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3 weeks ago
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Essex


well i'm in a cheap one too - hotel 4 on the list - as is the very lovely sexy67.
don't know what the balance is between the two sets of drinking people - or whether they will all collide. is it hotel 1 or hotel 3 (this looks like the X factor!)
if we could have a vote - or a joint decision that would help, though is a bit late now
essex - looking forward to meeting you mate, miles from home, but there ya go
boro xx
i'm a bit lost. The wigan lovelies have invited me to the munch (my name's on the list, if you want to check it) but i never received a list of hotels.
I'd love to meet for pre-munch drinks, but don't know where - can someone PM me and let me know
boro xxx
PS hello there Essex34 - looking forward to meeting you mate. Tendring posse in the area.... lol
goodness, here i am, waited till the other side of easter and now i'm stuck in the reserves.
I'd love it if you could squeeze me in Sassy as it'd be lovely to catch up with Manchester people.
i shall cross my fingers and hope my number comes up
take care all
boro xx
(PS am fascinated as to where the venue might be, but just cos i'm scouring my mental map of manchester venues to think where might do)
now that's efficiency - acknowledged in seconds.
why don't people like you work for BT, or the council, or Norweb?
coming up the rear (as ever) i've just discovered that i'll be up in Manchester that weekend. If there is any chance to squeeze me onto the reserve list (or - even better - the real thing) then i'd be terribly grateful.
It'd be nice to catch up with my friends from the north
boro xx
(Note to self: must remember to try to organise social life with more military precision. Kind of ironic for uniform munch!)
tried to get into the beta chatroom - told me i was already logged in.
will look forward when it works
yes, have an absolutely gorgeous one chesty
alll my love
i'm really jealous of you all. I've had some great nights out at Belle Vue dogs when i lived in M'cr - it's great fun to start with, and with all the lovely people going i'm sure it'll be wonderful.
can anyone remind me why i moved to London?
really sorry the evil work trolls wouldn't let me come out with you all...
did it go well?
can i put in a bid for next time already?
Quote by onlyme1981
I consider myself to be on the larger side.
I don't label myself as a BBW - because I'm not beautiful and I don't want to draw attention to the fact that I'm a larger woman.
I'd rather not label myself. Yes I have confidence issues and some of them are partly to do with my weight but I wouldn't like to be labelled in any way whatsoever.
I think if people are happy to use the term BBW then that's up to them - but just because you're big, it doesn't make you beautiful, same as just because you're slim, you're not necessarily beautiful.

i know all i've got to see is your avatar - but it does look gorgeous. i suspect youre doing yourself down more than a bit....
Quote by blonde
Shiree was lovely so was Ricky !!!!
Ricky should have been king !!!!
Carol bleeding Thatcher ????? fgs
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Calm down dear, it's only a TV programme
look at the competition and it makes a little more sense, Sam.... but himnher are right
ho hum
Quote by Tania

Had to search really hard to find a pic that was flattering... wink Enjoy!

i find this hard to believe - them thighs look great to me
Quote by mistress_sassy
Mini - Hikack......................
Did I mention I was a Man City fan? lol

naaah.... i was saying that i am
boro xx
Quote by mistress_sassy
Yes You can, its about 15 mins walk, across form Castlefield, my mates live there now and pay £50 a week - for the whole flat!

You can always trust a City fan.....
blue forever
boro xx
Quote by bluexxx
of course (please feel free to correct me here) it is illegal still.......and still going by the victorian name of "buggery" as mentioned unless new laws have been enacted recently,,,

Anal sex is not illegal unless the recipient is a) under 16 b) says ouch (well, 'no' actually) and then it most definitely is - it then becomes (man per anus or vagina, woman when aiding and abetting man to do so)
So, in the pricay of your bed, pucker up and penetrate!
Blue's Quick Guide to Anal Sex in UK Law
Consenting anal sex between men was decriminalised for males 21 and over in the Sexual Offences Act 1967. However, they forgot that heteros do it too, and thus it remained illegal until a re-vamp of the laws pertaining to sex in 1994. The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 decriminalised anal sex between men and women provided parties were 18 or over. This Act also reduced the gay male age of consent to 18. This Act, though a breakthrough, was somewhat confusing as buggery remained an offence , despite the fact that the definition of was broadened to also include anal . The Sexual Offences Act 2000 reduced the age of consent for gay men and heterosexuals wishing to engage in anal sex to 16, in line with other forms of sexual activity in the UK. However, the old buggery law (now meaningless) was only repealed with the introduction of the Sexual Offences Act 2003. This Act re-defined a number of sexual offences, including to include non consenting oral as well as anal and vaginal penetration, and introduced some new ones, e.g. S2 - assault by penetration ..... read the whole thing here......
I think, though, that heterosexual anal sex is still illegal in Northern Ireland. You always need to check whether laws apply to all of the UK.
Does anyone know a good specialist lawyer?
boro xx
Quote by Blake45
I came from under the :bounce: gooseberry :bounce: bush... :!:
At least that's what my mum told me when I was 4...
Fine... seemed ok for a year or two... then I started wondering rolleyes .
How did I get there... wasnt I cold... we dont have a gooseberry bush... how did they know I was there... confused:
Then I realised... the penny had dropped... off I ran to my big sister in anxt to proclaim proudly..."I know where babies come from, they come out of your belly button"... biggrin
With wich she replied..."oh dont be so stupid , they come out your bum"... :eeek:
Interesting to know where you came from???

Jeeerusaalem.....she cried as he finally exploded drenching her at the moment of her final orgasm.......where did you come from?
Blake was unsure about whether she wanted to know about his prowess or the fact he came from Manchester but was now living in Lancashire
And did those feet in ancient times...
Quote by JudyTV
and it only cost me £45 a week.

When was that, 1950 ??
July 2004, actually
Whattttttttttt?????????..... Well you certainly wouldn't get it for that now
A 2 bed flat in the city centre will cost anything from £150 per week to £200 per week as of November 2005 plus Coucil tax, plus city centre parking both extra on top of the rent. This is certainly the case in postcode M1. However, the further out you go the cheaper ( in some areas ) it gets.

You would from the council. I did. If you don't believe me ask Mistress_Sassy.
you can live walking distance from Canal Street (god knows i did it enough) and spend that extra money having a good time...
Quote by mistress_sassy
I grew up in Moss Side and still had family links there till my mum died 18mths ago, and to be honest yes at times itw as bad, but in reality it is much better these days, there is a lot less gang violence and a far better sense of commmunity than there used to be!
Ps - I know the Claremont very well, was my family's local when I was growing up!

Yeah - Moss Side is generally fine - avoid Longsight like the plague (has it got any better yet Sassy?) And Salford has some properly rough bits - particularly Ordsall and Little Hulton (birthplace of Shaun Ryder - say no more)
boro xx
Quote by Tania

they show some available on (or salford city council ) - but there are others available. Many people here will advise you about areas.
boro xxx

Great link (still viewing first one and trying to figure out if I would qualify). Thank you so much.
yes you will qualify. the only qualification you need is that you want a house/flat. Oh, and like i said -the properties on the website are only a fraction of those they actually have.
i got a council flat and i was a young single man in employment
I guess you're not living council in London - otherwise you could do a swap - that's how i ended up down here in SE London
Quote by maidenfair
well, what can i say this post has gone back and forth! and by the time i've written all i wish to say it may have changed again!
i am a size16/18 yet i cycle appox 100miles most wks although bad weather will put an end to that soon and i will miss my ride! i don't see myself as being bbw.......i am me, but if being a size 16 is bbw then that's what i am! :boo:
kniphofia........can i come to the party, they sound fun with a capital S! lol but as i don't drive i may need a ride there!
name calling! tell me about it! i had it for 8 yr. coz i choose to have a life with my daughter (if i had meet a nice man who knows biggrin ) and for that i got called a snob
life is what it is.......and she is with her angels
for the last 3 yr. as i am now a single woman on own, i am called a bitch, fat cow, slut, etc..........coz i wont go to be with every man that asks! this hurts alot but it comes mostly from young men and married men
i have a lovely local! as you can guess i wish to change my local!
i will have fun with any man with which we like and respect each other but my local's have not worked this out yet! :lol:
women tend to look at each others hair, shoes and clothes and i don't mind most of these comments coz i can always say something back if i wish!
i know i am long winded so soz!
what i am saying is ...... you are the person inside and fuck what anybody else thinks! the only person who you have to keep happy is yourself and let others love you for you if they don't then who are they (if you can make sinse of this you are doing better than me)!

Well you sound absolutely gorgeous to me... and i'd like to think i have good taste.
I want to get invited to the party that goes with this thread. i could die and go to swinging heaven... lol
Quote by Happy Cats
Alternatively, you could try

another cracking bit of ignorable advice from miserablemoggy
Quote by Johnno1973
I dont hang about with anyone,
I was living in a place called Moss side which you probably have never heard of.
Dont move there.

Yeah i lived in moss side for a bit - the nicer end. I had a friend who had a ground floor flat on the Alex Park estate. He was robbed by someone pointing a gun at him through his bedroom window.
don't live on the ground floor in the Alex park
I was the landlord of the Claremont pub for nearly 6 years.
not surprised you got shot at. AM surprised you're still in one bit.
brave man - respect!
boro xx
Quote by girlyspur
Wow it does sound great..I think I may move up there biggrin

go, go now
you won't be sorry
Quote by Johnno1973
I dont hang about with anyone,
I was living in a place called Moss side which you probably have never heard of.
Dont move there.

Yeah i lived in moss side for a bit - the nicer end. I had a friend who had a ground floor flat on the Alex Park estate. He was robbed by someone pointing a gun at him through his bedroom window.
don't live on the ground floor in the Alex park
Quote by Phoenix
and it only cost me £45 a week.

When was that, 1950 ??
July 2004, actually
Quote by Tania
I am not working at the moment as I have a baby daughter to care for so no issues with leaving work. But I was told once that Manchester was a good place to find work (one agency was trying to find good staff to send over as they had a surplus of demand and a shortage of supply up there).
I can't buy a house, not even a garage. I would be renting.
Students everywhere? Hmm must keep some distance for the sake of my ears (I hear students play music loud) and my chastity (fast approaching 40 which is the age most young men lust after - it's proven!) LOL
Thanks for all the info everyone. You are brilliant!

Tania -
I don't know where you're living at the moment (i've moved to London from Manchester - and would thoroughly advise you to go the other way) but my advice is GO!
Manchester has everything you could hope for in a city and is just a much much nicer place to be than London. You can also get some great affordable flats from the Council - i had one for years and was very happy - just make sure you're looking in the right place.
they show some available on (or salford city council ) - but there are others available. Many people here will advise you about areas.
My friends have never found problems finding work, and the city is reasonably affordable.
Again, i'd thoroughly recommend the areas in the south of the city (proper) - Withington, Chorlton Didsbury are reasonably nice - as the areas in the North and East of the city (Harpurhey, Moston, Charlestown) are less nice and just a bit harder to get to. Think of south Manchester like north London - and East manchester like the east end.
If you want me to give you any other thoughts - please just pm me. i'm more than happy to spend ages chatting to you about how lovely manchester is and used to be involved with the media in the city, so have a pretty good knowledge of what's what.
And if you ever get back in to the meeting people/ swinging thing - i've discovered (since i've been in london) that if you look around this site - or in the chat room - that it's all happening in the North West, particuarly Manchester.
good luck with your travels - and do get in touch
boro xxx
Quote by devondelight
So if I wanted a nice 2 bedroomed flat in the city centre to buy what would I be looking at cost wise .. the rent seems a lot so are the flats expensive to buy as well

Actually DD - I used to have a great large 2 bed flat right in the city centre (walking distance to shops/ canal st etc) and it only cost me £45 a week. It was a in a council tower block on a nice estate and was very safe - and you don't need to be a one-legged daily mail reader to get a council flat. I just wish i was there now (i've gone the other way - down to London).
And if you don't believe me ask Mistress Sassy - she used to live round the corner in the same place
Quote by jason1974
yeah, it does seem like the northerners are more active on this site. as a northerner who has moved south, i feel like i'm missing out!
where are all the londoners??

I know the feeling jason - gutted that i didn't find this place before i left Manchester. Still we have to see what London has to offer