We are still in hotel now looking for some fun a couple or sngl guy. Please face pic is a must!! And we wil do the same.
Marie x
Quote by winchwench
No problem and thanks for the attempt. I just looked at Microsofts help site (Now there's a contradiction in terms ) and it seems like removing the IDE cable is my only option whilst she is here. At least I know that if it's not connected she can't access it.
Quote by Peanut
I have a query, I have my young daughter coming to stay with me soon and she will want to use my computer whilst she is staying. I have set up a new account on the computer which blocks access to my favourites and stops her from amending settings etc. however I have an extra drive with folders on it that I don't want her to have access to. I have tried to make the folders private however the box I need to tick is greyed out so I can't tick it. I could make my folders "Hidden" but that is hardly foolproof and I want to be able to leave her to use the computer without invading her privacy by constantly looking over her shoulder. Is there anyway I can do this? Also is creating a new User Account going to be enough to stop an inquisitive child? What are the risks and how can I deal with them?
I normally deal with this kind of thing myself but I could really use a bit of advice in this area
O/S - Windows XP Home Edition
Browser - Firefox
Quote by X_fanny_x
we have a acer lappy with inbuilt cam which always freezes or doesnt work (its in china at min with dek)
how easy is it to make an external cam the main one so when you switch cam on, it automatically chooses the external one? and not the inbuilt one?
can normal joe average not very pc literate me manage it? (when i have the lappy at home)