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3 weeks ago
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Essex


Just to say thank you all for such a great night - a splendid time was had as ever.
Special thanks to NWC for all the hard organising work - your reward will be in heaven! And thanks again to Philstar for the music - sorry for the dodgy requests, it must be my age!
And thanks to all the lovely people who chatted - roll on the next one!
Boro xx
Quote by Tan--Kinky
am really really really sorry but
am still coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

That's a shame because I am too innocent:bounce::bounce:
Both of you. Stillcoming!
Honestly, some people, once you get them started....
Very slow to add my thanks.... but thank you for a wonderful evening HnS and everybody who made it such a great evening for me.
Special mention for Harry - the trip was most definitely worth it. Cheers!
bring on the next one!
Quote by earthchild
ooh could i be considered please i would love to come xxx

I'm just wondered at which stage I can start considering you ;)
Goodness... I blinked and missed this. I really must pay more attention.
Please NWC, would you be able to squeeze me in, if I ask nicely? (maybe this time!)
always nice to see you pop up NWC - even when adding your voice to some long-standing advice
hope you have a fabulous New Year and hope to see you soon
If there's any chance of me getting an invite I'd be really delighted
Really looking forward to this now. I shall look out for the Premier crowd! (oh, and you too Mrs NWC boink
not sure if this is the right place, but I'm going to be up early wink and wondered if people are having drinks beforehand.
put me right if there's a separate thread/ PM about this!
Quote by earthchild
my goodness - how come I've blinked and missed this.
sorry to be very VERY late - but any chance you can squeeze a small one in!
NWC - we've missed you. Hugely!

makes me even more gutted i cant go :sad:
me too :sad: :sad:
my goodness - how come I've blinked and missed this.
sorry to be very VERY late - but any chance you can squeeze a small one in!
NWC - we've missed you. Hugely!
i know I am SO SO late with this, but I couldn't risk saying a big thank you to NWC for a great night, to Phillstar for great music and to everybody for being such fun.
Was lovely to meet new friends.... and old (I can't believe we've only just met Cloony!) and can't wait until the next one.
see you all again soon
could you add me to the list please. If it's good enough for Harry....
Room for a small one?
Can you put me and the ever-lovely Sexy67 on to your list please?
can i just reconfirm for myself - and for the sexy67 who is computer-free at the mo.
ooh all this confirming, it's like going on an aeroplane!
NWC - here i am, always coming up the rear as ever
can you confirm for me and the ever-lovely sexy67, if you haven't done already.
looking forward to popping up your way again
If i ask really nicely, would you be able to squeeze me in.... your do's are always the best
b xx
can you add me to the list too. I'd love to make it third time lucky!
boro xx
Sheer - is there any chance you can add another one to the list.
many thanks
Tulip -
Can i be added to the list too - though i'll need to double check when i get my on call dates for feb.
looking forward to it
boro xx
oh tulip, tulip, tulip
why do you have to organise drinks on my doorstep for the weekend that i'm away in Wales?
have a great night and hope to catch ya soon
boro xx
can i just make entirely sure that the lovely Sexy 67 and myself are confirmed for this. Really looking forward to seeing you and having a great do
boro xxx
Quote by sexy67
I may be so presumptious for the sexy Borough Boy. He's driving just now but reasonably confident he's want to be amongst the first to respond!

isn't it lovely to have someone to handle your affairs for you?
i can confirm i'd really love to come. Is there a theme this time. I enjoyed playing doctors and nurses last time.
Thanks NWC for sorting this out. i may be excited already!
take care all
boro xxxxxxxxxx
Quote by varca
kiss biggrin desinagro teg retteb d'I thguoht I :D ?esealp tsil letoh a evah I yaM
:kiss:!!uoy knahT

i'm obviously going to have to lay off the drink. My eyesight has gone completely to pot.
if only i'd listened to what they told me at school ....
but i thought old-fashioned charm appealed to you Varca!
boro xxx
If i ask really nicely, can you squeeze me on to the reserve list please.... it's just i'm rediscovering my taste for the north west. I blame the delight of the Wigan munch
thank you kindly... and hope to see you soon
boro xx
...and i fell into the trap of posting my thank you in the wrong place too
NWC, the pair of you are not only stars, but very lovely people too. Thank you for working like trojans to make a fantastic do and a very warm welcome to someone who's all a bit new to this. Gingerjo& Lee made great glamorous assistants and deserve a round of applause
Philstar n Choozy - great music, thank you for indulging and advising me, and for taking the time to chat in between the tunes. Again the pair of you were great people as well as doing a brilliant job.
I shall return the 'big up' to Essex34m - great to meet you after so long. And of course the best place to meet someone from down the road in Essex is in the North West (mind you the best place to do most things is the North West)
Sexy 67 - thank you for being a naughty nurse to my surgeon, and indeed the Olivia Newton John to my John Travolta I plead guilty to dancing and ask for several other offences to be taken into account.
Thanks to the other surgeons and nurses who joined us in the NHS corner. I think we almost had a full operating theatre team, and nice to chat on the way.
Sassy - you have a deserved reputation as a star. thanks hun.
And thank you to all the many other people who took the time to chat. Age, alcohol and brain failure mean that i won't remember everyone's names, but nice to meet up.
Can't wait for the next one - put me down and hope to see you folks again in the flesh soon
boro xxxxx
I can give a very strong recommendation here indeed
Get the MSI Starcam 370i - i got my (two) from Morgan Computers for about £19 a throw
Brilliant cam, very sharp picture, good picture in low light, has lights on the front to light you up
even has a microphone built in, if you're into that kind of thing.
Having messed around with a number of cams, there really is nothing to beat this - and it's bargain priced too!
on a dull day i could give you a demonstration, if interested
boro xx
thank you thank you thank you for a lovely evening and for making a couple of newbies feel most welcome.
NWC - you're both stars, without all your efforts we wouldn't have been anywhere really
And thanks to the Phil for some great music.
... is it too early to put my name down for December already?
boro xxxxx