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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 53
Straight Male, 57


Lets just hope it doesn't breakdown and your friendly recovery service has to come to the rescue and take it for a test drive :shock:
Ooooh :!:
Really unsure, as I don't know what our plans are - and after how many vodkas my legs give out on me redface
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Recipe for revenge
1...Take 4 large pickled onions, and prior to going to bed, ingest.
2....Leave to ferment overnight in upper/lower colon. Allow time for produced gases to warm thoroughly.
3....Release gases silently under quilt in morning.
4....Whilst still sleeping, sprinkle her face with cold water.
5.....Try to suppress your mirth as you watch her dive under the covers.
6.....Remove yourself from the country
Remember. Revenge is a dish best served anytime.

:laughabove: - Just caught up on this post - LMAO
What a cruel bunch, but armed with all the above info from the 'SH Dirty Tricks' book - I'll be sure I tread carefully and sleep with one eye open.
Something to be really proud of - one up on me ! Congrats and :cheers: to many more to come.
Somedays I'm ready to explode and I drink bottled water, filtered through ancient colcanic rock - is there a link there too ? smile
I just love a happy ending.
Congratulations and best wishes. :cheers: To a long and happy future together.
Quote by MrFC
So There ............
So have you ever tried to pay somebody a compliment but turned it into an insult ?

Oh yeh, but never on purpose.
In fact now I only ever open my mouth to change feet surprised
I need help as ken and I dont know what to wear. What is everyone wearing as it is next weekend and I dont want to look daft. Someone please give me an idea.
Thanks Louise
Just restores your faith when they use the word "professional" and then ......
Makes Bodie and Doyle look like stars :shock:
Quote by H-x
If you can remember Val Doonican, you're middle aged anyway.

Now I feel like a drink too !
It's sad but true, that after 18 months you have to accept it is over and by the sounds of things she HAS moved on to rebuild her life. What;s worse is that you also have to face facts and you too have to do the same.
Just reflect on the good things you did together and the fun you had, but you have to put it in the past as that's where it belongs.
I didn't even know the forum was having an extension built ! :shock: Yet there it is today !
Good idea, would like to see it used properly and for the purpose it was built, just hope it doesn't collect spiders and junk - but do have to agree that the mods have more than their work cut out for them - so good luck to them and a well deserved kiss to keep them going behind the scenes.
Quote by sercher01
so! you go to meet someone off here ?

so! do you
A/ run away cos they must be as nutts as you are? cool
B/ think OMG iv found the person iv been lookin 4? then go tell every one after you have told them how fantastic they are?????? wink
just thought id ask incase it happens to me :wink:

IMO If you started running every time this happened, wouldn't you find just about all of us on here standing waiting for a ferry at Dover at some point or another :!: So option A - Nah.
You've got to go with the flow, don't mean broadcast it as much as you may want to shout it out from the roof top of SH Towers we're talking a little discretion here.
Mutual feeling, if you both feel the same then pursue it. From experience I'd say communication is a good place to start and carry on with.
I guess this was a retorical vote - to make it fair, has anyone found a site to order a stick on no buton ?
It would be something deceptively small from the outside, but with a lot under the bonnet. Nothing too "in your face" but with a small boot and lots of buttons inside to play with.
Quote by melandsam
suck it and see!

Funny enough, that's mine too ....... and not for that reason redface
Didn't think anyone else used that one.
:shock: - Good luck with that one, but football is possibly the last fantasy on my list.
But thanks anyway. :!:
Don't have a favourite as we speak. But I could do with the link . You're right though, those pesky kids just seem to appear out of no-where. Now they think I've gone strange cos every time they come past I'm staring at google home page :shock:
Is that the one that looks like a George Forman grill ? ( and can you do cheese toasties in it ? )
Quote by Freckledbird
What if JC was covered in Marmite? :shock:

Used to hate the name never mind the sight, but a bit like a fungal infection, he's starting to grow on me slowly.
Quote by Kiss_Me
I'm late as usual but I just wanted to say wave and :welcome: to you both!

And then some, What was I drinking rolleyes
Have just figured out I'm awake, so Hi and welcome :welcome:
Just to add insult to injury, I received my Crimbo event planner at work, then I was in a well know retail establishment ( you know the one with the big f-off 3 inch thick catalogue the kids study when writing their list ) and they were advertising for xmas staff :shock:
I used to be schizophrenic but now we're normal again :crazy:
:bounce: Just use me as a benchmark :silly:
Quote by Darkfire
puter games? :shock:
i dont know anything about gaming at all , last puter game I played was Mario / Sonic the bloody hedgehog on game boy, the original lol
and now i have that damn tune in my head evil


And now you have so much to answer for, as I've just remembered how that annoying little tune goes mad I bet that stays with me for a while sad
Have you tried playing some of these games evil Or more like can you play some of these games ! I think it's back to the days when the vcr used to get the better of your parents when trying to set the timer on it, but these games are so complex and big.
I've sat there and played and yes your patience does start to wear thin but you find yourself accepting it and maybe returning later to give it another try. Whereas the kids, it's got to happen, happen now and with immediate effect. So if at first they can't get the hand of it or work some sort of puzzle or next step out, then just take the easy way out and go find a cheat.
I think it should be as a last resort, you know, dust the cobwebs off an old game, wap in a cheat and give it a new lease of life, but like I said - me and games don't see eye to eye confused
:idea: - It's not been mentioned yet, but it's got to be my chest rolleyes
They come in real handy when there's a queue at the bar. redface
Quote by Darkfire
Blueeyes & Meggo3, you're on the definates list :thumbup:
right then, anymore for anymore :bounce: :bounce:

biggrin P-A-R-T-Y ---- Why not - all in a good cause.
Not even J32 will stop me now. :twisted: