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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 55


Quote by well_busty_babe
born in england 1979,
considered one of the most attractive women in the world.
famous mainly in the uk.

Are you WBB?
I did recently meet Mr "Palmolive Liquid Moisturising Soap with Shea Butter".
For anyone who has not used the product its got an over active squiter - the stuff that comes out is quite thick and creamy put you only have to touch it slightly and it shoots right out past you and into the sink.
I always thought the Ods and Mops were folk who had been bad in a previous life.
I'd be quite interested in coming to the Munch. Can you add me to the list pleaee BWM.
Quote by davej
Yep thats the answer....look behing a dead Elephants ear :smug:

The bloody weird thing is that I've misplaced all my elephants ears as well. Very odd.
And my boss came in and took my pencil. I had to stab myself with the letter opener and write with my own blood all afternoon. T
NB. I do not have any lumps in my knickers Sarge.
Quote by stevenlucy
i have to go to the dentist on fri to have me tooth out sad am shitting me self)

Well I posted on Swining Heaven and I can really reccommend shitting yourself as a completely painfree way of extracting a tooth. At least I assume it is as I'm not sure if I've actully shit my tooth out or not. lol redface :lol:
Quote by gruntypig
celticq..... what do blunt builders use pencils for ? smile

I think they are traditionally use them to stab gruntypigs with lol :lol: :lol:
Yes hair is the best place to keep a pen. Sometimes I have 2 or 3 in there (and quite often a letter opener). But not today.
I've found a 1/2 chewed and blunt builders pencil and used a pair of scissors to scrape off enough wood to scratch out some vague scribblings.
Excellent reminder post Vix and thanks for the cyber ribbon
Only took me 3 attempts to get it working redface
Where the fuck is my pen?
I had it 1/2 an hour ago.
I've not left my desk
Nobody had come in
Its not on the floor
Or in amongst the very large pile of to do things
I'm going beetroot in rage. Aaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think its nice to do something different for Crimbo - free range duck, goose or turkey are nice. I've done a 3 bird roast or 3 fillet roasts before but I've nver managed to get upto those 10 bird jobbies that Hugh FW and co get upto.
I'm not working this year which is great and its going to make a change to be cooking for 6 instead of 60.
I'm thinking of having Partridges stuffed with Pears. Unusual but not too challenging for those who like something simple. All done the day before and quite quick to cook compared to a big bird.
I almost always have in my head and burst into it at any available opportunity.
However after hearing a recent redition of Banana Phone from Ice Pie it brought this back to me. I think its been posted here but so spookly true to life
I see no reason why I should suffer alone. :twisted:
And the other little things look like they could be Scorpians?
Have we had Elbow yet?
Well done Alex - gonna get me in big trouble at work this morning!!
Is the date or calender explained yet?
Hurray - I've had an nice PM and think I will be attempting the skating thing after all.
I've held off booking my tickets as I've hurt my back and didn't think I'd upto it. However doped up with pain killers and thought I'd give it a go.
I just decided to book and :cry: :cry: :cry: they have sold out :cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm still going to come along for moral support - and if anyone has a ticket that they decide they don't want I'd be happy to buy it from them
Quote by davej
Age issues,colour issues.......anymore issues you'd like to mention? wink

He say one and one and one is three
Got to be good-looking ’cause he’s so hard to see
Come together, right now, over me.
Maybe not much of an SH anthem but I'd certainly pick the Beatles for my personal theme song!
Thanks to the organisers and to the members who helped me out at the last minute. Most apprecitated. It was a top night. Felt a bit like the meeting of the clans (with the people from The other place.
Great pub - friendly folk (marvelous time keeping!)
Hi I'm definatetly going to join you guys.
Need to decide next week if I'm going to fit enough to venture onto the ice but be there to lend support the others if not.
Quote by HarryJones
Great pics on this thread well done all.
I often drive past one of those National Lottery signs which said "PLAY HERE" on it and I'm just plucking up the courage to take some pics next to it.

Thanks and go on you know you want to do it wink If you want some help, I'd be willing to come and assist and I might be able to get some decent photos for myself.
Harry Jones
Decent photos are all very well but I was hoping for some more indecent photos. :twisted:
Great pics on this thread well done all.
I often drive past one of those National Lottery signs which said "PLAY HERE" on it and I'm just plucking up the courage to take some pics next to it.
End of an era for sure :cry:
Fuck can't begin to tell the things I've learnt from SH ~ and its not all swings and roundabouts.
Just want to wish Mark and his familiy all good things.
Since I haven't posted here for ages I feel kinda spooky that I logged on today.
Top bloke built a top site - would be great to see you sneak back in to post.
Definately one of the good guys
HI all
I've exressed an interest in coming to this a few pages ago but then never came back to confirm that I was going.
I hope I'm not too late to say that I'd really like to meet up with every one and if you could let me know where you are meeting I'd be willing to express my eternal gratitude!!!
ANGEL is my all time favourite. I have little glass stars in all sizes all over the place.
Had a great meet with someone from SH and there opening comment on meeting me was Ah Angel!! lol
Had to stop wearing Poison as I was becoming desensitised and spraying more and more so that while it smelt like a gentle erotic waft of Dior to me - other people were collapsing and wretching as I passed.
CQ - Slightly Stinky
Hello - SH Eroticettes. I've decided to go along to Erotica this year - but my mate who was going to hold my hand is now not going. :shock: Would love to hook up with some freindly faces.
I was going to go along but when discussing a friend last night he warned me that they tend to be the Fetish Fashionistas. ie not overy friendly if your face or fetish gear doesn't fit.
I might pop along for a a bit of shopping though.