What you could really do with is striking up a non-sexual friendship with a couple who are swingers, that way you could build up a strong friendship, before trying anything out, and I am sure that if they were like us, and you wanted to dip your toe in the water, they would not have any problems if either one of you decided it was not for you, part way through. And if they were true swingers, you would still have a strong friendship with them afterwards.
Love and Best wishes Bob and Kay
With what you have said in this posting, we (who have been swinging now for 28 years) would strongly urge that you do not attempt to take that step unless you are both absolutely at ease with the idea. We have found that it brings us even closer together, but the thing you have to be able to do is to differentiate between sex and making love, if you can't or, infact, have any doubts don't do it!! You run the risk of spoiling what sounds as though it is a very good relationship that is still building.
I know this might sound strange coming from 2 dedicated swingers but, we would hate for you to get it wrong, as you sound like a great guy.
If, however, you would both like to chat to us at any time with regards to your concerns, please feel free to get in touch with us.
All the best, love Bob and Kay