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Over 90 days ago


mowlem men are big and strong
mowlem men are never wrong
mowlem men are sexy and cute
All except you you ugly brute lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
you know who you are !!!!!!!!!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :thumbup:
welcome to the forum !!!!!!!!!!
hi guys looking to try out a club for the first time with partner any one recomend one thats not to heavy and may be local north west area, a few tips on does and donts would be good as well
ive been around the site for about 18mnths now and yes there is sarcasim and lively banter that goes on ive only been posting for about a month or so but ive come accross nothing but good natured friendley helpfull people ive been looking through the forums for ages and never once thought bad of any post or reply, from what i can see the mods are here to help and always do, there also here to look after the site and weed out the posts that are rude or in bad taste or blatently break the rules, im looking forward to the baptism of fire (will there be wax......o yer) ha ha lol :cry: :cry: :lol: :lol: havent had it yet but looking forward to it when it comes........ just be gentle with me because i scare easily.... :scared:
hi all
i got a problem,,,, i love my job and the people i work with, few weeks ago a manager left and has approached me to go to work with him at a new company the moneys better the jobs has shorter hours there are more holidays and it a more senior post,
why havent i gone yet thats what your thinking well here are the reasons
i dont realy like the guy had a few rows with him, i realy realy love what im doing and who i do it for and with, when i told the company i am with they offered me more money and told me the next promotion is mine,
except now they tell me ive got to wait for a guy to leave (he's been there 15yrs) and i carnt have the pay rise till he goes.....
the job offer with the new compay still stands
over to you guys ....... should i stay or should i go ?????
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
any couples or bi fems in corfu 29th August to 12th sept want to meet up for some soft swing for more details forgot to say were a couple
talking about piercings had mine done bout 10 yrs ago liked the girl who did it so much that i went back and had it done again looks a bit strange with two bars in though, dont have them in much now (except on special occasions) had mine both done within days of each other, was only painfull for about a week or so rolleyes :roll:
great letter had exactly same problems my self when they gave my number and line to a new customer thought the wife was having an affair when i called home and some guy answered after 3 weeks of sh@"!t i took them to court for breach of contract they didnt even turn up so i got a judgement against them when i checked them out they had 116 judgements against them they didnt pay so i sent the bailifs in ( pissed my self laughing when the bailif turned up with a cheque) biggrin :shock: :shock: :D :D
met a girl once who had been seeing my brother, carnt remember how the conversation got there but she asked if i had a name for mine, i said no but couldnt help but ask why she told me that she had to finish with him coz he insisted on her calling his "herman monster" still havent found out why he calls it herman monster.......
mines called winky, and hers is bacon butty !!!!!!!!!!! redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
Hi all
we realy didnt expect so many positive replies, we've talked about the differance in peoples reations before and its sometimes amusing seeing the diffrence, for instance if were out walking in town the strange looks we get are so funny to us, yes when were both dressed up going clubbing the looks turn into smiles winks, and whistles, ( dont think there whistling at me sad ) the age doesnt matter to us were happy our familys are happy for us and so are our friends, what prompted me to post was the lack of responces once people found out our ages, but this could have been answered as i suppose it could be diffecult if couples had daughters of a simalar age, , i think that we have both also realised that there is more to SH than placing adds for other couples i've / we have never looked beyond the front pages of the site and i've been around here for about 18mths. The past few days after joining the forum have opened our eyes to the COMMUNITY thats inside the site, thanks to every one for making us welcome, posting positive replies, and showing that age doesnt matter,
To any one who would be interested in a club / group for couples with A G partners if there is interest lets see what we could do to arrange something ( although i dont think it would be right to exclude non A G couples) any one interested please feel free to PM me
Steve ' n ' Eve :inlove:
hi guys
its nice to no that there are poeple out there with possitive opinions, we have been together for nearly 2 yrs and lookforward every day to the next, maybe theres a need for all us "age gappers" to get together and form a self help group of our own lol lol.
i suppose at first sight it seemed that we were the only "strange" couple here but it seems that to define strange becomes very difficult, as were only strange to the people who dont no us or dont approve, every individual is entitled to there own views and choice of lifestyle, live and let live,
thanx for the warm welcome to swingers forum biggrin :D :D :D :D smile :) :)
steve " n " eve
hi all
this is a first post :scared: from a newbie so if i get it wrong please be gentle with me,
we have been looking for a couple for some time to either join us or for us to join to have some soft swinging fun, problem is as soon as the other couple find out were not just an ordinary run of the mill couple all goes quiet, (im 39 and my partner is 19) so we thought we would give it a go on the forum to see if there were any similar couples out there who would maybe like to meet up socially and see were it goes from there, we are from ellesmere port area , and can travel / accomodate, we prefare to meet up socially first as were fairly new to the swinging scene and feel more at ease this way wink