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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 74
Straight Female, 71
0 miles · Devon


There are two things I would like to see changed in the "chat room", the first is the name of the rooms host after the title, e.g. "Naturists South West"......Boofy., and the second is an automatic blocking of Whispers in all rooms unless the recipiant opens it, and is prepared to answer a whisper!
What do other users think?
Head for Slapton in south Devon, wonderful naturist beach where after about six oclock you can have a lot of adult fun!!!! there is also two or three camp sites near by and one in particular, very free and easy!!!
Any body wanting further details leave a message in my mailbox.
Looking forward to meeting the famous or should that be imfamous Saz and Bob ! ! ! ! !
Hey Vinny is there going to be any kind of dress code for the Plymouth Social??? Taking into account that we will be going on to a club afterwards???
Forgot to ask, are you going to the Plymouth SH social?? Would love to meet you both.
Colin and Roz
Book us both in Vinny all being well we will be there
Colin and Roz
Sorry don't know the couple but having spent last Xmas and New Year in hospital they have my deepest sympathies. Wife and I wish them both all the best and a very speedy recovery.
According to the “rules of engagement” you cannot shoot an unarmed man, the Taliban know this and so when they put a man up on a roof top to “spot” for them, they know he is safe from being shot. So the man stands in full view of the allied forces talking into his handheld radio, giving instructions to other Taliban mortar men who are concealed, and directing their fire. One disgruntled Marine sniper, thought, you can’t shoot the man but what is to stop you shooting the radio he is using, and so this is what he did. At the next opportunity he took aim at the handheld radio and fired. At the “debrief” the officer in charge asked the sniper if he hit the radio, “Oh yes sir” said the sniper, “Dead centre, smashed it to pieces”, as he was leaving the room the officer asked him, “Was the man using the radio at the time?” the sniper thought for a moment, then said “You know Sir, I believe he was”!!!!!!
Since this incident the rules have been amended, forces can now shoot “spotters” as they are part of the mortar team, and therefore classed as combatants.
I read the book about forty years ago, my grandfather had a copy but the first half dozen pages were missing but I remember as a boy I pulled my plonker many times. If anybody gets a chance to see a copy get it they wont be sorry as there is a lot more in it than what was put on TV.
As has been said just take it easy and go with the flow, dont rush anything, dont do anything you dont want too.
Board games are great especialy if you change partners, visiting wife with resident hubbie and vice versa, we find Anne Summers "fantcy for lovers" is a good one as it can be played very sexy or very calm, its up to you.
A few drinks help, but dont get p----- thats a definate NO NO, if you do all that you should have agreat time, hell just meet the couple and enjoy yourselves.
Best of luck.
sorry Jag
I am having humble pie for tea.
Grovel, grovel, grovel.
Just thought, must thank Jag for his explanation of the EU rules and regs regarding this matter, some people have the wierdist hobbies.
Blimey I didnt know what a controversial subject I started when I first posted what I thought was a simple little observation.
May I thank all contributers, it is very interesting to hear their views, and comments.
I went into a shop on Saturday to buy some material and the conversation went something like this:-
Me, I will have three yards of that material.
Assistant, Sorry sir, we only sell it in metres.
Me, Alright , I will have three metres of it.
Ass. yes sir, now do you want the 48inch or the
54inch wide.
me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Further to my post about working for a charity.
I heartily agree with the writer who said certain charities are , or should be unnecerssary, all health charities, Cancer, Alzheimers, MS etc., should be part of the National Health Service, as should be the childrens sociaties, in a welfare state all these should be covered. The only Charities that should not be covered are peoples interests, saving a railway line, preseving a building, saving an old sailing ship!!!or an animal charity, if you are into cats, or dogs or wildlife, then you should support them but as not all people like animals, why should they have to pay out for their support.
One final point, it only happened to me this very morning, I was stopped in the High Street by a student who wanted me to sign up fo some charity in Africa, telling me that 50% of the population were dying, through AIDS and lack of medication, I told her I was very sorry but I believe "charity begins at home" and besides if these African governments could afford tanks, guns, planes etc., and they all have nice little swiss bank accounts, which will support them when they are ousted from power, i.e. Ide Amin for example, then they do not need my money such as it is. The young lady was not impressed with my reply!!! Dear dear!!!
Now it is time I got off my soapbox, and I will let the matter rest.
Boy when this subject came up I couldnt put pen to paper quick enough, or at least fingers to keyboard.
I worked for a national charity for thirty years, so I do know a bit about the game.
When I joined in 1966 we were told four shillings out of every pound went on admin, the rest went direct to the care of our aims.I do not know what the percentage is now, but if anybody wants to know any details of where their money goes write to the Director of the said charity and ask!! If it is a bona fide charity it will supply you with a full auditited account, passed by the Charity commisioners, and auditited by an independant company. They have to do this EVERY year with out fail, which is more than the EU does!!!!!
Yes the charity did employ very knowledgable persons, but they all had to earn their keep, if they didnt come up to scratch they are out!!! The charity gave me a reasonable livlyhood for all those years, but I had to graft for them, in the early years I had half a day off a week and one day off a month, which was not necessarily a Sunday, and I was available 24hours a day, the pay was not all that good as the powers that be said they wanted people for the job and not for the renumeration!!!
I could go on but I wont bore you all but just to say if the charity did not have knowledgable persons at the top they would not last the year out, and if anybody wants to know where their money goes write and ask, and they will tell you, if they dont report them to the Charity Commisioners.
If anybody wants to know more then send me a private pm and I will do my best to answer their query.
Sorry for the spelling mistakes but its late and I am tired!!!!
I didnt get many ideas of uses for your shredder, but I did get some sugestions, and to the person who posted to me a certain sugestion it would be physicly impossible to do what you suggested and would be very painful!!!!!!!!
The wife did see the post and thought it very funny, but when I told her it was meant to be serious she went off in a hough and hasnt spoken to me since, so there is some good come out of it!!!!
Peace at last.
when you have shredded your private papers the paper can be used as pet bedding, give it to anybody who keeps rabbits another use is to take a few strands and place them under the dining table, or behind the TV cupboard, or the settee, then you can check that your wife has vacumed the place properly, you can put a few peices behind the book shelves and know when she has dusted, these are just a couple of ideas, anybody got any better ones?????
I can confirm DD that you are one special lady, and genuine to the eighth degree
Have just heard, Paris Hilton has been ordered back to court to explain why she was released, contrary to official judgment. Just think of the money she will make, telling her storey when she gets out of jail!!!
Also just heard, with reference to a previous post about George Micheal, he has been banned from driving, and must do "Community service" also he must pay a fine! The drugs he had taken were "perscription drugs" so if you kill someone while under the influence of perscription drugs, that is different from killing someone on illegal drugs.
Who says money doesnt talk
Havnt heard about the Pampas grass bit, but have heard about the knickers on the door handle, and it was true, I wonder what happened to Doreen of Doncaster, and did she ever get her knickers back??
The one that springs to mind though is the Colchester barracks episode, where they used to put an "OMO" packet on the windowsill, it meant "Old man out" or so they told me!!
The only comment I can make is to "Kiss" he has brothers and sisters so have I, but why is it I have one brother and five sisters, while my sister has two brothers and four sisters!!!
My beloved was thinking about having hers done, but I persuaded her that it was not necessary, all her boobs needed was just more massaging, so I have saved myself a load of money, and got a job for life!!!
I am not daft!
That incident, reminds me of the time when we were with friends at a naturist club in Kent, when the lady I was dancing with, suddenly twisted round and put me between her and the door, I asked what was wrong, she didnt reply but moved me back to where her hubbie was, and quickly pointed to the door, it turned out her mother and father had just walked in, and there was her and her husband starkers dancing with all the other members, who had no clothes on.
She and her hubbie decided to brazen it out, and went over to her parents and said, "we didnt know you were members", after five minuets we were all talking together all naked and having great fun.
Just a short note to say thanks for all the advice, and to the single guys who have contacted me to offer their services!!!!!
The general consensus of opinion, posted on here and privatly, is to talk! let hubbie know whats going on, at all times and do nothing behind his back.
Thanks again to all who offered advice.
Mrs Boofy
Thanks for all the advice.
We have some serious discussing to do.
Mrs Boofy
For the record I am Boofys wife. We have been married for over sixteen years, and yes we have done some swinging, and had a good time, but now comes a big problem, which I would like some advice on.
Due to my hubbies health problems, he cant rise to the occasion any more, and he has told me to basicaly carry on without him. I am only 45 ish so I am not ready to become a Nun yet, I still have feelings and urges, but should I stop haveing sex because hubbie cant any more, or should I continue to play alone, and make myself feel very guilty because I am having nooky and he isnt!
Has any other ladies had this problem, and how have they delt with it, any advice would be appreciated.
Mrs Boofy
What a topic to pick, but I agree, it depends on the situation at the time, whos involved, what is involved, and the circumstanses.
I have been involved with three deaths personaly, one was a very bad car accident, where a sixteen year lod girl and a twentyfive year old lady was killed after they ran into me!!! It never plays on my mind because it was proved beyond all doubt, that I was the innocent party, thank god!.
But the other one was when i was in Africa, and there was some trouble with the "Simba's", one tried to hit me with a machette, he missed and he was on his knees in front of me, telling me he was a Catholic, and was sorry!!! I shot him through the forehead. Do I feel any remorse, the answer is definatly "NO", he tried to kill me and I got the better of him, I have never lost one hours sleep over this incident since it happened in the late 60's. Would I do it again? It comes down to what I said at the beginning, what, who and the circumstances.!!!!