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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 46
0 miles · Bristol


Quote by natandh
Hi hunni kiss
My best mate has a lodger but he was fortunate that he was a mate of his beforehand so he knew him. All I can suggest is make the house rules on your terms and make sure they accept them before they move in. It's your home after all.
By the way, I'm all packed so could I have a south facing room with an adjoining door to yours please? :twisted: :rose:

Having the key cut as I type biggrin
I knew this was the right place to come to for advice!
I was wondering about security, bonds and references that kind of thing. Is it best to have a writen contract, go through an adgent or advertise privately?
thanks for the help guys, appreciate it!
You'd be best off seeing a solicitor before you go too far. Definitely get references if you don't personally know a prospective lodger but you really do need to set up a proper tenancy agreement. Although it's not cheap to do that it isn't a huge amount and it certainly saves a lot of time, money and hassle if things go pear shaped. The alternative is to go through a property agent but to be honest they're more interested in letting houses rather than rooms. They make more money that way.
Good luck with whatever you do but please please please be careful. I know plenty of people who've been stung letting out a room to help out with the bills.
"Every time I warn couples to beware of swinging I get letters from people saying how great it's been for them"
Well, well. What a surprise. Almost as "astonishing" as this new book, I'm sure. I don't know why they call it the "News of the World". Do they ever put any "News" in that rag? Thank goodness most of the population buy real newspapers. :doh:
It's on their website.

Apparantly most swingers are perfectly normal people who even have things like jobs and cars, according to an astonishing new book.
I had no idea...... rolleyes
Quote by devondelight
Cola cubes and Pineapple chunks too mmmmmmmm

Pineapple Chunks. Yum Yum. biggrin
Blackberries and Raspberries too but I'm sure you can still get those somewhere.
I hated those bloddy Parma Violet things though!
Hi Andy,
Welcome and have fun. I'm pretty new myself but nobody bites here.
Not unless you ask them really nicely...... biggrin
That sounds really painful. Ouch.
I once dislocated my wrist quite badly when my hand was in a particularly warm and wet place. It was very embarrasing trying to explain how I did it at the hospital redface
Hi Sam!
Thanks, not just for saying hi and welcome but also for remembering what day it is tomorrow. I don't want to repeat what's been said in other threads because there's no need to, as it's been said so well, but now I really do know that this is a great community to be a part of. You really are all stars! wave
Quote by davej
There really is no need to eat it and it is perfectly possible to dilute it with about 20 parts warm water whence it makes a very acceptable replacement for creosote, so please, preserve your fences and sheds and help support a very old industry.

No concentrated creosote on my toast thanks very much!
Into Room 101 it goes. I think marmite is a very nasty social experiment by the Government to see what effect it has on us in fifty years time. It's probably slowly poisoning those who eat it.... :shock:
Quote by HarryJones

Erm .. forgive me for being fik but .... - ... is this a northern weekend cause 8 days is a week down south mate dunno :dunno: :dunno:

The long weekend (70's) is from Friday 11th to Monday 14th, but my parents will already be here when I get back and they sleep on the sofa bed which is eighteen inches away from my pc in my lounge, so I will be away from posting till when they leave which might not be until the 19th.
I'm waiting to hear from a certain lady (not from this site) but I might find myself belting south out of Somerset down the M5 and A38 either Saturday or Sunday morning for a hug, can anyone advise me on the roadworks / dual carriageway/ estimated time driving at a steady 70mph from Brean Sands to Plymouth, and is Plymouth like Cambridge to drive around (ie give up and cycle/walk, its quicker)?
Thanks everyone.
Harry Jones
M5 going South at the weekend? You have got to be joking lol
Seriously though, it took me just over two hours from Bristol to Exeter last weekend. Roadworks are not too bad at the moment but the traffic is still fairly heavy. Stick to the speed limit around Weston though or something will arrive on your doormat mad
Have a good time!
This is definitely the place to be. I just joined up too and although I found it all a bit confusing at first, it's great fun. SH rocks! lol