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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 53
Straight Male, 57


Apart from working, stoping the kid fights and today working again..... nothing.
Infact so boring, I'm thinking about ordering some paving stone and cement myself :shock:
Wow - hard one.
Thankfully most of that has come true recently and so happy to have done so and look forward to it and more again.
If I was to roll the clock back a bit I suppose .......
Dammie - Just something about his mad sense of humour and great guy all round.
H_X - Cos she looks so dam good from her avatar ( but better in person lol )
And of course Sassy :smitten: - just too curious for my own good
Understand what you're saying and there have been many threads along the same lines and probably many more to come.
It all depends how much effort you're willing to put in. Maybe if you have a lot of time and patience you can reply to all, but everyone has a life outside of here. Can't really say much more than has already been suggested in this thread, quality, stand our and eventually you will smile.
I don't exactly get 100's ( or double figures anymore :cry: ) but last night I was in the chat room and the minute you're seen as a female with a working cam - it's bam, Hi 's and hello's popping up all over the place and whispers coming in from all sides. You can try and be polite as much as you can but it's a cse of being inundated. Don't take it personally smile
Quote by Kiss

Hey ! biggrin Congrats to you hun :happy:
You should get to choose a prize from the SH box - now wonder what ( or who ) you would choose lol

Only one prize? :cry:
I may be gobby but I'm also greedy! :rascal:
If I tie/tape some of you lovely SH folk together would that count as one prize?
I don't take up much room and like the tie/tape idea. I could throw in my nurse outfit and be part of the prize :lickface:
Quote by Kiss
And now soon to be ordaned something much worse no doubt! lol (Suggestions always welcome.)
Ok so it may not be viewed as the 'done thing' by some on here but I have reached 3000 - which is a shit load of posts. (Rearrange those last 4 words as you wish!)
To win the golden hatrick award I needed to post 3 half-decent threads, so I now calculate that to be 1 'decent' post per 1000! Well at least I'm improving! :lol:
:happy: :bounce: :happy:

Hey ! biggrin Congrats to you hun :happy:
You should get to choose a prize from the SH box - now wonder what ( or who ) you would choose :lol:
Quote by wxmcpl my hubby has'nt got any (says he does'nt like them but i personally think he could'nt stand the pain) .
lou xx

We women understand pain, afterall, some of us were married before :evil2:
Although we haven't had too many Xmas' together, I haven't fallen into that stage yet. I always put thought into it and a personal touch. You know you've got it right when you see their eyes light up and get a big kiss rather than picking bits of turkey off the floor and sitting in seperate rooms all day - kind of spoils the day a little.
So hope fully I won't be able to answer that one for quite a few years to come but have heard similar to the deep fat fryer, potato peeler and dinner service stories from friends. Is it that their partners don't put enough effort into it by rushing into a store and just buying the first thing they can lay their hands on I wonder.
I usually know in advance what I'm after and how to get my hands on it rolleyes
Mr B says he's never worn one ( doesn't have the legs or body to carry it off apparently ) but would consider it in the right time, right place especially if it turns me on. I just like the thought of easy access lol
It's all down to personal taste. I love them. Love seeing them love having them, but mr ain't such a fan. The odd one, discreetly placed and easily hidden when needed is his theory.
I have, well, a couple redface . But like it;s already been said, it's a strange thing for some people and can get too addictive much like piercing. And there's the price to pay for having that " one " you now regret having done.
:welcome: and a big Hi .
As for losing your sanity in here, well you've took the first step by joining rolleyes
Quote by Sassy-Seren
It feels weird to me sometimes, knowing peoples reals names, and speaking to them on the phone or via text etc, only to have to switch back to their screen names in the forum or chatroom.

The number of times I see someone's real name appear on msn and I think 'who the f*ck is that?' rotflmao
.... And there was me thinking you were genuinely busy and not ignoring me :giggle:
Hold on a minute .....
Do you have to have the word " Wobbly " in your username to post in here ? lol
Does this mean I'm off the hook for the blonde jokes ( even if it is temporarily ! )
Or is there different shades of " being blonde " - could be a new thread there biggrin
Quote by sheddy
Thought I had better stick my shy old head in and say thanks to all involved for one of the best nights out in a long time biggrin :D
Not nameing names as I was a bit tipsy (not sure if you noticed) and things are only just coming back to me (well people keep reminding me actually) But special thanks to Darkfire for the night all those that gave us lifts :D and pretty much everyone for still speaking to me redface
So far I've found out I bared my arse a lot in the hotel (mind you so did PK) it turns out others were trying to get me to bare more and a certain lovely person was rubbing my erm front surprisedops:
I harrased a user in the lift :shock: and kissed more people I have ever done befor ein one night some of them even men :shock:
It was a true honour to meet all of you and we had a bloody good laugh back at the hotel mainly at my expense I hear lol and got to bed at 5 am :shock:
Right er will you have me again some time :oops:

I knew we left too early mad Saying that by the time the barmaid told me the Budweiser had run out, I felt like I'd drunk it all and then went onto the spirits, I couldn't have pronounced the word Bud.
Hmmm, you two showing off your parts in the hotel :shock: Something I regret else I regret missing now. Do they have CCTV confused
The only shock to me was when the night porter turned up at our room knocking on the door and I was naked - quick exit to the bathroom was in order :oops:
Just hope there'll be a next time .....
Quote by mazandden
Ok, i just did something that I'm sure most will think is very stupid.... I rescued my fish (i think)
My poor little goldfish had managed to sook up a stone from the bottom of the tank and get it stuck in it's wee mouth!
After watching the poor thing struggle to get it out, and being stuck nose down on the botton, and trying to bash the stone of the side to get it out, something compelled me to go and rescue the creature! (maybe I was taking inspiration from steve crocodile hunter?......)
Anyway, after guddling about for a few minutes I finally caught him and tried to pull the stone out, but with no luck.
By this point I felt like I was on a real rescue mission, so ran to get some tweezers.
When I put my hand back in the tank, the wee fish actually swam (well, an attempt at swimming with a giant rock in it's mouth) over to my hand and sat in it, v strange.... then I was able to pull out the stone with the tweezers - ouch!! it looked nasty!
I can't believe how much the adrenaline was pumping, all for my little gold fish!
He'll probably die by tomorrow, but at least I tried!
Does anyone think this is weird? I just phoned den and he laughed at me!
Maz xx

Oh come on guys !
Am I the only one here with a heart ? I think it was admirable. OK then not on the scale of Steve RIP Urwin, but for the same cause. Life is a life, no matter how small or insignificant you may think and is precious.
Purple heart of the day to you.
Quote by poshkate
i was just wondering if someone has had a vasectomy would it encourage people more to respond to ads or meet the said person? lots of women prefer bareback so it women worry about becoming pregnant through a swinging experience or are they more worried about stds? this may seem a strange topic but its just something thats been playing on my mind on the drive back from warwick.

i think this post links in quite well with others that are floating at the moment.......
I personally would not play bear back with anyone as I value my life more than that.....the isssue is not about pregnacy for me but an STI one.....
saying this world its definately each to their own and everyone is here to make their own's just not something thats for me and i sincerely hope that people in this day and age view condoms as more than just a contraceptive!
Just couldn't agree more than what Kate said.
It's just a game of Russian Roulette playing bareback, and personally it would raise a big :!: and make me think " is this the norm for this person and does he think he's " safe " from everything ". It would have a reverse effect for me in such as a too relaxed approach.
A def no thanks, I'll not take that chance.
Just managed to catch up on all the posts - wow.
You can see why this will go down in the SH book of rememerence as " The 2006 Much "
DB and HLB - Smypathy to you HLB if that's what you have to go through trying to get his lipstick on and dress him every morning. Great laugh, must do it again soon. smile
Quote by Devon_Duo_18-27
Hiya! We are B & M, new to all this and the site, we both feel very welcome! cool

Feel away. You're very welcome and always will be here. :shock:
I always think it's so much more romantic. Fair enough the weather is a little worse, a small blizzard now and again, dark rainy nights but just another excuse to cuddle up together and get the kids off to bed early :P
There's still the amount of hours in the day, I suppose it just depends how you look on it and how you make the most of it. It would be monotonous if it was the same all year round. And the added though of the party season approaching and that jolly guy in the big red suit coming ( no, not Marcuso wink )
Quote by essex34m
Oh you should have got talking to Mr Blueeyes at the weekend. He has friends in Queensland and Brisbane and was there not so long ago, did the Great barrier reef thing, clocked up a few thousand KM in a hire car, " so called 'slummed' " it for a while and didn't want to come back home either - but then where would I be ? ( Yes, i know, here on my own :shock: )
Just glad you didn't get him started together with his photos or you'd need a week in the hotel and he'd never shut up - unlike me rolleyes

i think we all know that wouldnt be the case, found that out on saturday
brb, while i give my shyness a kicking
Hey you :shock:
I had just had my mouth lubricated ( and not in that way before you say it ! ) by too much alkihol. The legs lost a bit of control later too :roll:
thats two kickings for the shyness then.....
You'll keep 'till next time smile
You'd better bolt if I'm still sober or approach slowly holding out the double vodka as a peace maker :P
Quote by essex34m
Oh you should have got talking to Mr Blueeyes at the weekend. He has friends in Queensland and Brisbane and was there not so long ago, did the Great barrier reef thing, clocked up a few thousand KM in a hire car, " so called 'slummed' " it for a while and didn't want to come back home either - but then where would I be ? ( Yes, i know, here on my own :shock: )
Just glad you didn't get him started together with his photos or you'd need a week in the hotel and he'd never shut up - unlike me rolleyes

i think we all know that wouldnt be the case, found that out on saturday
brb, while i give my shyness a kicking
Hey you :shock:
I had just had my mouth lubricated ( and not in that way before you say it ! ) by too much alkihol. The legs lost a bit of control later too :roll:
Oh you should have got talking to Mr Blueeyes at the weekend. He has friends in Queensland and Brisbane and was there not so long ago, did the Great barrier reef thing, clocked up a few thousand KM in a hire car, " so called 'slummed' " it for a while and didn't want to come back home either - but then where would I be ? ( Yes, i know, here on my own :shock: )
Just glad you didn't get him started together with his photos or you'd need a week in the hotel and he'd never shut up - unlike me rolleyes
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I'm a free member but I think it should be accessed by members only. I think due to the nature of the photos on this site, I'd prefer my photos were being looked at by like minded swingers and not just anybody who's surfing for porn. It's bad enough my site name can be googled and traced that way :shock: I wouldn't want my son to come across my photos and profile too rolleyes

:jagsatwork: - I'm on the side of members and serious people only. If I wanted everyone to see the photos for free I'd open a website dedicated for that, and understand the point the Mal made so I'm fully in support for this.
Afterall, I don't want anyone having bad dreams after accessing mine
Quote by Sassy-Seren

If any of you ever watched Steve Irwin on Animal Planet, you'll remember the enthusiasm and love for his work that made this man such a joy to watch. Completely barking mad but with such a passion and respect for animals, it's a sad day to hear of his untimely death.
Unfortunately, his method of getting so close to his subjects made it a foregone conclusion he wouldn't live to retirement age and that day has sadly arrived. He died doing what he loved doing most.
RIP Steve. :cry:

Totally agree.
Will miss him for masny things including his open and enthusiastic approach to wildlife. For anyone who has had the chance to see what he worked towards in achieving with wildlife conservation at his own Zoo in Oz you can have nothing but admiration for this guy and sympathy for his family.
Be a great miss by so many. :cry:
Yes, Once again we seem to be one of the last to make it back - but this time had a valid excuse :shock:
What can we say that hasn't already been said - Darkfire - what a star, what a night and what a headache to organise, but to yourself and all those who made this a one in a million night, a big pat on the back to you all. Thank you
We aren't brave enough to name all we spoke to last night individually so collectively thanks to all for being so warm and friendly. Great to see some familiar faces to, and great to put faces to names as usual.
Don't think we did or said anything embarrasing but if we did we apologise for it now while in a sober mood redface
We only woke up this morning with one question on our lips. Who were the shining nights who so kindly scooped up our drunken bones, threw them into the back of their car and shovelled us out the hotel ! We were a little ...... ok, we were under the influence and can't remember. But a big thanks - PM us please to jog our memories as it's driving us nuts.
Brill night, gorgeous outfits and a fantastic bunch of people. Thanks for making it a memorable event. worship
As it's you - and it's just around the corner for us, definately count us in please.
Does this make it a girls night out, just not sure who should be wearing what :giggle:
Talking about clocks and watches, we'll definately be late for drinkies as one of us evil isn't even here yet and still a billion miles to drive
banghead :censored: mad
Well, from the lack of "The count down" from Shaz & Tony - they come back in style at the last minute and steal the show. biggrin
See you guys tonight - directions permitting ( blonde map reading - a contradiction rolleyes )
Quote by vdub
Looks are just part of plethora of variables which causes us to find people (un)attractive. Of course they're important, but it doesn't mean you have to be Brad Pitt, you just have to appeal to whoever you're trying to appeal to.
Personally I find personal attitude WAY more important. If I don't like the way you think/act then you won't turn me on no matter how pretty you are, but if you share my sense of humour and come accross as being what I consider a nice person well...the rest is history!

Just so totally agree. How do you know if it won't happen if you don't at least try.
You've got nothing to lose but time, live for no regrets. There's someone for everyone, it's just a bugger to find them. smile
I can only sympathise with you as I would have ran around the neighbourhood like someone from scream 3. It's a girl thing but for me it's the " I've got more legs and can run faster than you.... " element. ( It used to be the big hairy legs, landing on my chest and just thinking he owned me bit, but a quick divorce and that was that cured lol )