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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 60


Dusty Springfield, as always, has the answer, in 'Just a Little Lovin':
Just a little loving
Early in the morning
Beats a cup of coffee
For starting up the day
And, romantic so and so that I am, I always dissolve when I hear Roberta Flack:
The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun
Rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars
Were the gifts you gave
To the dark
And the empty skies, my love
Written by Ewan MacColl, father of Kirsty, which brings us back neatly to Billy Bragg. Who remembers these immortal lines from the same album as New England?
I am the milkman of human kindness
I will leave
An extra pint...
Also, from the Clash's Guns of Brixton:
When they kick at your front door
How ya gonna come
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun?
Finally, the marvellously weird Montague Terrace in Blue by Scott Walker:
The little clock's stopped ticking now
We're swallowed in the stomached rue
The only sound to tear the night
Comes from the man upstairs
His bloated belching figure stomps
He may crash through the ceiling soon
The window sees trees cry from cold
And claw the moon
'Hurrh. Hurrh hurh. It says "your anus" on that boat.'
'Hurrh hurrh, yeah. And it says, like, "tight 'un" next to to it.'
'Oh yeah. Hurrh hurrh.'
'Cool. Hurrh, hurrh.'
Quote by Calista
hi u want fuckin?

I'm guessing a simple 'Yes.' would have had him wetting himself. It's the last thing they expect.
Though Kat's chain PM idea takes the biscuit for me.
For me it all comes back to adding to love and happiness, for myself and others. Love that ladder / wall thing Rainbows - I really have a feeling that my wall is such a great one to look at, I don't care about the top of the ladder. I guess I'm not trying to get over the wall! I did something like the Tony Robbins stuff Marmalaid's talking about a while back, and I found it really helped me sort huge amounts of things out. That's how I ended up as a Life Coach biggrin
I must say that it really strikes me that a lot of people I've met on this site and at munches have a similar openness, honesty, contentment, and peacefulness that I've come across in people who've done coaching and self-development stuff.
Quote by Red(RHG)
Can I have a moan???
I need to moan which is not very often cos I am a smile gal on the whole.
My bloody ex partner has made me :cry: this morning. I'm sure it is a whole 'control' thing on his part but WHY do they have to do it? He is the only person who can reduce me to a blubbering wreck. I have to say we get on great the majority of the time and his wife is the tops she really is - we all holiday together with the kids and everything. Anyway this is how he left me feeling;
A. A crap mum
B. Useless
C. Dishonest
D. About 5 years old
Anyway that is my moan over - I know I'm not a crap mum, useless, dishonest and my tits tell me I am a good 33 years old. So I am off for a swim (first thoughts were to eat gross amounts of chocolate) and wash that man right out of my hair.
Thanks for letting me share!
Cathy x

Red, there's a little thing I keep coming across in my line of work - IF YOU SPOT IT, YOU GOT IT! If he sees you as useless, dishonest, a bad parent, and exceedingly immature, then it's probably because that's what he doesn't want to face about himself.
And your breasts are, indeed, delicious.
Quote by beebeep
spanking the surface of my behind would bring out the melancholic in me :shock: :shock: :shock:

unless i was tried to a tree and being spanked with a branch. and i know the book you are on about as well. At Uni been studying the 18 century which was a very liberal time for sexual adverture. It was when homosexuality became very popular in "dolly houses".
At the the time sodomy meant any act of sex that wasn't straight with a woman.
Quite interesting really.................. :twisted:
BB :twisted:
The great outdoors! Yes, that was in there too! So I wonder if dogging is seen abroad as a British thing? And bawdy humour... you know, I think Maia has a point...
I just read a fascinating book about the English imagination / culture over the centuries, and it seems that the English are most preoccupied with what's on the surface and what's behind them, along with a big streak of melancholy.
As an Englishman, I think I can safely say that spanking the surface of my behind would bring out the melancholic in me :shock: :shock: :shock:
This is hilarious. I only wish I had the time today to seek out more of the threads SH members are in.
I'm with Davej. Perhaps we could organise exchange visits or something. Get JAG along to a Munch! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
For a DP perhaps? I've wondered about this before for that very purpose wink
This is fantastic! biggrin :D :D A rogue posse of Swingers prowl the Internet dedicated to doing good deeds, defeating bigotry and driving idiots off Forums everywhere!
Great work guys, there's plainly still a great in Britain
There's got to be a novel in this...
Quote by hertsguy30s
Rainbows - OMG!!
Roger - I was inspired by this thread to come up with my own lil bit of Myron/JAGs bating..check out :

You might think i'm joking but think about it! It could be true!!

Nice one hertsguy! lol :lol: :lol:
I actually found it pretty scary. Especially when she tried suddenly to persuade everyone that she was all cuddly and nice really and it was gay people's fault that she comes out with such ignorant, sociopathic ranting.
Now I know what 'bipolar' means. rolleyes
Quote by lucyweebaps
be nice to finally get to meet you blissed biggrin

Yay! :D You, and a whole bunch of other faces new and old, too!
Quote by lucyweebaps
you missed a fab night hon.. but I'm sure this one will be just as fab :P
Lucy xx

So I heard! Sounds like the Karaoke went down well...
I missed the Glasgow Munch, but YIPPEE! I'm free that weekend!
:happy: :happy: :happy:
Can I come too?
Quote by jack_daniels72
Also I highly reccomend the Nouvelle Vague album - its a set of bossa nova cover versions of punk/new wave songs including ....
Dead Kennedys - too drunk too fuck
The Clash - Guns of Brixton
.... and many more. Trust me on this - I thought it would be hideous, saw them live and it was pure genius

Spot on JD!
Great thread!
Some of my faves:
Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Born to Run (Springsteen)
Stiff Little Fingers - Jonny Was (Marley)
Grace Jones - La Vie En Rose (Edith Piaf)
Clash - Armagideon Time (erm..?)
And of course everything by Dusty Springfield. Including her posthumous version of Natalie Imbruglia's Torn. It appeared in my head one day, and I nearly cried.
Hi paulandsharon! Big welcoming hugs! wave :wave: :wave:
I'm another single guy in Edinburgh, do PM me for a blether if you fancy. You'll no doubt get addicted to this site very soon - as the others have said, there's a lot of good people and good chat.
I can recommend the upcoming Scottish Munch in Glasgow as being a great way to meet some of the regulars in a social situation - I only wish I could make it along myself.
Have fun!
Quote by lucyslovely
21. You start posting on SH again and say kiss :kiss: :kiss: to Lucyslovely!

awhhhhhhhhhh redface
I do hope you're going to stay with us then blissed wink
Lucy :kiss:
You're inviting me to stay with you? :wink:
21. You start posting on SH again and say kiss :kiss: :kiss: to Lucyslovely!
I'm more at the bi-curious stage I guess, given that I've not had sex with another man (yet!:twisted: ), but it's something I've heard about from several different sources. I think you've got a point HungryP - SH is one place where there's total freedom to be who you are. And that's not just sexually either. Big up for SH!
Sorry to say I'll not be able to make it after all, as I'll be babysitting sad
Hope you all have a fab time!
Quote by neilinleeds
manchester! fookin' MANCHESTER!
now you do realise of course just how much anything manchester related grates for a leeds lad. but there it is. manchester, or thereabouts, is swinging central! mad
n x x x :P

Same here, on all counts.
Quote by willxx69
Afternoon everyone!
Back from shopping (having physically dragged Sappho away from the babygrows :shock: ). It USED to be the lingerie!! rolleyes
My favourite pub in town was closed mad (for some essential repairs I think) so I have a few minutes before we pop off to the hospital for another scan on "Twins TV" . No I DON'T mean the twins are TVs - well, not yet :shock:
So I've popped in for a quick glass of red.
Good grief!! :shock: why is there cream all over the walls. Looks like someone had a food fight in here.
Will - back later

Hello Will! MrFC was doing some DIY, and we'd run out of Artex confused
PS Somehow can't visualise Sappho in a babygrow.
Quote by VenusnMars
Morning! I want a fresh coffee, a cooked breakfast, and a man to pleasure me and another woman.
In that order.
Sarge, get on to it!

Morning! I'll be happy to fill the position. wink
There you are - MrFC's coffee (he'll not notice, he's busy with power tools), and some lovely microwaved banana and pepperoni pizza. Calista! Over here! We're ready!
Quote by MrFC

Ah, that's a relief. Thought I heard womenly voices and that in my absence it had been changed to the Guy Free Zone.
That would have explained why I came back to a fridge empty of raspberry beer though.
OK guys, I got the banana and pepperoni pizzas... hang on...

Ah yes, the wonderfully named Deaf Shepherd. You know there's also Arran Maiden and McTallica, I take it?
And I kind of remember the Humpff Family - around the time of Botany 5, and Ege Bam Yasi?
Simple Minds, AWB, and the Cocteau Twins. Funny how they always seem to get missed off 'The Best Of Scottish Music' type compilations.
Or does that just say something about me? rolleyes
Quote by Ice Pie
Why count the people who waste your time?
Count the ones who don't. biggrin

Wow, that's beautiful! There's a great thought to start the day with!
Hi Judy! wave kiss :wave:
The very thought of my ex-mother-in-law being in the chatroom just made me feel physically sick by the way! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by duncanlondon
Maybe some beer brewed with ....................

Well I came for the beer brewed with raspberries in the GFZ, but I've been away for a bit and it seems to be all gone. Somehow this is more than compensated for by the prospect of spending hours posting abject nonsense in good company again lol