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1 month ago
Bisexual Male, 56
0 miles · Greater Manchester


I didn't re-post that comment. don't know what happened? confused:
This isn't just this morning - I haven't been able to get on since last night. This has a habit of occurring on a Friday night. Weekends are obviously the busiest times which would suggest that their server may be having problems handling large volumes of traffic.
They really need to get this sorted. The weekend is playtime for the majority of members and no chat facility is ridiculous.
Also somewhat concerning that no moderator has seen fit to comment on here and at least inform us of what is happening.
This isn't just this morning - I haven't been able to get on since last night. This has a habit of occurring on a Friday night. Weekends are obviously the busiest times which would suggest that their server may be having problems handling large volumes of traffic.
They really need to get this sorted. The weekend is playtime for the majority of members and no chat facility is ridiculous.
Also somewhat concerning that no moderator has seen fit to comment on here and at least inform us of what is happening.
We are 2 bi guys in the North West of England, located near Manchester.
We are looking for a bi-guy or guys to join us on Friday, August 13th, at my place for some horny fun. Late night meet about 11pm-ish.
If you want to see our pics you can see them on my ad (61637) James (Photo 1) & Terry (Photo 2), 1 single, 1 married. 1 nice and hairy, 1 nice and smooth. Both in good shape and well hung.
Friendly, good humoured and with a good, horny, no-nonsense attitude. Just a pair of ordinary, everyday down-to-earth blokes that like a bit of "bi" as a change from the ladies.
Looking for masculine men, 30-ish to 40-ish, who are in decent shape and who have a good attitude. We are scrupulously clean, discreet and practice safe sex and expect you to meet the same criteria please.
Sorry, but not interested in queens, TVs, CDs, posers, dickheads, neurotics, weirdos, strangely-silent-types, don't-knows or other timewasters. Just down to earth, regular blokes who want a horny time, a laugh and a beer with two of the same.
We're not often together as a pair so this offer is for Friday, August 13th, not changeable to another night (at least not for a few more weeks anyway).
You can message us in the forum, but can mail us your pics via the ad (61637) A clear, unobstructed face and body pic is required before we will even discuss a meet. Face pic available when I get yours. No pics - no reply - no meet - no exceptions.
Jeez! They said tisi post was locked, when what they meant was that it had moved to here. And nobody told me. Gee guys, I'm hurt. :cry:
Anyway, to respond to the points raised (Sheesh! There goes that pesky anal personality kicking in again! rolleyes )
Mister_Discreet; Remaining silent when asked simple, politely phrased questions, and when finally asked why she won't answer, coming back with "shut up or I'll ban you", is not by any stretch of the imagination bending over backwards to help someone.
That's four points you're wrong on. Sorry five - missed one in your last post; when you told people I was kicked from the chatroom. I wasn't I said goodbye and logged off. The chat log can prove it.
Easy - thanks for the concern about what I can do with my spare time. Believe me, I'd rather be doing something else. But, damn it, that fecking "anal personality" of mine just compels me to reply to points people raise (particularly inaccurate ones Mister D). What can I tell ya. It's a burden.
Hmmm. 780 posts to an internet forum. And what do YOU do with your spare time Easy? wink
Sorry for the delay in replying guys – been out for a meal, so just came back and read the mail. OK. Eyes down look in...
Calista: “…a chatroom is for that…. CHAT…. it’s not a pickup joint…”
With respect Calista, it is not for you to say what the chatroom is or isn’t for, or to dictate what people can or cannot chat about, particularly when they seek to do it in private as I attempted to do. If people want to use the chat facility with the ultimate aim of a pickup that is entirely their business, I reiterate it is a swingers chatroom after all, not a bible study group.
Horror of horrors, some people – believe it or not - are on here in pursuit of “the swinging experience” which allegedly involves S-E-X, and provided they do not contravene the rules of the chatroom by being, abusive, insulting, discussing potentially offensive or illegal topics, etc, what they talk about – particularly in private – is entirely their affair.
And furthermore I would suggest there’s several hundred other people using it regularly that need to be informed that “…. it’s not a pickup joint…” as they seem to be doing their damndest to “pick up” in it.
Three posts in five minutes I must admit came as a surprise to me. But as someone who uses the room you must be aware that your line of text is pushed off the top of the page within a few seconds of appearing when people are chatting, so you wait what seems like a reasonable period before posting again. Must admit it seemed longer than five minutes, but there you go.
The_tongue: “There is no need to harp on about how badly you have been treated etc, just accept what youve been told and get on with 
Well you see, the point of this whole debate is that I’ve not been told much have I? Follow the thread from the initial exchange in the chatroom to these in the forum and you will notice two questions that have yet to be answered:
1. Please will you tell me what rules of the chatroom I contravened to incur the wrath of the op in the first place?
2. Why won’t anyone answer question one?
Maybe we share different value systems, but when I feel I have been wronged I find it difficult to accept what I’ve been told and get on with it. I also think it is only common courtesy to answer a politely phrased question, with something other than, ”…shut up or I’ll ban you…” or words to that effect. You may be able to accept that behaviour, fine, that’s your right. Please accept my right to have somewhat different feelings on the subject.
Clarensteve: “Oh but you forgot to pick me up on the point of you winging in a public forum,i guess that means i must be right about that then(not bad for a woman with pmt eh!)”
No - it simply means that I didn’t pick you up on that. Which on reflection was a bit rude of me. I mean here am I complaining that no one will have the courtesy to answer my question when I’ve been inconsiderate enough to not respond to one of your points. Let’s rectify that.
“And your complaining about being warned in a public room,when here you are winging about being warned,in a public forum,so its ok for you but not for them,make your mind up 
Sorry but there isn’t any contradiction here at all. To make it clear (yet again), the point is that I’m trying to establish why the moderator chose to issue the warning. As I and other members have already pointed out, no rules were broken. I’m not on here threatening to ban anyone as the op did, I’m not refusing to answer questions put to me as the op did, so “…its ok for you but not for them,make your mind up Doesn’t really hold any water, does it?
It’s regrettable that you feel the need to drag the debate down to the level of personal abuse, name calling and insults. Funny isn’t it. All the things I didn’t do in the chat room today and I get banned, and yet you indulge in them with impunity and you aren’t kicked from the forums.
And you wonder why I feel that a slight injustice has been done?
Vodka_babe22uk: "i was also in room at the time and the op in question treated you fairly as did other room members in explaining to you but you were on your high horse and wouldent pay any heed”
If you don’t mind me saying so that’s a rather subjective view of events.
I politely, emphasise politely, asked questions of the op and was rather impolitely ignored. I thought that rather than argue I would check out the chat room rules. I did so. I came back to the chat and pointed out to the moderator that I had read the rules and could not see where I had violated any rules. I asked her please, again emphasis on please, could she point out if I’ve missed something.
And you think that’s getting on one’s “high horse”? You’ll forgive me if I disagree. The reply I received was that this isn’t a debate, shut up or you’ll be banned. You think that’s being treated fairly? Again forgive me if I disagree.
I said fine I’ll leave it here and will contact the site owner and register my complaint, said bye and left. And guess what? When I attempted to log in tonight (just to check that shallow folk weren’t attempting to use it as a “pickup joint”), whaddaya know, I’d been banned. sad
So let’s get this clear. Didn’t break any chat room rules (the issue that nobody seems willing to address), didn’t argue with the op, simply asked questions that she didn’t have the courtesy to answer. She finally responds with a warning to me not to argue with her or I’ll be banned, so I don’t argue, simply state that I’m leaving and I’ll take it up with the owners, and log off. And I get banned. Care to rethink your concept of fair treatment?
Mike: “…now someone is really needled…”
At last – somebody gets the point! (Groan! Sorry!) wink
Corriefem: "I have been in the SH chat room on many an occasion where someone will put up a not too disssimiliar message to yours and wont be banned but they are totally ignored and therefore give up anyway as they can see this is not the sort of site which wants to just now about well hung appendages in the chatroom."
Fine – that is exactly the point I made above. If it doesn’t interest you ignore it. No need to start issuing bans. However my experience is that I don’t get totally ignored. Funnily enough I get a lot of replies. Mostly from timewasting single males with no ad and no pics who want to “talk dirty” (you all know the type I’m sure - I fully sympathise with couples and females who want no truck with them), and strangely enough the male half of married couples who describe themselves as totally straight in their ads, but again want to talk man-sex with a bloke while wifey is out of the house. Again total timewasters. But occasionally one meets a nice, genuine person. So no, not totally ignored, only by those who aren’t interested which is fine and dandy and how it should be.
I am gobsmacked that there are people on a swingers site that feel irritated / uncomfortable / offended / whatever, at the mention of the size of a guy's old fella. Bizzarre though it seems to me, I do however acknowledge the fact that some don't cotton to it. Accordingly I will respect the feelings of those individuals, as causing offence is not the name of the game here, and refrain from any mention of said fabulously-dimensioned todger in any future postings. And that's a promise mods/ops.
Besides, a picture is worth a thousand words and there's one on my ad... :wink:
"Not sure what your problem is really. Just enjoy SH for the boundaries not just set by the mods but the overall community that use it. Rules are after all guidleines to the values of the group. So now you know them either enjoy the site or go and find one which meets your own values."
Again, I agree with you. Rules and boundaries that I accept fully, and did not transgress. And note concession to chat-room harmony I've made above. However, whether I can enjoy the site is another issue altogether, as I have been banned. :(
Mark: "PS In the chatroom rules it says: At all times please follow the directions of any Sysop that may be on duty in the room."
As stated above, I exited briefly to read the rules (including the one mentioned above) came back in, asked a question, was threatened with a ban if I “argued”. Obeyed that rule from the op, didn’t argue, stated my intention to leave it there and take it up with the site owners, and still got banned. So once again, didn’t break any rules, obeyed the instruction from the op, and still got banned. Go figure...
Roger743: “Repeated advertising - whether you bother to rewrite the adverts - is one of the most frustrating things about the chatroom. It's boring, it's uninteresting, it asks for the community's indulgence whilst giving nothing 
Accepted it’s boring (to some) and uninteresting (to some) but again, it doesn’t break the rules, and as stated above I find the majority of what I read in the chatroom to be tedious or of no interest to me whatsoever. However I don’t feel the need to castigate people for it. I simply ignore it…
“Nobody wants to see you advertising apart from the people who reply to you, and if you need to keep re-advertising every 3 minutes then it's a fair bet nobody's replying to 
And those people who are interested and reply to me have every right to see my message and have the opportunity to reply to it. Let’s face it Roger, no one is interested in any ads except the ones they are interested in are they? That’s rather stating the obvious isn’t it? And to no point...
As to who does and doesn’t reply – asked and answered above.
“Because it's boring for the audience - ie every other person in that 
Surely if “every other person” in the chatroom finds it boring, then that implies that every other person in the room doesn’t find it boring? Again, you have every right to be bored with it, just as others have every right to find it of interest to them. Is there something wrong with that? What would you suggest? A new chatroom rule “Every message must be of interest to every member of the chatroom”? Now just imagine how boring that would be.
“Your point seems to be along the lines of "hey, I don't care if I piss people off - I JUST WANNA GET LAID!" - I'm sure it's no surprise if people aren't too enamoured with that 
If that were the case, people would be quite right to feel none too enamoured.
However it isn’t the case. It’s as simple as this. I don’t want to piss anyone off. I do however want to get laid (for the hundredth time it’s a swingers site!) and I will go into the chat room, place my message and request a private chat with those who are interested. While I’m doing that I will endeavour not to contravene any chat room rules, will certainly not be abusive or discuss any potentially illegal/offensive subjects either publicly or privately. While I’m in there I will respect your right to be bored or uninterested with what I have to say while I hope you will respect my right to be bored or uninterested by what you have to say. Accordingly I will ignore anything that I find doesn’t interest or concern me. In short I will MIND MY OWN BUSINESS WHILE YOU MIND YOURS.
Is that unreasonable Roger?
But it's sad to see someone obviously so eloquent devolve into a ranting 
So, let me get this straight. I have the courtesy to take the time to give a full and carefully considered response to all points raised (the ideal for a debate such as this surely?) while others indulge in name calling and petty personal abuse, yet I am the “ranting idiot”? Interesting reasoning Roger…
Jeezus! 3:30 in the morning. Off to bandage bleeding fingers and then to bed. Nite all! :wink:
Firstly the quote wasn't from Ice. biggrin
Secondly, to quote the chatroom rules:
"The ONLY exception to this rule is that a SysOp (moderator) may PVT any room user without asking first on business related to the safety of the room or the rules."
Get It? Is that clear enough for you Clare?
Or "... are we a little bit lacking in the brains dept??? rolleyes "
Quite correct Roger. It isn't against the rules. Which brings me to my original question, why was I told off and threatened with a ban?
If other members find it an annoyance, might I suggest that the problem lies with them, not me. I see dozens of things going on in the chat room that are of no interest to me whatsoever, for example people asking how's so-and so's mum, things that have been on telly that night and so on (the types of conversation which incidentally ARE warned about in the chat rules - some of you really should read them sometime). It doesn't annoy me in the least - I just skim past and ignore (deep breath) WHAT DOESN'T CONCERN ME. Especially when said messages are not in any way shape or form abusive, threatening, derogatory, illegal or in any way in contravention of the chat room rules. And especially when they AREN'T ADDRESSED TO ME AND THEREFORE NONE OF MY BUSINESS AND OF NO CONCERN TO ME.
Penny dropping anyone?
Is there a point to the sarcasm and the re-printing my messages Steve? Nowhere did I claim that the messages were "...remarkably different..." from each other. If you read my original post I admit quite clearly that I placed similar messages.
Quote, "A few minutes later I placed a similar message (not the exact same one) again asking people to private."
So, like I say, was there a point?
Mister Discreet. As to the allegation of complaints from other users, no one complained when I was in, only the moderator. The comments from other members to me were advice along the lines of "Don't argue with the op mate, you can't win".
You also state:
"Your warning was public (as all warnings are) because the room rules say pvt-ing without asking isn't allowed."
Er, hello??? You really should try to keep up with the debate - it would help. The entire point is that I was NOT privating without asking, that I was going out of my way not to private without asking by asking people to private me. Is that simple enough for you to grasp?
As to "...repeated pastes...", again wrong. Bit obvious from looking at my messages (above) that they were'nt copy and paste jobs, isn't it? Incidentally, try copying and pasting in the chat window and let me know how you get on...
That's three points you've been inaccurate on. Not too reliable a witness are you?
And to underscore what Ice has said, where does it say in the rules that I HAVE to chat in the public window? Is it forbidden for me to ask for a private? Is there a limit to the number of times I can do so? If so can you point me to those particular points in the chat room rules? Perhaps if it's such an issue that someone wants private chats only, you should remove the facility for private chat?
At the end of the day this is supposed to be a swingers site. The chatroom is supposed to be for the purposes of aiding / supplementing / enhancing the swinging experience. So why do so many people seem to have a problem with someone being direct, upfront, unambiguous and cutting through the bullshit and trying to score a little action?
If that's disturbing or annoying to anyone, might I suggest membership of a knitting circle rather than a swingers site?
My points are frecklebird, that two posts do not a troll make and that I broke no chat room rules, yet was publically "scolded" and threatened with a ban.
Read the rules, and the description of the op's duties and tell me, do you find that acceptable behaviour from an op?
Well, the chat room rules say that "The Cafe" is the place to discuss this subject, so here goes with my first post in the forums...
Had a run in with a chat room operator today.
I put a message in the window stating that I was up for a meet and asking people to privately message me. A few minutes later I placed a similar message (not the exact same one) again asking people to private.
The op then leapt in (in the public chat window, not private) and told me that this wasn't an advertising forum it was a chat room and to go to the forums and place an ad.
I pointed out that I was asking for people to PM me and then I would chat with them. She then (again in the public chat window) re-printed my two messages and publically admonished me for "trolling" . I hardly think two (non-identical) messges in the space of a few minutes constitutes trolling. After all people are logging in to the room all the time and will not have seen any earlier messages.
I asked her if the rules forbade the sending unsolicited private messages, then how else was one able to ask to chat / meet with someone? No reply. I then asked her if she was stating that no one was allowed to mention their availability for a meet in the chat room. Again, no reply.
I then checked the rules, came back and pointed out to her that I had not violated any chat room rules. She then pointed out that this wasn't a debate and she would ban me if I didn't shut up. Well she won that argument fair and square didn't she?
I'm not new at this and have been using the rooms on this and other sites for well over a year with no problems whatsoever. I have never encountered anything like this before. I have never violated the rules or posted anything inflamatory, illegal or antagonistic, and have never been reprimanded by an op before. I do not appreciate being publically told off like this when I have done nothing wrong.
I've contacted the site operators to complain about this, but I wondered if anyone else out there has had a similar experience, and what the result was?