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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64
Straight Female, 51


Quote by Missy
Blueis!!! :shock: seems like ages and ages since we last saw you on here!!!

Thanks for noticing and the welcome back. I was offline for a while. Now I'm back I just need to get into the habit of reading the forum regularly... or maybe not, knowing how much time it can take up!
Quote by flower411
Does anybody else think it`s ok to put yourself in such danger ??

In a word, yes.
In a few more, in my view when you love doing something enough to put in the effort to get skillful at it, you're going to want to keep doing it. There's a sense of achievement in being able to do something that is more difficult than watching TV or getting the weekly shop. My own sport gives other satisifactions in that you get to experience the natural world in a way that can't really be achieved from other activities. Perhaps it's similar with cross-country horse-riding - e.g. the relationship with the horse.
The danger is offset by your skills and, particularly as you get advanced, in the judgement that comes with experience. A few bumps and bruises are little warnings perhaps of the limits of those skills. I'd hope to listen to those and adjust for them in one way or another, so that the 'dangerous' activity never becomes reckless. That said, in the final analysis accidents happen but the most dangerous thing that most people do when pursuing any activity, is travelling on our roads to get there and back!
Quote by Liaisons
Debz, I see you've changed your profile and its heading in the right direction.

I appeal for the height restriction to be re-introduced!
Quote by handsometype
My bro and his Ukranian wife were arguing when he called her a spastic. This really riled her and she yelled, "I am not plastic, is you who is plastic"
He turned to me and said " told you".
By the way, what`s post coital mean? sounds like a royal mail affliction

Put it this way, you might wish you'd asked that question before posting an anecdote involving you in a threeway conversation with your brother and his wife. biggrin
David Bowie - Rebel, Rebel (some alternative version) - the ipod is on shuffle mode.
I'm left handed too - writing and brushing teeth. Cricket and everything else i can think of - right-handed. Perhaps it's something about things you learn early.
I've been offline for a while but it's reassuring to see that somethings haven't changed much - cheeky chimp is still running the entertainment section.
I reminded of one of those all time great .
Good luck cheeky...
Don't be too hard on her, based on what you've said she's done you a massive favour by being so up front about her demands. £500 is cheap at half the price as an education. Had she been a little older, wiser and more patient you might have ended up married to her.
Like someone else mentioned I doubt she'll learn because she seems to value other people (specifically you) so little that the manner of you dumping her is probably of no consequence to her, other than the short term mild inconvenience / insult to her pride.
Just spare a thought for the next bloke in line, who may not be so lucky, and next time don't be afraid to stand up for yourself early on. Save wasting time on someone like that again.
Quote by BeautifulTemptress
I've always fancied doing a guy up the ass with a strap on. Unfortunately I don't have a strap on and can't accomodate. Otherwise I'd be more than willing to help you out wink

All I can say is, 'prepare for PM overload'. lol
You'll have the chance to end up with a whole library (or should that be armoury?) of strap-ons as souvenirs.
Quote by Lissa
Maybe we're getting PM's from the same people, Steph biggrin

I don't think it will make you feel any better, but even I've had two of these. Which considering they were both male (of course), shows a remarkable lack of interest in even reading my profile. I can understand someone having an uncontrollable urge to whip off a premature pm on seeing Lissa's deliciously tattoed bum, but my sunglasses? That's a fetish I hadn't imagined before now.
Quote by -dean-
any questions or comments please feel free to leave them

Apart from programming in some subliminal messages persuading women and couples to invite me for envigorating Ugandan discussions, I can't think of any other features I'd want. Some people might object to that one but you've covered all the rest that I can think of.
Quote by bluexxx
Nah, can't be bothered - pass me a jaffa cake

Why not have both?
Here, here...
Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year.
x x x
Raleigh .... oh ok, wrong sort of bike redface ... and this is a club I would so love to belong to if it didn't involve actually riding a bike.
Quote by essex34m
mmmmmmmm biker chicks.......

...and there's the reason.
Quote by Lissa
If I wasn't straight I think I would have maxed out biggrin

OK... .which fruit or vegetable, I think we should be told. ;)
Quote by PoloLady
665 - but I didn't think any of the questions were particularly kinky confused
I think my score may have actually dropped - god damn it - I am losing my kink :shock:

Hehe well some of your kinkiness must have leaked out and found it's way through the groundwater in to my drinking water, 'cos mines gone up .... at 428 still nowhere near most other peoples' though. Now I need to find a partner who won't throw my undies back in my face if I try to give them to her as as souvenir. Any volunteers?
.... lol, I thought not.
Quote by Phoenix
I scour the ads looking for anything that remotely resembles a female and send a PM to each on saying
"Wanna Shag"
Funny, I don't get any replies mad

To be realistic, a well composed PM will get a very similar level of replies on average. Approximately zero in both cases.
On the other hand, I'm sure if a woman were to reply to almost any of the men looking for woman ads with 'wanna shag', she would be most willingly received. ;)
It's a numbers game and the odds are not good, as was already said.
Quote by naked-cleaner
Hers an interesting question ......... does the cum taste different if the guy has had a vesectomy ????

Perhaps someone will have some 'before' and 'after' experience to share but in the meanwhile I'll hazard a guess, 'No' - simply because there is very little difference in volume and composition apart from a few million sperm. Still it would make a novel alternative to having the clinic check your samples after the op.
Sounds similar to the changing postcode problem (referred to in the glitches thread by someone else). Basically, I wanted to change from showing postcode to showing country - whenever I tried this my change was ignored. It turned out to be because I hadn't selected a nearest town option from the drop down menu. Once I had completed that, my attempt to change other bits in my account options was successful.
So if there anything else you might need to set up on your profile for it to be 'complete' ?
If so, do that then try to change what you want to change.
Clear as mud?
Quote by Lissa
I'm right handed but I always turn lights on with my left hand confused
And put jigsaw puzzle pieces in left handed too :? :?
I also CANNOT wank myself with my right hand..................just cannot do it. I prefer to wank Pete left handed too, but can switch to my right hand if I have to biggrin

I would say that's more confusidextrous than ambidextrous, lol. I'm the same but the opposite way around.
Well, it's not Phil Collins, he wasn't born in New York, I'm pretty sure of that.
So does Steve_NW have to post his answer here or are you going to tell us?
Quote by rande66
h we r a acouple thinkin of going cupids tonite - is it worth it for mmf / ffm/ mmff action ?

Bit late but in case you're still reading...
There's no guarentees but action of that sort certainly happens. biggrin Tuesdays is I understand the best night. I found Saturday on my own not so good, because there was no-one there I knew. It might be different for a couple or more outgoing person.
As a potential 'm' it helps if the 'mf' look friendly and approachable. Making some friends to meet there or go with (e.g on this site) can only help.
It's not all that long since self pics were the exception rather than the rule. Most of the people I met at that time after internet introductions, I'd not seen a pic of beforehand. Meetings went well socially at least and usually more so. It kind of added to the excitement. Only one girl claimed not to be who she really was (i.e. the person I was supposed to be meeting) once she clapped eyes on me... lol These days it's too easy to rule people out on the back of the internet equivalent of a passport mugshot and I've seen so many out of focus 'glammed up' pics I started to think my eyes were going funny. Not on SH of course. Mind you, am I the only man who finds a woman's face (even obscured), more arousing than her fanny? You'd think so, judging by the ratio of normal:genitalia shots on the woman-for-men ads.
Quote by Him'nHer
Works for us, but we wouldn't want photos published anyways

Normally I don't like animated avatars but yours is top.... very subtle.
Anyone else had a flash yet ? biggrin
Quote by SauciSpouse
Its snowing in south manc lol

And just starting to snow here in Wigan (but not enough to make the ground white) :lol:
It started in South Cheshire too . . .
but then it stopped :cry:

Liverpool too. Nice big flakes at first but now diminishing.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
bloody sat nav, we got one and it took us to a dead end steet and told us to go str8 ahead :shock: : :kick:

In the same class as the instructions that tell you to turn right...
...whilst driving along the motorway.
moral; never let a computer do the thinking for you.