I own up to being a "Mac Boi". I rarely use a PC so I don't know if what follows also applies to a PC.
My mac has NEVER crashed. Occasionally a programme freezes, but it does so without freezing the other programmes I am running. I am able to force the one programme to quit and carry on with the rest unharmed.
I don't know if this is the case with PCs, but I do hear a lot of complaints about PCs crashing and having to be rebooted.
I've never had a virus issue.
I was able to set it up straight out of the box without having to spend hours reading instructions and loading programmes. I automatically receive regular updates from Apple so it is always up to date, and they know exactly where they have to be on my mac and find theirown way there. It's all just so intuitive. It just works.
Yes I work in Design so for me there really is no other option, but I'm also able to run MS Office with no problems and work with PC colleagues seamlessly.
Oh, and Macs are just so damn sexshy <in a Sean Connery voice>