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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 57


mad this site usede to be so easy n now you cant even chat whats goin on?
hi everyone,
just like to say a big thankyou to sarah, what a great night.
it was lovely to meet everyone and we carnt wait for the next one.
Got to go back to bed now my head hurts lol
love Candyfloss and funkytoe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
eerm angelchat i never said, i was convinced it was me, just said a suspicion, and it wasnt a
go at ice pie, would never presume i was everyones topic of right its very
sad that someonelse is going through what i'm going through and whoever it is i wish them happiness and a speedy recovery.
As you said you have had your say on this matter, and as i remember you had a lot to say it would be nice of you to let others gain whatever small bit of healing they can from opening up their hearts, as you must of done, instead of presuming that we're all doing it for the attention as some obviously have done.
candyfloss xxxx
hello there everyone,
I have a sneaky suspicion, that the post in debate was mine.
I know it was removed because of the name and shame element, and in retrospect
thats probably fair.
I will start by pointing out that the post was the ramblings of a very hurt lady fueled
by half a bottle of vodka.I just wanted to hurt back.
I met the person concerned on here 9 months ago when I was a happy single having fun
and going with the chatted,and eventually met, we had a lovely time, and decided to meet was this is the turning point of things, It was him
not me that said, he wanted something more and he felt it only honest to tell me.
ok so far so good, we chatted, for hours about it and decided thats what we both wanted, we layed down our rules, the end result being we had 7 wonderful months together.
One of the first things I said to him was that honesty was everything to me,and that if
he ever changed his mind, or found he'd made a mistake, then though i'd be hurt, I made
him promise that he'd tell me,and not let me make a fool of myself.
Unfortunately, he couldnt be honest, and he cheated, so now not only am i left with a broken heart but the betrayal to.
Let me just add that this isnt a bad man we're talking about, in fact quite the opposite a wonderful man, who's only mistake was that he should have told me and not let me find out.
Swinging is a wonderful way to meet likeminded people and means so many different things to everyone of us.I wasnt looking for love it just crept up on me.
I always wondered how people could air their dirty washing (so to speak) on here, I think its because of the friendships and loving community that is swinging heaven.
Anyway, I will be ok,and I'll move on, wont be swinging for a while, but i'll b about.
Honesty, guys and gals, the only thing you need, remember that.
Love and happiness to everyone
candyfloss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
me thinks mr ice pie is not keen on us northerners and has now "pissed on his chips"
Peter Kaye had it right:
"Peas? sorry dont do peas"
"Gravy? sorry dont do gravy"
Curry sauce? No dont do curry sauce"
"ffs as the're nowt moist"
candyfloss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ooooo yes i have to agree!
paul weller- You do something to me and also Thinking of you
Air supply- All out of love always has me thinking
Ronan Keating- When the world was mine
Rod Stewart- If we fall in love tonight very special to me for a very special person.
blimey could go on forever!
soppy lot arnt we lol
candyfloss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Forgive me for saying "age not that old chestnut"
I've never quite worked out what age has to to with anything.I've met guys that are younger than me and guys that are older than me but their age never had any bearing
on why I met we meet people because we are attracted to them in some
way, wether it be physical or you just "click" through conversation.
Maybe i'm just lucky in that all the guys i've met younger and older have all been great,
and isnt that one of the reasons why we "swing" variety? and they do say that "variety is the spice of life"
Anyway as my "other half" is older than me and a wonderful lover and friend,
"older guys (love em or hate em) " I for one love em
candyfloss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
why so glum and depressing everyone? Surely if you have friends you should be rejoicing in that fact, wether it be RL or SH.
Of course some people you think are friends are going to let you down thats life, but personally i never expect anything from my friends wether they be long term friends or
those that are friends for a short while, I'm there for my friends because i want to be
not because of what they can do for friends carnt be there for you sometimes
due to a crisis of their own doesnt make them any less a friend.
Can you tell if someone is going to be a friend before they are one ? of course not lol
Can you tell if someone wants to be your friend because they want to get in your knickers? of course you can
Can you tell if someone is going to be your friend always and forever? nope, people change, people move on
but the main thing to remember is, good friends, wether they be past or present short or long term add to you life.
One last thing, for those lucky enough to have an extra special friend they will leave a footprint on your heart forever.
love candyfloss xxxxxxxxxxxx
ps I know i dont post very often (understatement) lol but glad I did.
hi there,
what more can be said, had a really great time,thankyou naughtywigancple.
What a lovely bunch of sexy people lovely to meet you all and look forward to the next time.
candyfloss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
oi whats going on party in stockport and nobody tells me i'll b able to stagger home lol
If there's any room left i'd love to come
candyfloss + m friend
hi sexysteph, we would love to come to the valentines munch, please put us on the list, oh and can we have the hotel details too thankyou
oh and just thought bowlimg mmmmmm playing with big balls yummy
love candyfloss and hornybear xxxxxxx
Awwwwwwwww neil hunny so sad sad Just one thing who have ya been kissing? lmao
would love to come to the munch always had a great time at previous ones so put my name down please
candyfloss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i'm posting on here cause dont know where else to put it .
I arranged a meet the other day it was a very rushed kind of thing not usually my i carnt make it and idiot that i am have no way of contacting the person concerned. so all i can think of doing is apologising in here i'm really very sorry for ur wasted trip and i feel really bad for letting u down.
I have learnt another valuable lesson
candyfloss xxxxxxxxx
hi everyone ,as you may have noticed I am not a regular contributer to the forum,though i do frequent the chatroom, and read this article and respones with interest.
I have to agree with the members who argue that its the so called adults and not the kids that are the problem.
I have been on the recieving end of quite a bit of backstabbing nasty bitchiness from the so called mature and genuine swingers mostly i may add when i'm not in the room to defend myself.
Though i will agree that the kids can be a pain their task is made easier by the adults who rise to them and and a "hello how u doing "usually stops them in their tracks.
Its not the kids that damage the site and make the genuine people want to leave but the childish behavour of a few sad so called adults that do the serious damage.
candyfloss xxxxx
would love another NW munch the last one was great please put my name down smile