much agreement with cat woman how sexy is she, don't know if anyone has seen the incredibles but the female super hero in that is sexy for a cartoon character lol
This is a daft thread but I'm posting it anyway so there!!
We had a conversation at work as to which super hero you think would be the best between the sheets, the super hero of choice for me would be super woman as she is well sexy and imagine what she would be like in bed!!!!
who is your super fantasy?
i was with my ex for 3 years she was disabled so the answer to your question is I'm not put off by a disability its more about how you are as a person, so enjoy yourself as life is too short
Hi all I'm new to this I'll tell you about myself I'm a 26 YO sex maniac 6 foot 2 inches slightly over weight and single ( by choice) with average looks, I'm well looking forward to the bank holiday and I'm gonna get myself to La chambre this weekend (first timer) is anyone gonna be there and as a single what sort of reception will I get any advice will be recieved with open arms thanx for reading this and hope to hear from you.
cheers ben xx
Absolutely not, maybr the day will come though but i doubt it!!!!!!
Is anyone out and about in the South Yorks Area, Tonight or anytime this week, I'm new to this and am very keen to try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: