i saw this too - page 9 of the Sun. Very very amusing
The most important thing is confidence - if someone feels good about themselves then that rubs off and you feel better about them.
But it's got to be real confidence - not just cocky front. A sort of 'im comfortable with me and i like me' sort of thing.
chop up fresh ginger and mix that in with your honey and lemon.
really does the trick - I know, i've just had one
good luck with your search Janey - i spent enough time in devon to know the searching is that little harder.... and i'm not sure i'll be down there over Christmas with my folks
I've wandered past Tower Hill station a number of times while people have been hanging around for the 'jack the ripper' tour and similar tours.
They look like they're having lots of fun - hope you enjoy this Helen
If i hang around here, will some of Jim's charisma rub off on me.
Or failing that, will i find some blatant sex
I do hope so
For you, Chardonnay, I'm always open to offers, provided the evil work trolls let me out for the evening
Well on a good day i'm the suffolk side of Colchester.... the middle is somewhere further south, i guess
God i miss Manchester. Why did i never get round to the fun when i lived up there.
It's just not so much fun down here... a touch of the 'grim down south' i think
Guess you'll be meeting up somewhere in the middle - might be a way away for the north essex types
i'm with the 'wait and see' brigade on this one - sarah, bloke, Prevert, Mr&Mrs Beds - it might be good, it might be crap.
But they know it's the people that make this site - so they're not going to do too much too quickly. Lose the people and they've lost their investment.
And if it all goes wrong - there's a whole wide internet world out there - i'm sure we'll all find each other somewhere else if we have to.
it might not seem like it now, but we have the power, not them
take care all xx
Well i must say your pic looks fantastic Amalthea. I must make the effort to pass by Bristol when i get the chance - sooner rather than later