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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 55
0 miles · England


Quote by meat2pleaseu

The scary thing is, I knew it was Bloke after reading the first 2, despite him having a change of name redface

I got it from the avatar! Didn't even read the post! lol
Ooo, hello you - please distract Meaty while I go around the back way.... :twisted: :twisted:
Still a flirty tart eh Bloke?

Only with you kiss
Quote by couplefunuk
Where is he?

Tied up somewhere
He's "otherwise engaged" sadly. I'm sure he'll appreciate the pm's though lol
Do you have him tied up with Mike... you big bad Dom you? ;)
Quote by couplefunuk
Don't worry, Mike will do as he's told lol

Oooo, cool - are you Mike's Dom then? :twisted:
Quote by MikeC
I have a like button......called my cock lol

I've heard your like button is about 8" up your arse.
Would you like me to press it? :grin:
Quote by noladreams
Is it wrong to perv an intern at work

Awww, Uncle Bloke is slacking :twisted:
Ah, yes. That's how I spelt it...
Thank you kiss
I can't even remember who fraser was - did anyone shag him and can enlighten me? Mike? :grin:
Quote by couplefunuk
Volunteer your own bum for BIokes amusement Mike! I'm enjoying making him work for the prize!

That's right you tell him! Bloody 'straighty'!
I'd have you both begging for bum stuff smile
Quote by MikeC
It's his bum...whilst he gets ready for you

It looks like your bum in that third pic...with your mum's bedspread lol
Quote by MikeC
.....has a list of women that would say yes without the posts

Smart ass! ;)
Has a list of women who *have* watched flipa
Quote by couplefunuk

Is that your eyes or your face bulging like that? lol
Quote by MikeC
Ladies can I have a wank in the jacuzzi and sorry bloke you can't watch lol

Say's who... ? I think you should ask the ladies :twisted:
Quote by noladreams
Nearly posted a list of random locations and then figured people might, y'know, talk :twisted:

It's OK, from what I hear, they've shagged some of them too ... just not at the same time as us :grin:
I definitely recognise Mike's bedspread for one.... lol
Quote by MikeC
No but you teach people the alphabet in them lol

Is that like teaching them to be bilingual? dunno
Quote by little gem
Yeah right! ;) We won't tell.... :whistle:
Can I get a head massage, I think I have a bit of a headache coming on with all these tabs open and the refresh button being hammered to bits tonight, I'm out of practice!

Yes, come here, breath deeply and relax...
(oops, sorry, though I was talking to Mike) :grin:
I'm out of practice too.. at hammering, I think... at bits.. at... er... everything :)
Quote by MikeC
Ummmmm it was a hotel

I'd NEVER have sex in a hotel with female company and naughty 'straight' men who were 'bored'! redface
Quote by noladreams
The avatar wasn't there when I read the post!

Yes, just added hastily in case people thought I was an imposter ;)
I can't find any of my old bloke threads actually... they've been zapped... unless I'm doing it wrong!
Leave it with me! kiss
Thanks lovely :kiss:
Try bloke, blokes and r6biker ;)
Quote by couplefunuk
You rang?

<goes wobbly at knees>
Hello big man - your profile still says bloody 'bi curious' so either you're doing it wrong or just teasing ;)
Let me take you by the hand and show you how.... COME TO PAPA!
Quote by little gem
Mike - where is that lovely bedspread from in your third picture? Is it Laura Ashley? :grin:

Don't worry about that Bloke, it's what happens when he lets his mum take his naughty photos. ;)
*sneaks into the jacuzzi with a large glass of rose and sighs*
Hello kiss
It's either Laura Ashley or Linda Barker lol
Quote by Freckledbird
The avatar wasn't there when I read the post!

Yes, just added hastily in case people thought I was an imposter ;)
I can't find any of my old bloke threads actually... they've been zapped... unless I'm doing it wrong!
Quote by Mrs_Couplefunuk
kiss Bloke

Hello you :kiss:
What have you done with *Him*? :twisted:
Quote by bluexxx
It's very quiet around here, these days isn't it?
well, until tonight ....

Well, once the cool kids graduated it could never be the same, could it......
A bit like Grease and then.. Grease II?
Quote by poshkate

The scary thing is, I knew it was Bloke after reading the first 2, despite him having a change of name redface

I got it from the avatar! Didn't even read the post! lol
Ooo, hello you - please distract Meaty while I go around the back way.... :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by MikeC
So let me get this straight. I have to wear a corset, face the wall with my legs spread and I'll end up full of sausage? Count me in! :rascal:

Not if I'm there first sweet cheeks ;)
Some things never bloody change then? Bloke barging in first and grabbing all the premium sausage before I can even assume the position? rolleyes
My sausage is tesco value
And your arse? :grin:
Angel Chat - let's share? ;)
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Make a big space- just back from a BBQ and full of sausage :mrgreen:

Hola... my long lost little cup fungus.
How the devil are you?
It's been 8 years - can we shag yet? :grin:
Quote by Angel Chat
So let me get this straight. I have to wear a corset, face the wall with my legs spread and I'll end up full of sausage? Count me in! :rascal:

Not if I'm there first sweet cheeks ;)
Mike - where is that lovely bedspread from in your third picture? Is it Laura Ashley? :grin:
Quote by Calista

i am widey's bitch.......didn't he tell you we have been having man love for a long time now

What's 'man love' and would I like it?
You may do bloke.....
Tho I am taken by widey......
I'm sure widey would share you happily Mike! Esp with B1oke :twisted:
Who's widey? Does he look like Ben Cohen? hump
Quote by MikeC

i am widey's bitch.......didn't he tell you we have been having man love for a long time now

What's 'man love' and would I like it?
You may do bloke.....
Tho I am taken by widey......
How did he take you? I may be able to get one up (on) him? :twisted:
Quote by MikeC
i am widey's bitch.......didn't he tell you we have been having man love for a long time now

What's 'man love' and would I like it?
Quote by noladreams
Oh. My. There may have just been some localised throbbage reading that! :rascal:
From the blasé ground rules being set in the car, to the random break midway through the evening where we both sat giddily chuckling, much to the bemusement of the rest of the pub. :giggle:
And, y'know, the 'oh fuck yeah' moments :twisted:
Happy, happy days!

Yes, the Easter Bunny has never been so kind since.
So my fingers won't type as quick as they used to, my quotes most probably won't work, I can't remember the shortcuts for any emoticons..... but I can still suck cock like a trooper - can I stay a while please? lol
1) Mal taking me Dogging in Lancashire one cold winter evening, promptly getting lost in the fog, a couple getting their Jag stuck in the Dogging car park.. oh how we giggled
2) Going Dogging with Polo on several occasions and scaring the pants off 'straight' guys (literally!)
3) A certain trip to Chorley with Noladreams - 'nuff said ;)
4) Discovering bluexxx wasn't a bloke after being on the site for a month!
5) Freckledbird taking me under her wing and taking me to my first social in Manchester - JudyTv trying to take me home from said social
Bloke ;)