I went into a shop on Saturday to buy some material and the conversation went something like this:-
Me, I will have three yards of that material.
Assistant, Sorry sir, we only sell it in metres.
Me, Alright , I will have three metres of it.
Ass. yes sir, now do you want the 48inch or the
54inch wide.
me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was tought in metric but still use old measurement terms..
I find it much easier..
so many crossovers in my trade, trunking for instance comes in 3", 4" etc, but sold in 3m lengths
I work with a lot of elderly people. Have now become the equivelent of bi-lingual in using measurements. I can rapidly convert metric to imperial so they know what I am talking about.
However pounds, kilograms, tons and tonnes are a complete mystery to me.
Children have to be taught using metric units, but also how to convert to imperial units (and vice versa). You wouldn't think some had been taught anything when you go into shops and hear some of them talk though - some of them are clueless even to the relationship between metric quantities!
When I was at JUnior school we had a maths teacher who had us learning by rote all the imperial measurements.
Chains, furlongs, leagues everthing and this was 4 years after decimilisation.
I always get confused between metres and inches.
Mmmmmmm? Maybe that's why women have always been disappointed with me?
Blimey I didnt know what a controversial subject I started when I first posted what I thought was a simple little observation.
May I thank all contributers, it is very interesting to hear their views, and comments.
Just thought, must thank Jag for his explanation of the EU rules and regs regarding this matter, some people have the wierdist hobbies.
they still weigh people in stones and pounds.
i work with stones pounds and ounces,
i measure in feet and inches.
i cant convert, i dont want to. glad they didnt bring the euro in.
xx fem xx
what about;
& points?
sorry Jag
I am having humble pie for tea.
Grovel, grovel, grovel.