Wife and I like to play the "Ann Summers" game of Fantasy for Lovers, when we are meeting new contacts, it helps break the ice, and you can play it as seriously as you want.
Its a game where you can play with all the accoutrements, vibrators, massage oils, cameras and other items, or you can just play it very lightly and "wing it".
The best bit is of course is if you win, then you have the choice of having your fantasy played out.
A friend of ours is a very prolific "squirter", ask a few people who go to Chams!
She gets so turned on she even had an invite to a party withdrawn, because the lady whoes house it was did not want her furnichture to be spoilt, quite understandable but very embarrassing for our friend.
There will be quite a few peeps out there who know who I am talking about, she comes from gods county, Devon.
What you all have to remember is the people who write this stuff, have never proberly had first hand experience of swinging.
A gentle man I was speaking with only three weeks ago, about this subject, was going on about people throwing their car keys into a hat, to partner up, and also said "swingers play spin the bottle"!!! In nearly twenty years of swinging, I have never seen players throwing their keys into a hat, and I havnt played "spin the bottle" since I was at school! If I suggested throwing keys into a hat for my wife to partake, I think she would take great exception, and I would be sleeping on the settee for the next few weeks.
The writers of these programmes, get an idea and then let their imagination run wild, as already mentioned, prostitution, mail order brides, dogging, the list goes on and on.