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Metric or Imperial

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I went into a shop on Saturday to buy some material and the conversation went something like this:-
Me, I will have three yards of that material.
Assistant, Sorry sir, we only sell it in metres.
Me, Alright , I will have three metres of it.
Ass. yes sir, now do you want the 48inch or the
54inch wide.
me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol :lol:
I don`t understand why if we live in a "metric" world, on the motorway the distances are put in yards??.
Quote by boofy
I went into a shop on Saturday to buy some material and the conversation went something like this:-
Me, I will have three yards of that material.
Assistant, Sorry sir, we only sell it in metres.
Me, Alright , I will have three metres of it.
Ass. yes sir, now do you want the 48inch or the
54inch wide.
me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd have had to make a meal of that! What did you say?
Theres a difference??
Shi*...... Just amending the profile bolt
Mike xx
Quote by boofy
I went into a shop on Saturday to buy some material and the conversation went something like this:-
Me, I will have three yards of that material.
Assistant, Sorry sir, we only sell it in metres.
Me, Alright , I will have three metres of it.
Ass. yes sir, now do you want the 48inch or the
54inch wide.
me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont know why we just cant stick to the 'old money' all this 'new fangled' stuff really confussells me rolleyes
Think I need to go back to school and Id really try to be a willing pupil this time around :lol2:
I was tought in metric but still use old measurement terms..
I find it much easier..
I wish people would use centimetres when talking about cock sizes, mine sounds so much bigger in centimetres lol
Quote by fabioplum
I wish people would use centimetres when talking about cock sizes, mine sounds so much bigger in centimetres lol

... but you wouldn't be able to inch it in ... wink
so many crossovers in my trade, trunking for instance comes in 3", 4" etc, but sold in 3m lengths

The EU's deadline of December 31st, 2009 to enforce metric only labels and ban any supplementary indicators (Imperial measurements) on goods after the deadline has been abolished. On May 9th, 2007 the European Commission agreed to allow supplementary indications alongside the statutory metric indications beyond 2009.
The United Kingdom completed its legal transition to SI units in 1995, but a few such units are still in official use: draught beer must still be sold in pints, roadsign distances must be in yards and miles, and speed limits are in miles per hour, therefore interfaces in cars must be capable of displaying miles per hour. Even though the troy pound was outlawed in Great Britain in the Weights and Measures Act of 1878, the troy ounce still may be used for the weight of precious stones and metals. The railways are also a big user of imperial units, with distances officially measured in miles and yards or miles and chains, and also feet and inches, and speeds are in miles per hour, although many modern metro and tram systems are entirely metric, and London Underground uses both metric (for distances) and Imperial (for speeds). Metric is also used for the Channel Tunnel, and also the Channel Tunnel Rail Link high speed line, Adjacent to Ashford International railway station and Dollands Moor International Freight Terminal, speeds are given in both Metric and Imperial units.
The use of SI units is mandated by law for the retail sale of food and other commodities, but most British people still use Imperial units in colloquial discussion of distance (miles) and speed (miles per hour). Milk is available in both litre and pint containers, with appropriate conversions as well. Many people still measure their weight in stones and pounds, and height in feet and inches — but these must be converted to metric if recorded officially, for example on passports. For example petrol is sometimes quoted as being so much per gallon, despite having been sold exclusively in litres for two decades. Likewise, fuel consumption for cars is still usually in miles per gallon, though official figures always include litre per 100 km equivalents. Fahrenheit equivalents are sometimes given after Celsius in weather forecasts, especially for high temperatures (e.g. temperatures will reach as high as 90 degrees tomorrow).
Quote by fabioplum
I wish people would use centimetres when talking about cock sizes, mine sounds so much bigger in centimetres lol

Millimetres are better biggrin
I work with a lot of elderly people. Have now become the equivelent of bi-lingual in using measurements. I can rapidly convert metric to imperial so they know what I am talking about.
However pounds, kilograms, tons and tonnes are a complete mystery to me.
Children have to be taught using metric units, but also how to convert to imperial units (and vice versa). You wouldn't think some had been taught anything when you go into shops and hear some of them talk though - some of them are clueless even to the relationship between metric quantities!
When I was at JUnior school we had a maths teacher who had us learning by rote all the imperial measurements.
Chains, furlongs, leagues everthing and this was 4 years after decimilisation.
I much prefer lbs and oz's to the new fangled measuring way, and to be honest I still use it now. Take for example the other day, I was buying some salmon and asked for 7oz worth, the young lad just gawped at me :shock: he said "will this do its 225g?" lol
I always get confused between metres and inches.
Mmmmmmm? Maybe that's why women have always been disappointed with me?
Blimey I didnt know what a controversial subject I started when I first posted what I thought was a simple little observation.
May I thank all contributers, it is very interesting to hear their views, and comments.
Just thought, must thank Jag for his explanation of the EU rules and regs regarding this matter, some people have the wierdist hobbies.
they still weigh people in stones and pounds.
i work with stones pounds and ounces,
i measure in feet and inches.
i cant convert, i dont want to. glad they didnt bring the euro in.
xx fem xx
Well at school we learnt in mostly metric then i started work in a machining shop i had to learn imperial because the drawings and machines were old and marked in imperial. Then when the CNC machinery started ariving we went to metric as the older dawings had been updated to meric and we also had lots of new work from and for france after becoming a supplier to airbus.
The awkward bit was when we had a metric drawing and made the part on an imperial machine lol
what about;
& points?
Quote by boofy
Just thought, must thank Jag for his explanation of the EU rules and regs regarding this matter, some people have the wierdist hobbies.

I'm the one in the red skimpy frock NOT the bloke underneath!
Quote by Jags
I'm the one in the red skimpy frock NOT the bloke underneath!

thank goodness thats been cleared up at last....there had been talk
Quote by LondonPlaything
thank goodness thats been cleared up at last....there had been talk

Yeh, all talk and no action!
:cry: :cry:
Quote by Jags

thank goodness thats been cleared up at last....there had been talk

Yeh, all talk and no action!
:cry: :cry:
aww jags.... someone surely must have some 's... decilitres... mm's or ...something for you?
sorry Jag
I am having humble pie for tea.
Grovel, grovel, grovel.
I chop n change....
I go by kilograms or stones for weight and feet or cm for height but I don't understand when the hair dresser says 'i'll chop off a few inches' i need told in cm, and I don't understand weight in pounds, oh, and I have never understood farenheit!
Miles per hour- yes
Kilometres per hour- no
yards- no
acre- yes
calories- yes
And I still ask for a quarter pound of sweets in a shop , but I would ask for grams of meat for some reason?!!?!?
So a bit of a mixed bag but surely would be easier if it was all metric!!
m x