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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 55
0 miles · England


Quote by meat2pleaseu
Where is that man of your's ??

Probably poking his unfeasably large tool between some chunky norks or he's playing gandalfs stunt double in hobbit- the stage show :giggle:
Did someone say large tool? I'm all ears and mouth ;)
Hello Vix (and Reese) x
Quote by meat2pleaseu
You're such a cheap tart- you were flirting with me earlier and now you have Widey as your meat puppet rolleyes

I do love it when 'straight' men fight over me :rascal:
Anyway, it wasn't earlier, it was last night, today is a new day sweet cheeks kiss
Quote by MikeC
I need to make sure it is lubbed up

It's 'lubed' ;)
Ipad auto correct lol
He he... I can train you and you can train your iPad... my iPhone knows how to spell:
Quote by MikeC
I need to make sure it is lubbed up

It's 'lubed' ;)
Quote by essex34m
I think you are mistaken there Mike. That closet door has been creaking as long as I have known you.

That was his cock creaking smile
Quote by MikeC
Reminds of a night when i was the only straighty in the village (sassy's old flat) it was quiet amusing

Were you still straight at the end of the night? :rascal:
Quote by Sarah
We will celebrate 6180 for you :cheers::cheers:
You got a party going up there yet??

Great post x
Quote by MikeC
Not drinking

You weren't invited anyway straighty!
MY widey is back NOW ;)
Quote by essex34m
You absolute big GAYER!

Quit your jibber jabber, I'm listening to some hardcore disco now.
D-I-S-C-O D-I-S-C-O..
He was D... desirable...
Quote by essex34m
I'm not in work til Wednesday :notes:

Well, I'm in work tomorrow... but I'm having a beer.
Anyone joining me? :cheers:
Just poured myself a SoCo. Game on!
SoCo??? That's a puff's drink!
Quote by bluexxx
Ooooooooooooooooooooo homophobes are my specialty :evil2:

And mine - we could make a pincer movement :twisted:
I love it when a plan comes together
All we need now is a Brucie Bonus!!!!!
I have a vision in my head of Jurassic Park - where they lower the cow in that harness into the Veloceraptor enclosure :rascal:
Quote by Lizaleanrob
after the untimely death of Neil it was refreshing to see the banter between all the old names and early members who came back to pay their respects worship
my question really would be what made you guys move on when clearly you had so much fun here dunno

I just got too busy in the real world with business and house renovation to do it the justice I think it deserves. I was still watching, just not posting for about 2 years.
And yes, the news of Neil's death a couple of weeks back made me think 'I remember that..'
Back now, as and when I can smile
Quote by essex34m
Oi, pincushion. Wrong song.

OK, so I just changed my name back for you... what song faggot? Start me off.... ;)
Quote by noladreams

Oh, and one last thing. Don't want the poor little love flouncing through lack of attention, so Bloke, you and I once recited the lyrics to 'Grease' by Frankie Valli in the forum once. It will always be our song, baby!

:laughabove: I just wanted to bump this!
"Stranded at the drive-in
Branded, a fool
What will they say
Mon-day at school.....?"
Quote by bluexxx
Ooooooooooooooooooooo homophobes are my specialty :evil2:

And mine - we could make a pincer movement :twisted:
What's a Mod and have I shagged any? :grin:
Any memory prompts greatly appreciated.... lol
Quote by Lizaleanrob
blue sounds like she would have given brucie a run for his money ?
wave ello queenie ltns another name name change bolt
tip:its ya avatar that gives it away lol

LOL @ 'queenie'... twat! ;)
Hello to you too - old account, up-to-date name... when are you doing to Dom me big man?
Quote by Dirtygirly
Brucie was an utter twat. There, I said it :lol2:

Oh..... He sounds just my cup of tea..... :twisted:
I think I might have paid to watch that! :twisted:
Ditto... and hello DG kiss
Quote by little gem
I'd not encourage him Dino, he's been chewing blue pills with Mike in the GFZ and now has more horn than the Highland Beef Company. ;) lol

Moooooooo :twisted:
Quote by Angel Chat
Brucie was an utter twat. There, I said it :lol2:

Yes, but it was fun playing with him... especially when he claimed he was straight and he knew that I knew my mate had shagged him in a north London sauna :twisted:
At least Meaty has stuck to his guns smile
Quote by Dino
I think it was Utopia Dino. I didn't go to that one, but I always wanted to

Thats the place...and ive just been fact well and truly told by hornyred that the club visit was her birthday :neutral: and now im in trouble coz i didnt remember rolleyes
I'll take you to utopia Dino... and back again smile
BIoke :)
Quote by meat2pleaseu
and has anyone else noticed they can still hand code all their favourite emoticons? :giggle:

I'm out of practice.... do you do refresher lessons please? :twisted:
He was, very.... you would have had MUCH fun with him... :twisted:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
It looked a bit more like mystery meat to me lol

Is that like when we played 'guess who's giving he blow job?' ;) You had your cock stuck in that Gloryhole for ages before you realised it was JudyTV smile
Quote by bluexxx

I'll put a nice wig and pretty blouse on?!

rotflmao I have actually just guffawed. wink
No laughing at the back blue ;)
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Maybe if you dress up as a trolly dolly? rotflmao

You and your he-she role play fantasies... we've done that one before. BA or Virgin?
"Fish, chicken or beef.. SIR?"
God bless brucie... my how he amused me. Is he still around? lol
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Make a big space- just back from a BBQ and full of sausage :mrgreen:

Hola... my long lost little cup fungus.
How the devil are you?
It's been 8 years - can we shag yet? :grin:
not unless you've had a change of chromasome :mrgreen:
I'll put a nice wig and pretty blouse on?!