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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 53
Straight Male, 57


Dam, I don't usually work Fridays but I am this week - and just love lunch and tea and ........
And I'm now so so sick of work too evil
Looks like you're still on my WLTM list.
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I think some or maybe all of the Conan films could go into this category too. They remind me of amateur dramatics :giggle:

Nothing wrong with that or a little role play hunni redface
Think just off hand and 'cos it was on recently, Evil Dead III. Come on, time travelling and a chainsaw as an arm - including foam flavoured blood - just don't evil
Yeh, great invention. At one time the arguement was who washes and who dries.
Now it who's turn is it to put them IN the dishwasher evil
Couldn't think of life without one.
Quote by winchwench
I sometimes get this and mainly blaim it on the kids - :thumbup: don't know when and why this sometimes happens, but it hasn't happened so much since I started using that little green dragon pop-up/cookie blocker. Failing that I'm afraid I go for the old full virus scan or system restore and switch everything off. rolleyes

Tried that- next option, introducing the PC to the window!
kiss thanx though!
Maybe time to get a friendly guy in to fiddle around with your parts ( may take your mind off the problem for a while redface )
Let me know the braniac answer to " Does your PC bounce from your upstairs window " question. smile
Good luck hun
Reliving the days of the Rockford Files - not sure why though, more or less the same storyline every week but always recognise the theme tune. Must be the link to James Garner in 8 Simple Rules rolleyes
I sometimes get this and mainly blaim it on the kids - don't know when and why this sometimes happens, but it hasn't happened so much since I started using that little green dragon pop-up/cookie blocker. Failing that I'm afraid I go for the old full virus scan or system restore and switch everything off. rolleyes
Quote by Sassy-Seren
So for those of us like Robbiem who don't have the four figures behind us, does that mean we're either not gobshites, are the quiet ones or have F*** All of interest to say ?

No hunni, it means gobby mares like me don't have anything to keep us occupied elsewhere. If you'd like to volunteer, be my guest :twisted:
Oh, I need to do more voluntry work - can't think of a better way
Quote by Martin_M
biggrin is that the loveit magazine article?

Just wondering which other magazines do we have in common ( In the 60p range that is confused )
Maybe it's the time of the day I'm posting this, but just like DeeCee's avatar says .........
In other words - why !
So for those of us like Robbiem who don't have the four figures behind us, does that mean we're either not gobshites, are the quiet ones or have F*** All of interest to say ?
Aw, sorry I missed out a couple of days recently, but hi wave - nice to see that you've joined us.
Ooooh ! Dressy up time biggrin
Can you add us to the list if it's not already full pleeeeeaaaasssseeee.
If not we'll go for reserve and I'll keep my parts crossed.
Thanks hun kiss
Quote by Sassy-Seren
...edit.... I just can't get my feet behind my head as easily

If it would make you feel any better you could always get them around my head - would that count ? :P :rascal:
Does the increased coverage lately therefor mean this is ( and I may get grief 'cos I can't think of a better way of putting this ) is becoming more sociably accepted now or is there a lot of closet swingers just too afraid to confront it ?
Quote by westerross
Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.

Hey that means I am less tired these days - fantastic news, Tune you've cheered me up, thx.
pink x
.....And there was me thinking I was different with special powers and yet it turns out you think I'm just knackered sad
:laughabove: Well you certainly don't look knackered. In fact you do have 'special powers'. :twisted: I could déjá vu with you all day long!! wink
Thanks for that Tune E, but I'm sure the feeling you have is quite different and maybe not classed as deja-vu - maybe just a second look rolleyes
:jagsatwork: What Da69ve said and don't forget to pop back in let us know for future reference of course. biggrin
Quote by blueandpink
Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.

Hey that means I am less tired these days - fantastic news, Tune you've cheered me up, thx.
pink x
.....And there was me thinking I was different with special powers and yet it turns out you think I'm just knackered sad
Quote by Kiss
Thanks for the errrrrr.... compliments? dunno
Seriously, I am trying to "yap less" and be "less gobby". lol
I love the forum though, it's kind of like hanging out with friends.

Aww NOOOoooo.
Keep it going, we're all friends and it's a big lounge to hang out in.
I've got a big sofa if you run out of room :giggle:
I may have missed this if it's already appreared in an earlier thread and if so apologise and sure someone will point me in the right direction.
On the way to a well known, well organised event a week and a bit ago I stopped off at a petrol station and bought a magazine ( you know - the womany kind of gossip one ).
Just getting to read it all, there's a little article, well a two page spread, yet again with a quote from a spokesman here at SH regarding the article about the whole swining scene and giving three small stories.
Anyone else read this one - and I quote from a ' sexpert ' - " .... swinging could be a positive move". - well, they do know one thing after all smile
So do you now put it down to exhibitionism or do you think it's her kind of ice breaking chat / introduction - would go down quite well at a munch surprised
Thanks creosote for that - well it's early but I tried.
I was a little worried that when I read the thread this morning that I'd get a really mixed response, like :silly: and ok then ... bolt .....
It's a bit of a relief that others have not totally closed off to the theory. Seems like my sanity is still in tact - but it's early in the day yet I suppose.
It's a little off the beaten track this one but that's the kind of place I end up - no witty remarks about my map reading thanks. rolleyes
Just googled the term :
The term déjà vu is French and means, literally, "already seen." Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all.
Is this something that is believed in. In that respect I mean have you had to have experienced it to believe it. Is it just a fact that you may have subconsciously heard or seen something that can be connected with an event or is it just plain impossible ? confused
I ask because tonight whilst watching that wedding story thingy on a British channel ( third on the list ) it got to over half way through and although I haven't seen it before, something became familiar as if I'd seen that before. Not just that part as I don't see a lot of TV, but aware of what I was doing on the PC seemed familiar but all felt like it happened in a split second. Just everything happened all at once and was a little spooky to say the least.
So has this ever happened to anyone else ? :!:
Fact or fiction ?
Fatigue or the Vodka ? ( Except I haven't had any this time ! )
Well, at least it was the faces you recognised :shock:
Sorry, haven't been. Just got my passport renewed so maybe some day I'll venture that far.
Hey Birthday Girl - hope you have a great day.
Hugs and kisses + drink next time we see you. kiss
Now that's a hard one redface
A small ice breaker would have been called for there. Yes any physical contact would mean you'd be rushing home for a needle and thread to stich them back on as you're not quite sure why she was doing it and it doesn't mean it's an automatic invitation.
Maybe a question of does this girl do this to everyone on the beach would come to mind ?
And which beach ? Just out of curiosity of course !
Quote by Sassy-Seren
G spots and prostates aside, if you see what I mean.....where would you say your best tingly bits are on your body? What part of your body, when touched, kissed, licked etc makes you go all mmmmmmmmmm?
For me, it's my neck and back. Feeling hot breath against my throat and kisses down my back gets me all shivery and rampant. Knight knows exactly where to kiss me to send shivers down my spine and have me moaning with pleasure redface
So come on, tell me....................I'm not taking notes

Oooh ! Just seen this one :shock:
And for the record :notes: I'm just making a note of yours so that come the day we attend the same event, I will have a starting point for conversation or an unfair advantage :twisted: ( Depending at what time during the evening I see you :P )
Quote by Missy
Infact so boring, I'm thinking about ordering some paving stone and cement myself :shock:

Cement yourself?? :shock: As in concrete shoes?? :shock: Now that's what I call bored!!! :shock:
Just wait until I can find someone that knows how to get mortar off before you do it!!!! :shock: Cos I have a feeling you might get fed up with it!! Wouldn't be able to drive your car for a start!! Let alone walk to it in the first place :shock:
And keep away from deep water!!!!
Mind you, would be able to get yer feet behind your head, which could be handy cool Although, getting em back again might be a bit of a problem confused
I take it back now. Thanks Missy, that really cracked me up.
So in edit, Missy was the highlight of my weekend. kiss