. it doesn't bother her... And in fact I took the naturist beach one, and own the copyright. smile
Quote by fluffer
I think you are kiding yourself that the ONLY point you made was about women not being in a quiet place on her own. If that was the SINGLE point you wanted to make then you really should have gone about it in a different way. Anyone knows that we dont walk down a dark alley on our own.. the same goes for men too. It is a sad fact that there are murderers as well as rapists out there, and I never walk anywhere alone if I can help it.
But this is really not the picture that your original post was painting. I think perhaps you should take a bit more care over the words you use, and make sure you are being very clear about your main point and not get into areas where you are clearly treading on dangerous ground (taking some of you own advice perhaps?)

Dangerous ground?? What, by voicing my opinion, and by making a legitimate point in a web forum? lol How can making a suggestion that women take more care, with their inrterest at heart, put me in dangerous ground?
"Anyone knows that we dont walk down a dark alley on our own.." But they still do it, why? confused And that's my point! "It is a sad fact that there are murderers as well as rapists out there, and I never walk anywhere alone if I can help it." But some women do, and I repeat, that's my point!
No I'm not kidding myself, I know exactly what point I was making and the way I wanted to make it! To anyone with a reasonable understanding of English, it should have been perfectly clear what my point was, and that any other references were there to simply embelish that point! There's nothing wrong with the words I used. And I don't understand why you are getting so uptight about the clothing aspect. The fact is sexy clothing will make a woman more noticeable, so in a way it is relevant. Even though I agree it isn't an invitation to !
By the way, I've had some PM's from women who agree with me.. I've also just discussed it with a woman friend on the phone, and she agreed with me too!
Quote by fluffer
i suggest you re read what you have posted in its entirety as you really have made quite a bit of reference to what women wear.

I just did, and it isvery clear in the first two paragraphs of my initial post on this subject that I was saying women should not put themselves in a situation where they are at risk, and I clearly stated that what they do and don't wear is not an excuse!
Quote by fluffer
You made a few points though Barewolf and they weren't all about being alone in the middle of nowhere. I think you are glossing over some of what you have said. I cant believe you dont understand why some of us have a problem with what you have said. You subscribe to your own view of common sense, but its one where for a woman society has to withdraw from freedom of sexual expression through clothing in case she catches the eye of a sick bastard. By that argument there are planty facets of society that would need to be changed, JUST IN CASE, we tempt a burglar, murderer, , hit and run driver, shoplifter, arsonist.........................

No, I made one point. The one that was, women could be more careful and not put themselves at risk where it could be avoided. Any reference to clothing or attractiveness was merely pointing out that they would perhaps stand out more. Not that it would incite anyone to them. The point SINGLE point I made was, if a woman is NOT in a remote or quiet place, on her own, where she is a potential target for a , she is less likely to get ! I think you'll find that's the advice the police give out. It may well be a sad world we live in where women don't have the freedom to go where they please without the risk of being attacked, but it is a fact that these maniacxs are out there, so why take the risk?
Quote by da69ve
If you hadn't brought up the fact they wear these kind of clothes then maybe it wouldn't have gone any matter what you wear ,where you walk there will always be rapists out there!

I didn't bring up that fact, I merely described a situation, in order to create a visual image in the readers mind. It was other people who chose to jump in and focus on the clothing aspect.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
i do totally understand the point you are trying to make, however its just not realistic, if all women went out in jeans and a jumper there would still be rapists, dressing sexy does not get u , a half dressed woman walking down the street will not turn a normal guy into a and if a guy is out looking for a woman he will not go home empty handed because noone was out in a short skirt that night, he'll just grab the nearist woman to him, its stupid to say we should not put ourselves at risk cause by doing that it would mean no woman goes out after dark unless in a big group? why should we have to do that, they are in the wrong not us so why should we be the ones who are being told we are in the wrong bacause of what we wear, who we are with etc
If a young girl get on her way home in a short skirt the chances are she would have still gotten if she had trousers on.
woman of all ages get not just 'young sexy' ones

Which just proves that you actuallydidn'tunderstand my point! rolleyes My point was nothing to do with what they wear! My point was, if a is on the prowl in a particular area and there are no women / girls in that area, he hasn't got anyone to has he??? If a woman puts herself in a position such as walking home on her own late at night in a place where she is vulnerable, she is putting herself at risk! I am not saying she is asking for it, or that it is her fault.
I can't believe that supposedly sensible adults can't see the logic in that!
Quote by da69ve
You seem to think that if a girl or woman who is wearing sexy clothes that she is asking for trouble,that is complete should be living in a society where women should feel safe no matter what they doesn't make a slightest bit of difference what they wear to a .......

That's a very naive statement to make!
I agree that we should be living in a society where women should feel safe no matter what they wear... or more to the point, where they go and when... but the fact is we dont... so why take stupid risks?
You all seem to be focussing on the fact I've mentioned what women wear, and missing the point I was making, which was, that if they are out on their own late at night - or in some cases day - in remote places, they are at a greater risk of being . I can't believe that people have a problem with that... it's common sense!!
If a madman was on the streets with a gun (as happened some years ago in Hungerford), would you stand in front of him waving your arms and shouting, "go on shoot me then!" ??? rolleyes :roll:
Did I not say that I don't believe the way a woman dresses is an excuse?? I think you'll find I did!! I didn't use the phrase 'asking for it' either.
I'm merely pointing out that it is a known fact that there are rapists and murderers at large, so why put yourself in danger unecessarily?
As for the girl I gave a lift to, I agree, her boyfriend was a completely thoughtless twat... and I wasn't suggesting it was entirely her fault she was out on the street late on her own (although she could have gone into several pubs that were open, or a number of takeaways, and asked them to get her a taxi... or she could have called a taxi herself. Her b/f had left her in a pub, not on the street. However, I was pointing out the potential danger this girl was at risk of becoming a victim of. But there are many women who put themselves at risk like that without the assistance of an inconsiderate b/f... and despite that it is not their fault that some lunatic is out there with intent to women, they could be a bit more sensible and not put themselves at risk!
By walking down a road late at night dressed sexily and looking very attractive, they may well not be asking for it, and certainly don't deserve it, but the fact is they are putting themselves at risk of getting it!!
Quote by sexyfella
:laughabove: She looks like some kinda freak from a sci-fi movie

I haven't seen that movie! confused lol
Ok that was an old pic... here's a more recent one taken at the beach:
Wouldn't it be better where possible for women to be sensible and not put themselves at risk of in the first place?
Considering the prevalence of serious attacks on women (and young girls) and the publicity it generates, it is surprising how many potential victims you see. In my local town is isn't uncommon, in fact it's very common, to see women, young women, walking along dark roads light at night dressed in very lttle. And while I don't think a girl's dress or lack of it is an excuse for someone to take advantage of, I think these girls are leaving themselves wide open to attack.
I travel around the country a lot with my work, and I see this everywhere! Only a few days ago I was on my way home at about at night, and passed two girls of about 16 years old (a guess btw), walking along an unlit country lane, both wear wearing very short skirts and skimpy tops!
Once, a couple of years ago, again late at night, I was passing through a large Cheshire village and had to swerve to avoid a girl who was walking along the pavement, going in the same direction as me, she had staggered into the road as she was drunk, very drunk! This girl in perhaps her late teens was again wearing a very short skirt and a pretty revealing top, and she was pretty attractive. Having overtaken her, it suddenly crossed my mind that she was walking out of the village towards open countryside! So then I thought, "shall I go back and see if she would like a lift?"... so then for a minute or two I had a mental battle of concience versus, well, what do you call it, dilemma? Think about it... 46 year old man stopping and trying to pick up a young girl, how does that look? Then I thought, "how would you feel if you picked up the paper tomorrow and read that a girl had been or murdered??"... So, in the end I turned around and went back, stopped and asked if I could give her a lift somewhere. Now the other thing here is, how the hell does she know I'm safe? She doesn't, but, she got in my car and I took her to another twon about 6 miles away and droped her near some houses where she said she lived, and waited while she went in. On the way she told me she'd had a row with her boyfriend and he'd dumped her and left her to make her own way home. Like I said, she was quite drunk, her tits were falling out of her top (and I mean that literally, they were uncovered)... which I pointed out to her so she could cover up, and her skirt was so short you could see her knickers (not there was a lot of them!). My conscience was clear because I had no intention of touching her inappropriately, and to the best of my knowledge I delivered her safely home. But ti made me think about how with another man the situation could have turned out very different!
I'm not trying to say that women are to blame for being , but surely some could be a bit more careful?
Spooky! :shock:
The girl bares a striking resemblance to my ex! lol Here's a pic:

It's an old photo from her modelling days! smile
Quote by fluffer
I don't think we are talking about revenge as justice here though BW.
I fully side with the British justice system and deplore any kind of mob rule, lynch mob type mentality. Society would descend into chaos with that mentality. But BW, we arent like that, and are not going to go that way. We were just sounding off at the thought of horrific cases. So whilst you arguments are correct, they are not applicable to the people on here who called for a few castrations in anger.. and your original post did seem to be having a real go at them.
I think we all agree that public hangings and castrations are not something we want to see down the town square on a saturday.

I was having a go at those poeple... OK everyone has a right to freedom of speech and to perhaps verbally vent their anger... but... it could incite others to act on those words... that's often how lynch mobs are motivated... someone says "we should hang him!" and someone else says, "yeah lets do it!" Careless use of words might just light someones fuse! However, I have a 12 year old daughter... if anyone touched her I would probably beat them sensless in an act of rage... but I'm not saying I would be right in doing it!
And just to clarify my position on the original subject of the thread... I have nothing against the use of some kind of measure to deter or prevent ... I was just pointing out fundamental flaws in that particular device, both practically and legally.
Like I said, I can understand people taking drastic immediate action as a result of anger and rage. It's supposedly sane people condoning such acts that I find disturbing. I draw a parallel with the USA simply to point out that on this ever-decreasing-in-size planet where eventually we might all become united one day, there are 'civilisations' still advocating draconian and barbaric measures for dealing with *people*. I don't condone or any other violent crime, but resorting to revenge, which is what we're really talking about, revenge disguised as justice, I beleive makes us lower than the individual we're 'punishing'. And there are people in this country campaigning for the death penalty to be brought back!
To answer someones question about prosecutions of householders for use of unreasonable force, the following Times article reports on a recent Crown Prosecution Publication outlining what is and what isn't allowed. The article quotes Ken Macdonald QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions saying that there have been 11 prosections of householders for excessive use of force in the last 15 years.

The CPS web page outlining the law on this subject and pointing out that even if an intruder dies, you are unlikely to be prosecuted so long as the police are satified that you used reasonable force, also states that the deliberate setting of a trap amounts to excessive force! So I think the use of device this thread is about would be illegal just on that point alone!